Thursday, July 30, 2020

George Soros Opens His Coffers, Doubles Political Campaign Spend

George Soros Opens His Coffers, Doubles Political Campaign Spend:

Liberal billionaire George Soros has donated more than $50 million to various Democratic campaigns and political action committees during the 2020 election cycle, breaking his previous record by tens of millions, according to Federal Election Commission filings. What are the details? The whopping sum of money more than doubles Soros’ previous record high of $22 million, which came in 2016 — and there are still more than three months to go until this year’s Election Day.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that Soros has poured the majority of the money into Democratic coffers through his Democracy PAC, which he created last year. FEC filings show that last quarter, the Democracy PAC logged nearly $17 million in disbursements, bringing its total disbursements this election cycle to $48 million. The Free Beacon reported that Soros has personally doled out another $4 million to Democratic campaigns and committees without going through the PAC, making Soros’ total donations approximately $52 million.

The outlet noted that Soros’ huge donations fly in the face of what several of his benefactors, including former Vice President Joe Biden, have to say about big money in politics. On his website , the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee says “we could improve our politics overnight if we flushed big money from the system and had public financing of our election,” and “democracy works best when a big bank account or a large donor list are not prerequisites for office.”

His website also promises that, as president, Biden “will reform our campaign finance system so that it amplifies the voices of the public, not the powerful — particularly the voices of working Americans.

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“Anything else? Earlier this year, while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros said that the “fate of the world” is at stake in the 2020 election. During the speech, he said President Trump “is a con man and a narcissist, who wants the world to revolve around him.” He also said Trump is an “authoritarian” who is “willing to sacrifice the national interests for his personal interests.”

The Free Beacon reported that “some of [Soros’s] largest donations went to the Nancy Pelosi-linked House Majority PAC ($2 million), Chuck Schumer-tied Senate Majority PAC ($1.5 million), Planned Parenthood Votes ($625,000), and the dark money group Sixteen Thirty Fund ($1 million).”

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SHRM EGDE 2020 Virtual Conclave Culminates Successfully

SHRM EGDE 2020 Virtual Conclave Culminates Successfully:

Asia’s largest gathering of HR thought leaders held virtually for the first time ever

Industry leaders and HR thought leaders deliberate on all things talent

Discussion were focused on Talent acquisition, management, well-being and development

Brought together 4000+participants across all sectors

New Delhi ; SHRMEDGE 2020, the virtual conclave hosted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), concluded successfully today. The Oneof-a-kind virtual conference with superspecialized conclaves had a global flavor with attendees as well as speakers from across APAC and the world. A series of deliberations and moderated sessions were held on germane issues affecting businesses and people across the world. Driving a culture of innovation, adapting to the new normal and ensuring a safe a secure work environment are some of the key points of discussion at the conclave.The two day virtual conference and exposition brought together 4000+participants, including mid & senior level HR professionals and corporate leaders from organizations across all sectors.

Day one of the conference was focused on Talent Acquisition and Talent Management. In the opening key note session: The Talent Imperative In The New Normal, Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. SHRM SCP, President & CEO, SHRM  and Ajay Banga, CEO, Mastercard, discussed the key imperatives that create value in an organization by attracting and retaining the best talent. They also shared reflections from their personal and organisational journey on how we need to adjust talent strategies that would be key to meet the shifting paradigms of the new normal.

Throughout the day one speakers delivered deep insightson the topics based on Employee experience, talent management, and talent acquisition etc. in multiple vibrant keynote and concurrent sessions.Leadership Foundational Skills: The future of Employability and online education; How your employer brand needs to respond to the new normal?; Inclusive Workplace Culture: Leading And Sustaining A Culture Transformation; SPECIAL TALK: Reimagining Talent Management For The Future; When Disaster Strikes: Adapting Your Workforce…Fast; Reimagining Employee Rewards And The Value Of Work; Effectively Managing Tech Workers: A New Imperative In The Digital Age were some of the exciting sessions at the conference.

Day two of the conference began with an engaging keynote session “Thriving Minds: Driving a Culture of Innovation by Design” by T.V. Mohan Das Pai, Chairman Manipal Global Education, followed by an engaging conversation with Emily M. Dickens, Corporate secretary and Chief of Staff, SHRM. Mr. Sunil Kant Munjal, Chairman, Hero Enterprises delivered another key note address on Building Champions and Heroes of your workplace!

Diversity of talent in the new normal,Wellness beyond COVID era – Back to the basics, The Dichotomy of Hi-Tech and Hi-touch learning, Future of learning – SHIFT to the new normal were some of the other exciting sessions at the conference on day two. Eminent speakers and panelists spoke extensively on the topics based on Employee experience, Talent well-being, Talent development and best practices. A series of concurrent sessions were also held to address pertinent issues and to forge a way forward through discussions.

In a special feature, YanushBatra, Student of Ancient Indian Scriptures and Bharatnatyam dancer engaged participants with a modern take on the many learnings contained in the ancient scriptures. That the wisdom and teaching of the ancient texts can be perceived as universal laws rather than religious teachings due totheir ability to stay prevalent through the course of history. This talk delves on the holistic approach the philosophical idea that is well-being, physical, emotional, spiritual.

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Ms. Achal Khanna, CEO, SHRM India and Business Head- APAC & MENA, said, “The series of engaging keynote sessions and panel discussions throughout the conclave have been truly enriching and timely, I am sure participants walked away with significantinsights on talking current challenges and be prepared for the future. This year we have to move the entire conclave online and this has been a learning experience for us. We are delighted with the overwhelming response and we are hopeful that this conclave has been a positive learning experience for all of the participants as it has been for us”.

The event came to an end with a scintillating conversation between Sadhguru and Johnny C. Taylor Jr. on Sadhguru’s unique take of “Human is not a Resource

About SHRM

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR professional society, representing 3,02 000 members in more than 165 countries.

For nearly seven decades, the Society has been the leading provider of resources serving the needs of HR professionals and advancing the practice of human resource management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in India and United Arab Emirates. – See more..

SHRM-India serves the needs of HR practitioners by facilitating exchange of knowledge resources & practices, enabling professional development, and enhanced opportunities for engagement & networking within the Global & Indian HR communities.

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Sanskrit Teaching’s New Tryst With Destiny

Sanskrit Teaching’s New Tryst With Destiny:

Sanskrit learning has attracted people from around the world in recent times. Historically Sanskrit used to be taught through the traditional ‘gurukula sampradaya’ where Sanskrit itself was the medium of teaching as well as for communication among the students.

In the ‘modern’ education system it was replaced by the technique of learning by translation, with emphasis on grammar from the very beginning. It resulted in creating a notion that Sanskrit is merely a language of mantras and traditions as opposed to one of daily conversational usage

During the 1980’s a few young Sanskrit graduates from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati (now National Sanskrit Universityfelt that efforts must be taken to make Sanskrit once more a spoken language and not merely a language of mantras. “Talk in Samskritam, not just about Samskritam” was their guiding principle.

The primary idea was that Sanskrit should be taught through Sanskrit itself and not through translations. With the united effort of these youngsters, a 10 day Sanskrit workshop was designed where each day,  2 hour sessions are conducted without translations. The method followed was the natural way of learning- just like one learns his or her mother tongue.

Initial days saw a bit of struggle to find takers, and then innovative ways of spreading the effort came up. Two volunteers would ride on a public bus. One would go to the back seat and other in the front seat, and both of them would start talking loudly in fluent Sanskrit. Curious passengers who were able to understand most of the conversation, would ask the volunteers about how they learned to speak in Sanskrit and they will be invited to the next workshop.

The movement slowly started to spread under the aegis of various organisations across India. Eventually Samskrita Bharati was formally established in 1994.  Currently, Samskrita Bharati has its headquarters in New Delhi and has a presence in 4812 locations, 610 districts of India and in 20 other countries. Volunteers come from various backgrounds including students, professionals, agriculturists, traders, doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, University vice-chancellors and more.

The whole work is anchored by about 114 full-time volunteers dedicated to the cause of spreading Sanskrit as a language of daily use. SamskritaBharati has conducted 1,40,000 sambhashana shibirams(10 day workshops), published over 300 books, conducted correspondence courses, online classes , ‘samvaadasaalaa’ , baalakendram for small children, classes on Bhagavad Gita, youth workshops, teachers training camp and so on.

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In the Covid-19 pandemic situation and subsequent lockdown, the organisation took some time to adapt to the digital, online class mode, but eventually got into the groove. Various online workshops and follow up classes are now ongoing around the globe.

What may be an epitome of its online efforts to date, is a course named “Subhashitam Samskritam” which Samskrita Bharati is conducting in association with IIT Roorkee (IITR) Sanskrit club. 14000+ registered, of which nearly 1350 are below 18yrs or age, and nearly 8400 from the 18-40 age group. Many even “complained” that they got to know about the event only after the July-4th registration deadline, had they known in time, they would have registered

The first level of the course started on 5th of July with daily one hour sessions (named as lectures) live streamed on youtube for 12 days. It was supported by daily exercises, audio quizzes, revision videos and interactive sessions – all online. Course-1 focused on basic conversations with no ‘rigour’ of grammar and encourages people to speak in Sanskrit without worrying about “errors”

To the credit of a handful of young and dynamic Sanskrit club volunteers at IIT Roorkee and with key support from the institute, the online classes and supplementary material are public and nicely arranged as playlists in youtube . Though only registrants can take exams, organisers hope that the teaching material can continue to be available as open to all, to the extent possible. That seems to have worked wonders, for  lecture-1 of Course-1 has already crossed 40,000 views on youtube

Sanskrit Course 1
A screengrab from the entertainment programs during online Valedictory function of Course-1

Being free and online classes, not necessarily everyone from the 14000+ registered may be regular, and so based on online exams conducted on July 21 and 22, around 5108 who successfully completed Course-1 and are now registered for Course-2 . Organisers are now exploring ways to give more practice to the enthusiastic members through channels like Telegram discussion group, which already has more than 4000 members.

An online poll conducted among the Telegram members showed that nearly 42% of them learned Sanskrit for the first time using the IITR-Samskrita Bharati Course-1 and most of them were now able to speak in Sanskrit. Even among the 58% who had learned Sanskrit before, most were previously not able able to speak in Sanskrit but after Course-1 they are able to

The Shraavana Pournami day (also rakshabandhan) is celebrated as ‘Samskritadinam’ and this year it falls on 3rd of August. As IITR Sanskrit club-Samskrita Bharati efforts move on to its Course-2, there is immense satisfaction that they were able to pull through a well managed and hugely popular Course-1, and there are also some “lessons learned” and “new ideas” for future implementation. At higher levels of the course, sustaining the interest as well as ensuring that emphasis on conversing in Sanskrit continues, will be challenges to look for.

If the enthusiasm shown for this course is to be taken as a trend, Sanskrit learning may now be at the threshold of undergoing a revolution. The widespread use of internet facilities in the field of education proves to be an opportunity for dissemination of knowledge regardless of geographical boundaries. Time alone can say whether the opportunity will be well used.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

WJWF Offers INR 5 Lakhs Each To Young Lawyers Reeling Under Pandemic

WJWF Offers INR 5 Lakhs Each To Young Lawyers Reeling Under Pandemic:

At a time when every section of the society has been affected by Corona pandemic, the lawyers too are bearing the brunt of it.

Dr. Kislay Panday, an eminent lawyer at the supreme court of India said “young lawyers are the torch bearers of Indian judicial system and responsible for upholding the democracy in the Country but right now they are in distress as Corona Pandemic has robbed them of their livelihood”. Dr. Kislay was speaking at a function held at Feroz Shah Road, New Delhi to felicitate the young lawyers who have joined the profession this year. A Financial assistance of Rs. 5 lakhs each was announced for 12 young lawyers.

World Jurist Welfare Foundation (WJWF) headed by Dr Kislay Panday is providing this financial assistance to twelve practicing lawyers who had suffered due to Corona Pandemic. Dr. Kislay Panday also announced 12 scholarships for bright law students from across the country. Eminent lawyer Gyanendra Prasad Mishra, solicitor Supreme Court of India, Mr. Varun Vats, solicitor Delhi High court and Mr. Bhandu DevPanday of Allahabad High court were present at the function

Dr. Panday had earlier launched the Foundation a year back to help the lawyers and law students who are unable to grasp the reality of the courtroom. “Indeed, there is a vast difference between the atmosphere in the classroom and the courtroom. In the courtroom, a small mistake can ruin your career. Besides, there are protocols and etiquettes to learn and familiarize with. Unfortunately, young lawyers coming from small towns and villages do not have the exposure and are bowled over. The grooming of young lawyers is very important and that is what we do at World Jurist Welfare Foundation” Dr. Kislay Panday said while addressing the young lawyers and law students.

Mr. Gyanendra Prasad Mishra lauded the efforts of Dr KislayPandayand said that due to Corona Pandemic many lawyers are facing hardships and need immediate help which the Foundation is providing.

This initiative is meant for young and upcoming lawyers as well as the lawyers who are going through the lean patch. “Many lawyers are unable to make a decent living when they start their practice just because things are not right for them, we help them financially as well as provide them whatever it takes to establishing them as a lawyer”, says Dr. Kislay Panday.

It nurtures the young law students and prepares them for the challenges they face in the Indian judicial system. This facility is run by World Jurist Welfare Foundation and managed by the honorary members of the Foundation who are eminent lawyers in the country.

Mr. Sanjay Mishra Advocate Allahabad received the “most promising lawyer of 2020” while receiving the award he said that an award like this goes a long way in boosting the morale of a young professional.

Mr. Bhanu DevPanday hailed the efforts of Dr. Kislay Panday saying that he has walked the talk and his actions are helping many young lawyers to withstand the tough times.

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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Minutes from Makkah – The Hajj Of Yesteryears Vs Hajj 2020

Minutes from Makkah – The Hajj Of Yesteryears Vs Hajj 2020:

The vast lands of Arafat, the circumambulation around Kaaba, the humongous swarms of humanity at Rami Jamrat, the long, very long queues outside the washrooms at the tent city Mina!

The list of memorable moments from our last year’s Hajj is endless.

No one in his wildest of the nightmares had dreamed Hajj 2020, would be so contrastingly different.

Can’t imagine Arafat Mina, Kaaba without those swarms of humanity.

Nay, impossible.

Unfortunately no one has an idea about when the Hajj as we  know it , would be back on the track or if there are more surprises waiting for us?

We did our Hajj last year.

How can anyone describe this most amazing and  lifetime of an experience?

Makkah, Mina, Muzdalifah, Arafat, Jamarat ! Just these names thrill me no end.

Walking around Jamrat at a snail’s pace and looking around at the crowds reminds you of the last day of judgement. The toughest part, during hajj is Rami Jamraat, Stoning the devil, metaphorically and literally, as you are on the cusp of finishing your hajj, doing tawaf e idhafa and Saee. You realize the definition of True Tough while walking to, inside and outside of Jamrat. Does Allah want to tell us through this hardship, how difficult it is to stone the devil that has made dwelling in our heart. 

The Annual Hajj
The Hajj of Yesteryears

Mina is an experience that teaches you how to live in a commune in a big tent with hundred others jostling for space, kind of basic fundamental lessons in patience;   of surviving in trying circumstances. It also teaches you a lesson in mutual dependence; you just can’t afford to be isolated, compelling you to be humble and human.

Pilgrims are not supposed to complain about the problems faced during the holy hajj as these are the difficulties the pilgrim faces in the way of the Creator. But when the problem is man-made, and is within the realm of being rectified, then things need to get corrected. This once in a lifetime much awaited experience and for which we spend a fortune can surely be made comparatively more comfortable.

Arafat had huge rains this year and everyone was ecstatic; a sign of divine acceptance, they said. Hope it ‘s true.

Some tents were mostly washed out and leaked nonstop, but some luxury ones were not so fortunate.

Providing each pilgrim with basic minimum comfort plus facilities, irrespective of his region or wealth; yes, Arafat the place for our final judgement, deserves that.

Remember that historic message of equality of all human beings, ending discrimination of every kind, was sent from here, by the last Prophet Muhommad PBUH?

The number of people you see around is dizzying to say the least. Swarms of people are marching towards their destination quite animatedly and the excitement is infectious. These multitudes can make a fascinating study in some unique respects.

The African crowds are prominent, you can see them in their colorful robes chanting Talbiya loudly, black women with their long big skirts are unmissable. The Iranians are remarkable in their loose long sleeved shirts, pants and a long chador with a hood thrown over the heads. The next crowd that catches your eye is from Malaysia/ Indonesia. Menwomen dressed in similar prints marching together without ever breaking the line.

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A cute observation was about the Couple Bonding. To be safe in the crowds, to not get strayed, to not separate from your partner/group, people need to hold hands. The couples in our parts of the world by tradition shy away from saying anything beautiful, leave alone holding hands. It is amusingly pleasant to see young or old couples going hand in hand, men leading normally and women following, trying to keep pace. Not leaving hands guarantees safety. Smiling laughing chatty couples made the ambience more lively.

Like fishes take to water a haji must take to walking. The 11th of Zil Hajj became a testing time for us when we walked over 24 kms on that single day. Sometimes it felt harsh but soon got evaporated into pleasant Hajj Memories, promised to last a life time. The vastness of Mina contrasts perfectly with the cushions (a 6 by 2 feet mattress) where you spend those five crucial days, the majestic calmness of Arafat, the serene beauty of sleeping under the stars in Muzdalifah,  the morning saga of moving towards Mina again and then stoning the devil, not to mention tawaf e idhafah and sa’ee amidst the hajj crowd, all exhaust you to an extent, where you think about nothing but sleep.  All your thoughts revolve around getting a full siesta so you can replenish for the next stage. The cycle of tiredness, siesta, keeps repeating.

While doing the Tawaf feet went heavy but the pace had to be kept up, like one were put into a machine, we had to trot nonstop, the circumambulation around the  House of Allah, at its centre has deep significance. Is Allah telling us  how we should be running the circles of life?

Our life circles revolving around Him. Tawaf or circumambulation, to me implies the kind of worship where one loses oneself in His worship entirely.

While doing Tawaf , your strength is sapped, your exhaustion knows no limits, your feet give up, limbs cry hoarse, yet there is some mysterious force that, ‘ drives ‘ you on;  keeps you moving, on the go. Sooner a moment comes when you stop feeling it; the exertion and the effort. You go on and on and you want to go on, want to keep moving without a tinge of realization of the fatigue dripping from your entire being. At such rare moments you taste the fruit of worship. You know you are exhausted to your core, you know you just can’t take another single step further….yet there is some inner power that pushes you keeps you on the move.

Hajj if I dare describe in a word is ‘bewildering’

Bewildering, testing, confusing, yet calming, reassuring soothing at the end giving you an experience which cannot be replicated.

That is it.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Confronting The ‘Dreaded Corona’ – An Ordeal, First-hand

Confronting The ‘Dreaded Corona’ – An Ordeal, First-hand:

While we moved into the 4th month of the lockdown, our society gates closed for outsiders and our home open only for ourselves, the Corona Virus had made a silent entry into our home.

The chosen one was my husband. So here he was, going out within the surrounding areas, with due precautions for purchase of essential supplies. During one of those days, when the weather was making its mind whether to be sunny or rainy, he developed low grade fever, which started at  just about 99.5 degrees F.

How It All Began

Contrary to the most common symptoms of Covid 19 viz a viz sore throat, cold, cough, tiredness, lack of taste and lack of smell, upset stomach, the only symptom that he had initially was mild fever which gradually started fluctuating between 99.5 deg F to 100.5 deg F. Since the fever persisted for more than 5 days,  thenext step was to get a CBC test, a complete profile test of the blood. A day of waiting and the results showed that there was a  bacterial infection and also urine infection. And all this while, the trouble maker virus was getting more comfortable in the body. It had shown its presence in the form of an increased level of CRP (35 as against a normal level of 6) which somehow wasn’t taken seriously by the general physician treating my husband as the Spo2 levels were at 96/97 (and mind you there was  second opinion sought too). For the uninitiated, SPO2 Level is the oxygen saturation level that can be monitored by a small device that has to be placed on your index finger and just like a BP / Blood Sugar monitor, this shows the result within a few seconds. The ideal saturation level is  between95 to 100 .

So now the efforts began to deal with the infection  in the body while the most popular virus of 2020 continued to take up more space in the body. Since there were newer anitbiotics that were introduced, there was persistent fever and it hardly went beyond 100.5 degrees temperature. To add on, as mentioned earlier, there were absolutely no other symptoms; it seemed like just an extended viral fever.

The Realisation

However, once the dosage of the antibiotics were over, the virus finally showed its existence in the form of high fever in the range of 102 and 103 plus that lasted through the night refusing to go down even with the help of a paracetamol. By then, obviously the warning bells had begun to ring. A third physician was called and briefed about the reports and the medications and she was almost certain of it being Covid.

Finally, we headed for a personal visit to the our regular Doctor and  aCovidswab test was recommended. A chest Xray was done immediately, alongwith a blood test again. The Covid test too was done, at a Government certified lab, by taking a nasal swab and a throat swab. It just took a minute to get that done, the results of which would take around 24-72 hrs. The Chest Xray confirmed some patches in the lungs.

Confronting Dreaded Corona

Considering that the results of a Covid swab test would take time , a CT scan of the lungs was recommended so as to measure the extent of the virus. The CT scan tests revealed that the situation was a bit alarming and could get worse. There were several patches on the lungs, which indicated a classic case of Covid. To top it, his SPO2 levels (checked with the help of an oxymeter) was fluctuating between 94 and 95. This was confirmed to us by our physician during our personal visit (while we were under the impression that anything above 90 is good enough). In effect, this meant that he needed to be hospitalized.

Course Of Action

I must add here, that for the past few years, I have turned into an eternal optimist, who swears by the Law of attraction and yet I too didn’t want to give into this option of hospitalization. The only reason being he would be in isolation and none of us would be around. Two things; one our inability to monitor anything that is related to him in those crucial days and two, our lack of trust. The next 2 hours were spent in trying to avoid the hospitalization. I got in touch with a relative working at a senior role in a private hospital. She suggested that I get in touch with a doctor from their Covid Team who would assist the patient with Home Quarantine do’s and don’ts and also help in monitoring his progress for a nominal fee.

Not Salvation But Return To Serving Suffering Humanity

So at 2300 hrs at night, I was on a call with this doctor who happily guided me on what we needed to do. He asked my husband to do a 6 minute walk test and check his SPO2 levels at the start, mid and end of the walk and to revert to him with the result. But since the SPO2 level dropped to 91 at the end of the walk, combined with the many patches on his chest, this doctor too suggested a hospitalization. Next day, this relative could arrange a bed for us and there we were getting him admitted to the hospital.

After about 3 hours, he was finally admitted and placed at a suspect Corona ward. Next day morning, he got calls from the local municipal ward about the results of the Covid test done and inquiring for details of other family members. In the next 30 mins, the report was sent on email which as expected was positive.

The hospital staff shifted him from suspect Corona ward to Corona isolation ward, which was a twin sharing room. He was administered with Steriods (IV form)  AntiVirals, Blood thinner injections, at times Insulin ( as sugar levels would spike because of steroids), Vitamins and Zinc capsules. A spirometer was given for inhaling which would assist in improving the lung function. Blood tests were carried out daily in early morning schedule . They also administered Nasal Oxygen as the SPO2 levels were at 93/94. All instructions were followed especially the most important one which was to lie on the prone position i.e lie on the stomach or on sides BUT NOT to lie on the back. Prone position would get more oxygen to lungs which would improve breathing and oxygen levels.  Normal breathing exercise – Pranayam was also a factor which helped healing.

Dreaded Corona - First hand Ordeal

After 3 days, the Nasal Oxygen was taken out as the blood samples were all coming back to normal. By the 5th day, they asked him to take the 3-6 min walk test and measured the Spo2 levels which was at 97/98 and he was all set to be discharged . They asked him to be in precautionary isolation for 8 more days . Steroids were given in oral tablet form which were to be tapered down over the next 10-12 days along with Vitamin C and Zinc tabs. All through this during the stint in the hospital, he was able to stay in touch with the family through phone and video calls. He was mobile and attending to his needs independently.


It was a battle fought and won because of early detection, taking preventive measures and ensuring that the virus was not allowed to replicate and cause further damage. It’s not only the Corona virus that damages, there are bacteria, parasites and other elements which arise because of Corona and all of which needs to be attacked at the same time inside our body. Yes, it also depends on how healthy a person is and if he or she has any co morbidities which If present would further cause complications. But even in such cases, early detection helps in fighting this battle successfully. Also, not all patients who test positive need hospitalization. It depends on various factors like fever, SPO2, other co morbidities and so on.

Though of late, the word POSITIVE has become a fearful word….BUT if one is tested positive, what matters most is being POSITIVE in mind  and reassuring yourself that it’s just another virus and that you will come out successfully. Although being anxious is understandable, being in a state of panic is avoidable. The support of family and friends is what helps you maintain your peace of mind, even in times of such anxiety. I was pleasantly surprised when acquaintances on Social media, who are actually strangers lent their pieces of advice and support to me during this period.

It was also extremely heartening that the neighbours and the society members (including the security and housekeeping staff)  were ever willing to help us and provided all necessary support for us during our home quarantine period (2 weeks).

However, it was a bit disappointing to see that the  insensitivity of the Municipal Corporation. This pertains to the banner that they put up outside our home, as a notice to the others  that we have a Covid patient in our house. The banner was a huge one, covering ¾ of my door and  maybe a bit depressing and some may find it demeaning to see something like this put up outside the door which kind of ostracizes the family. It could simply be a small board or a poster  placed at a wall near the door rather than something that covers the entire entrance of the house.

Nevertheless, during such a Pandemic, such slips may be unavoidable and to give due credit to them, from a situation where they used to seal the entire building, now they seal only the house (provided the building has elevators ). They too  are learning as well on how to handle this pandemic

Last but not the least, to all the Covid warriors out there be it  the Doctors, Nurses, staff at the hospitals, the police and other state machinery who are risking their lives daily to ensure all safety norms, the various volunteers and  NGO’s – A BIG THANK YOU for all your efforts . May we all stay healthy and happy.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

1 Crore Health Insurance Plan – Should You Buy It Or Not?

1 Crore Health Insurance Plan – Should You Buy It Or Not?:

As the world is adjusting to a new normal after the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease, health has become the main focus for everyone. Many people are now considering health insurance as a safety net for the future. Given the fact that healthcare in India is expensive, it is advisable to go for a plan that offers a high sum insured. Many health insurance companies are now offering specific Rs 1 crore health insurance policies.

Owing to medical inflation, the costs of surgeries and treatment of chronic diseases would become expensive in the days to come. It implies that your existing health insurance policy could become inadequate to cover your major medical expenses. Therefore, buying health insurance for Rs 1 Crore is a decision worth taking.

In this article, we shall explain more about the need to buy a health cover of Rs 1 Crore.

Medical Inflation and the Burden of Rising Health Risks

The burden of diseases in India is on the rise. As per a recent report published on lifestyle diseases by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the number of deaths due to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) has risen from 37.09% in 1990 to 61.8% in 2016. Most of the city dwellers lead a fast-paced lifestyle and find themselves becoming prone to various illnesses. The reasons are many. Some of them include poor eating habits, sedentary routine, sleep problems, etc. Thus, more and more people are getting affected by medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

Additionally, environmental factors and family medical history continue to contribute to the growing cases of such diseases. Not only this, there are also chronic ailments such as cancer that have caused financial difficulties for many families, owing to the expensive medical care involved. The data published by the National Health Profile, 2019, shows that the cases of common cancers such as oral, cervical and breast cancer, diagnosed at state-run NCD clinics, have seen a massive increase of over 300% between 2017 and 2018.

Furthermore, a family that plans to avail of quality medical care at a private hospital in India is also required to think about the exorbitant costs involved. Maternity expenses and surgeries for diseases like heart ailments can cost lakhs of rupees.

Ideally, a medical insurance policy should provide comprehensive cover for your medical expenses so that your dependence on savings is at a minimum.If we keep these points in mind, we realise why a Rs 1 crore health insurance policy is the best financial cushion, considering the rise in healthcare costs in the future.

Ideal for Those with High Health Risks

Having a health cover with a sum insured of Rs 1 crore is highly beneficial as most of your healthcare expenses would be covered, thereby reducing the burden on your savings. Also, it is an ideal investment for saving tax as well. For the Rs 1 crore health insurance premium that you would pay to your insurer, you can claim tax deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

IBC Suspension May Hurt Debt Restructuring Process

For people who are young, say in the age bracket of 35 to 40 years, this policy may not be as beneficial as for individuals who face high health risks. However, one should note that the premium costs for such plans would increase as a person ages. The cost of the Rs 1 crore health insurance premium will be based on several factors including age, medical conditions, family medical history, and lifestyle. So, it is better to opt for this health policy early.

Benefits of Buying Health Insurance for Rs 1 Crore

We list some of the benefits of buying Health Insurance for Rs 1 Crore:

  • Maximum coverage for your medical expenses
  • Cashless treatment at network hospitals
  • No claim bonus to increase your coverage
  • Income tax deduction on premium

Some of the Best Health Insurance Plans for Rs 1 Crore

  • Care Advantage by Religare Health Insurance with sum insured of Rs 1 Crore in less than Rs 1,000 per month
  • Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy by Star Health Insurance with sum insured up to Rs 1 Crore
  • Active Assure Diamond Health Insurance by Aditya Birla Health Insurancewith sum insured up to Rs 2 Crore
  • 1 Cr.Super Saver by Max Bupa Health Insurance with sum insured of Rs 1 Crore
  • Smart Super Health Insurance Plan (Uber) by Bharti AXA Health Insurance with sum insured up to Rs 1 Crore

The post 1 Crore Health Insurance Plan – Should You Buy It Or Not? appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Are You Writing Your First Novel? Here Are 5 Tips That Can Help

Are You Writing Your First Novel? Here Are 5 Tips That Can Help:

There is no one method or formula to write the best novel. It is a time-consuming process and highly subjective in nature, and there is a high chance that you may encounter a fair share of obstacles along the way.

It does not matter whether you are writing a fictional book or a classic autobiography, first-time novel writers can have a hard time pulling it through and sometimes even getting started. But fret not, it is quite common to get lost along the way and always remember that most writing problems are so simple that they can be easily fixed.

Starting Your First Novel With The Best Tips

Tips To First Novel Writing

Write The First Draft With a Deadline

Before starting work on writing a novel, you need to have an idea about what you are going to write. Even then, it is tough for most writers to start writing the first page of their book. But what’s more important to remember here is that you need to put down something on the page, and it can be edited later.

You will be surprised to know how many writers come up with a very rough draft of their novel at first. The process of writing is different for each one of them. What helps them get through with the draft in the first place, is a schedule or a goal, such as one where you write a definite number of words on a given day.

Often, they take the help of a novel writing softwarewhich helps them plan their writing streak and keeps track of their plot. Yet others prefer to rely on their mind map to organize and plan the flow of their book. Either way, a regular writing habit will go a long way in keeping you on track with your first novel.

Write Something You Would Like To Read

On your journey to drafting your very first book, you are likely to hit many roadblocks. It might even put you in doubt about the idea of your book and the characters which you have been plotting. Thus, it is essential to write about something that you would like to read yourself.

First Novel Writing Tips

You need to put some thought into the characters you create and how you spin your story. If you consider your readers while writing your novel, you will feel the twists and flaws that they would like to read about.

Some of the incredible ideas to explore here are to design a compelling problem for your character and make your plot believable. Most writers casually examine the zenith for creative writing, but it’s not worthy of penning down something that isn’t believable.

Make Use Of The Right Tools

Conventional writing platforms might not be optimum for writers who are penning their novels for the first time. Do you know that professional writers make use of a dedicated writing platform to start their book? Since such platforms are designed exclusively for writers, they find it hassle-free to use and use them regularly.

Selection of one of the best novel writing softwarecan help you write your book with relative ease. The idea behind this tip is to ensure that your effort results in a productive, efficient, and reliable output. But apart from this, make sure that you are also at a comfortable location during the times when you are writing your book.

Most writers claim to have a favorite spot where they settle down in peace to write their book.

Commit To Rewrite And Take Feedback

Once you complete the first draft, it is time to settle down and start editing it. Always manifest the power of editing before beginning the process because it can bridge the difference between an average and a great book. Take this opportunity to strengthen your story or point of view and shuffle between plots.

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Do not be afraid to rewrite sections of your book or make changes to your characters. Editing can be frustrating at times because you may feel that you are undoing your effort from writing the first draft of the book. But it’s all about committing to the action, and you will find yourself getting along with it in no time.

At the same time, it is crucial to obtain feedback from others about your story. One of the best places to do this is to join a writer’s group. This might also be an excellent chance for you to check your book for facts and have a professional go through the draft to catch errors.

Take a Creative Break And Do Not Give Up

You need to understand that writing is a creative process and depends a lot on your state of mind at times. It is easy for any human to get influenced by emotions and surroundings. When this happens with a writer, they are likely to face a mental block in writing or editing their book.

The best way around this is to access some other hobbies or ideas that help relax your creative instincts and prepare you to carry on with your novel without facing any mental blocks. Be prepared to re-energize yourself to make the most of your writing attempt.

Most importantly, you need to arm your mind with the truth that, at times, you may feel like quitting and giving up on the idea. However, that is not what you should allow yourself to succumb to. As long as you adhere to deadlines and prepare regular schedules, you will not come under pressure with your first novel.

In Conclusion

Writing your first novel can be a significant milestone to achieve. For obvious reasons, every writer wants to give it their best shot and bring a successful output with their effort. These tips can certainly help them bag the opportunity and outshine their limitations.

Once you are ready, you will be able to publish your book and also market it across different channels to achieve the right readership. Writing your first novel is an exciting avenue and has the potential to drive your name up in the publishing space.

The post Are You Writing Your First Novel? Here Are 5 Tips That Can Help appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Thursday, July 16, 2020

India Has A Strong Case – Dealing With The Dragon

India Has A Strong Case – Dealing With The Dragon:

It sounds cliché to blame the British Raj for our present domestic and international problems. Unfortunately thanks to the British legacy, we are still grappling with the problems left by them. The present Indo-china dispute can be attributed to the British Raj, though it is difficult to say if they did it unknowingly or on purpose; to keep things contentious so that people squabbled with them even after their departure.

The present Indo China border dispute is indeed the making of the British. They defeated the Sikhs in 1845 and chose to govern the Kashmir &Ladakh by their proxy Dogra king, Gulab Singh. While they demarcated their boundaries on the western and southern sides, they left the eastern border with China un-demarcated. It was to be later demarcated by their appointed commissioners. This would be the area of Aksai Chin where both former colonies of the British would be staking their claims years after they left.

After defeating the Sikhs in the last Anglo Sikh War, the British forced Sikhs to sign a non-aggression treaty. They also signed Amritsar Treaty with their proxy Dogra King Maharaja Gulab Singh in February 1846 establishing their suzerainty often referred to as paramountcy over the state of Kashmir. They left the administration to Maharaja Gulab Singh, their proxy.

The whole mountainous area lying east of Indus River was left undefined. It was indeed a controversial decision that left a boundary of around 2150 kilometers un-demarcated which is a bone of contention between India and China even today.

Later WH Johnson was entrusted with the job boundary demarcation. He proposed the boundary line in 1865 which envisaged Aksai Chin as part of Kashmir. This was a unilateral decision but China did not object to it. Later McCartney-MacDonald in 1899 was entrusted to the same job. They suggested a new demarcation with included part of Aksai Chin within China by treating Indus watershed as the border. The Indus valley includes Galwan valley as it is the tributary of Shyok which is the tributary of Indus.

India Chine LAC
India China Border Dispute 

The demarcation was done on the basin boundaries rather than military control over the territory. This was the last British demarcation of the Indo China border and continued till 1947 and beyond. The Chinese Government on its part didn’t react to the proposal of 1899 but the British Indian Government on its own went ahead with Johnson line.

India has a reasonably strong case for Aksai Chin because there is evidence for it. If Amritsar Treaty, Johnson line, and McCartney-MacDonald’s demarcation are taken into account. Indian Rulers controlled the region militarily as well. They built a fort to protect trading caravans at Xaidullah. Dogras had traditionally established firm control over Ladakh under the suzerainty of first under the Sikh Empire and later under the British.

Even China had accepted this reality. There is evidence to show that China had informally accepted the Johnson line. The “Postal Atlas of China”, published by the Government of China in 1920s showed the boundary in Aksai Chin as per the Johnson line. The “Peking University Atlas”, published in 1925, also showed Aksai Chin in India

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Galwan valley falls under India even by applying McCartney-MacDonald line of 1899. Thus, China has no claim over the entire Galwan valley. At present, LAC cuts through Galwan valley above 6 km from its confluence with Shyok River! So based on the historical evidence India has a very strong legal case.

The fact of the matter is that no official boundary had ever been settled between China and India. The India claims a boundary in the western sector similar to the Johnson Line of 1865, whereas China considers a line similar to the McCartney–MacDonald Line of 1899 as the boundary

Now here is the interesting part. Why this kind of loose border been allowed by the two regional powers for so long? Why did not china tried to assert its position all these years and why now? Why haven’t India asserted its claim all these years and why we are so bogged up by Chinese action now?

The answer is rather simple. No one cares. As Nehru ones put it, ‘not a blade of grass grows there’. And that is largely true. Apart from strategic and psychological value, there is not much for anyone there to fight for. The weather and difficult terrain is the number one enemy in the region. If the stakes were high enough the Indian and Chinese teams wouldn’t be patrolling the area with sticks and torches.

As they say, History repeats itself. It was not for the piece of land that China attacked India in 1962. China attacked India despite bonhomie and goodwill due to its domestic reasons. In the 1960s the Cultural Revolution wasn’t yielding good results and people’s unease was rising. The Chinese rulers wanted a mood swing and what better than an unnecessary war.

The conditions again are grim for china domestically as well as internationally. It has evolved as a merchant nation whose well being depends on business sentiment. It is flexing its muscle to ensure its empire consolidates. This is actually annoying other countries including the USA. Hence the South China Sea, Hong Kong, and India. But it makes a big mistake. It is alienating itself further while India gets the brownie points and international support. War and business don’t go hand in hand.

Now the big question for us is how do we deal with the dragon? By sending troops to the border and engaging in a limited war, or by cutting Chinese imports to bleed China economically or by indulging in a diplomatic and legal tussle.

Let’s examine the options one by one. Though India not India of 1962 and is a formidable power but so is China. Even if we can inflict damage on China we must be prepared for collateral damage. War with China would not be easy or short. And there is a real chance of limited war becoming a full-scale war to nuclear war! Besides, it will do us big harm economically and we cannot afford to speed up the economic slowdown.

Coming to the Economic offensive, we are a net importer of Chinese goods but, our share of Chinese exports is two percent. It will hurt China but not to the extent of crippling it. We will again risk the slowdown of the economy if we do it in a rush of blood without any preparations. For example, Chinese input into India’s solar power is substantial; blocking the imports would mean putting a break on our quest for clean energy.

Now a viable option is a diplomatic and legal engagement which is as mentioned earlier is our forte. India can easily show to the world that the Chinese are indeed indulging in self-aggrandizement and discredit it worldwide. Today the world sentiment is against China and India is the flavor of the day. Rather than sending jets, we would do well to send our lawyers to the international court of justice. We have a very strong case and we are likely to muster more moral support that way.

Even if things don’t go in our favor for some reason we don’t lose any territory as the international court’s order is not binding. A clear win-win situation – Without incurring any loss of men and machines we can achieve our desired goal. If China does not fight us in the international court of justice even better. We have scored an outright victory and if it comes pleading it would be red-faced.

This is not to suggest that it would immediately vacate the area or surrender. But it will eventually have to give in. It is also not to suggest that we should not deploy more army or not make our economy less dependent upon China. The present border dispute is an opportunity to settle the matter once and for all amicably. An opportunity to correct the British mistake made 174 years ago!

The post India Has A Strong Case – Dealing With The Dragon appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



UNWANTED – Not Just a Documentary On Rohingyas, It’s Human Apathy Galore

UNWANTED – Not Just a Documentary On Rohingyas, It’s Human Apathy Galore:

Rohingyas are aptly described as the most persecuted minority in the world. And not wrongly so. They have been facing pogrom for years now. They are being discriminated against and stripped of their basic human rights just because Buddhist Myanmar cannot tolerate them. On the mundane level, they happen to be the dominant population in Rakhine state where the present regime wants to settle the Buddhists.

To do that they would do anything; burn houses, rape, murder, and even skin the dead to terrify them to leave their homeland. Left with no choice over a million of them have fled to nearing Bangladesh which has more refugee camps than it can handle. Many others have found their way to other countries like India, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and wherever destiny takes them.

“Being homeless is a curse and being stateless a sin. Rohingyas are both. They are unwanted in Myanmar their home country. Way back in 1982 Myanmar stripped them of their citizenship right. They are now illegal migrants and considered enemies of the state in their home country. They are facing ethnic cleansing and genocide to which the world watches as a mute spectator.” says Gyaneshwar who plans to showcase his documentary in New York this fall.

Gyaneshwar Dayal’s latest documentary on Rohingyas “Unwanted” is basically about the Rohingyas refugees living in India but it also delves into the situation in the country from where these people came. “It is a documentary which could be about any displaced people. They have been termed as enemies of the state and so deserve the worst treatment.

Even moderates like Noble laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has chosen to look the other way. They are braving the sea, facing the bullets. They are running for their lives with their old men, women, and children to any place in the world where they could get shelter,” says Gyaneshwar.

The documentary “Unwanted” is all about the plight of the people who live next to Okhla bird sanctuary, some 500 of them, in a low lying area next to a graveyard having their tin-shade Mosque and small daily need shops.

Unwanted Rohingyas
“Unwanted” – Minara, a Rohingya woman talks about her life and her journey so far

The documentary revolves around three protagonists, Minara Bibi a lady with three kids who crossed over to Bangladesh and then to India, Haroon a family man and an aged man charged with high treason who now works in the UN office in New Delhi. They have all one thing in common they dread the name of their home country and would do anything not to return there.

The documentary comes in the time when even citizenship of its own people is under the scanner. Though the NRC and CAA do not apply to Rohingyas as their home country Myanmar does not figure in the list of countries whose Muslim Citizens cannot apply for citizenship in India.

The Rohingyas, for that matter, are not even asking for citizenship in the Country; all they want is that they should not be handed over to the Myanmar army where persecution and death awaits them.

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The film reveals the bitter truth what discrimination and apathy towards minority can do to the peace and harmony of a country. It is indeed a lesson for us all here in India. As the home minister has reiterated that the Indian government would make all Rohingyas return home, they have an uncertain future staring in their eyes.

‘Unwanted’ brings the plight once again to the forefront. “Documentaries can only highlight a point and bring some facts to life, but it is the people who can make a difference”, says Gyaneshwar.

The post UNWANTED – Not Just a Documentary On Rohingyas, It’s Human Apathy Galore appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Covid-19 And Social Psychology Of The “Distanced – Masked” Lifestyle

Covid-19 And Social Psychology Of The “Distanced – Masked” Lifestyle:

Covid-19 has emerged as a global pandemic. It has spread across the globe. The virus with its unique nature and ability to infect humans poses a great challenge. It is a novel viral disease to mankind.

Medical fraternity is much concerned due to the unavailability of suitable medicines, interventional systems and established diagnostic regime. It might take little more time for the availability of effective medicines for managing the COVID-19.

Today time is different. Life style is different. World is seeing a sudden change in every walk of life. The environment and its living entities are gradually changing.

Like any other country India and Indians are facing challenging time to cope with the COVID-19. The virus, corona virus, the causative agent of the disease teaches many things. This small tiny invisible entity has challenged our traditional systems, social systems, our way of life, our thinking, our behaviour and our attitude to daily life.

Who is right or who is wrong is not the answer for the COVID-19. In coming days, we need to think and rethink to tune our life style in different ways. We will be bound to accept many unpractised systems in our daily life.

Both home life and public life is going to be different for everyone. The beginning is somewhat clear but the path and end appear little obscure at this time. It will take some more time for a satisfactory sigh.

What we can do to cope with our day to day life in coming days till we find convincing and acceptable therapeutic interventions for this disease. The life style and behaviour must change and what are these changes we may envisage.

The most important aspect here is the psychological change and mental acceptance to these life changes by everyone. Some of the unavoidable factors and adoption to this new lifestyle are required to be thought, accepted and practiced every day at least for coming days as viewed here.

People distancing:

I prefer calling it ‘people distancing‘ instead of “social distancing”. Probably “physical distancing” may be more appropriate word than “social distancing”.

The word “Social distance” is well used but it gives a wider thought. Life is being distanced physically. Accept the distance to be safe. This is a self-motivated behaviour which each of us has to learn and practice, either at shops, at public or at office. It appears difficult at the beginning. Whatever be the word, from kids to the elders, this distancing could be a one of the possible steps to prevent the spread of the virus from person to person.

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In public one may encounter the innocent approach of a person to you or me by breaking the so called 1.5 m or 6 feet distance. With our existing system of friendship, social acceptability and comrade relation, one tends to come closer to talk and wish. But each one of us needs to be self-determined to practice and equally advice others to maintain at least 1.5 or 2 meter distance between people.

To openly suggest one’s dear friend or especially to an unknown person at a public place to maintain a distance becomes embracing though. These words behind the unseen smile under the mask make it little disheartening. The hidden expression of feelings and affection make everyone little awkward. Hence, we now realize the medicinal value of smile. With the use of gentle and kind words like“please” and “kindly” one can communicate and advise people to maintain distancing. Sometimes a welcoming gesture would be more soothing.

Recently when I met one my friends at place he showed Namaste to me and suggested to keep a distance as he wanted to talk to me . When each of us practices this “distanced interaction”, others too could also observe and learn. Our psychological acceptance to this change would be a new lifestyle.

The Mask

Next is the mask. The “mask philosophy” is more prominent and gaining more momentum. Many of us never found people with masks in public. Faced masks tend evoke different thoughts, doubt and propel us to perceive a different psychological feelings. The use of mask in public by common man appears to be unique and strange. The“masked face” always appeared to be little scary and unacceptable in public life. One may not feel so much discomfort in seeing people with mask in hospitals set up or such places where human services are being done. In that matter, generally a clinician at the clinic may not wear mask and gloves for talking to and observing the patient.

Busy texting with mask on
A woman busy texting with Mask On (Photo credits: Kate Trifo)

As believed by many, wearing mask and observing a patient gives a less empathy and human touch. It disconnects the mental connection between paining heart and healing heart. Hence, masked face would create a different attitude and feelings in our life. There is no alternative option now. To protect one and others, it becomes vital to wear the required type of mask in day to day life till health care system would be able to curtail this disease.

Face is the first part in the body which gives communication between human beings. The smile and face speak a lot of words and feelings. The smile soothes and provides consoling and comfort to one another. Smile is antidote to anger. Smile conveys greetings. Smile acknowledges gratitude and welcome.

Now, one communicates to one another under the mask with or without smile. So, the expression of anger or displeasure with smile is hidden under the mask. This situation may bring some psychological impact among different sections of people – interaction between children and adults, between police and public, between doctors and patients etc. Coping with the mask becomes a practice in life.

As time passes, we tend to learn that even behind the mask the life remains. Behind the mask smile remains. Behind the mask anger remains. Here, as mentioned above the best ways to overcome the unexpected life style and issues behind the mask are to use kind and polite words, kind gestures and body actions etc so that other person or children may not get confused, challenged or humiliated.

Colours give colours to life and hence do the colours of the mask. Choice is yours. Green color cloth in hospitals gives a lot peaceful feelings. Behavioral change to live with mask may bring colours in communications and feelings among us in coming days.

When it comes to children, especially younger ones, one has to be much more kind and flexible to accept their curiosity, observation and safety. The younger one wants to seethe smiling and laughing face. They want to laugh and cry. They need kiss from parents at public or at home. “Masked” kiss is not a substitution. The propensity of the children to touch the mask on face and take items is very common. For them a masked face of parents and dear ones are different. Taking care of little ones with mask in place, distancing kids from others and hand cleaning of kids become another part of new tasks for the parents and caretakers. So, today the psychological changes which creep in the tender minds of younger ones seem to be altogether different.Both parents and caretakers must understand and accept these mental and psychological changes in life styles.

Elder population is little sensitive to the situation both biologically and psychologically. They need to be heard. They shall feel some one hearing them.The abrupt invisible emotional change in the faces under the mask gives a different perception among aged people. Every one shall understand this fact and adopt a suitable behavioural attitude and mental well being to cope with the present human interactions with kids and aged people.

The Hand

Hand is handy and hence we have a tendency to touch or handle whatever comes to our eyes. Many times many do not know what our hand touched. Brain forgets brain when hand touches. Hand over takes the brain. Now this part of life style is something unique. Availability of water, soap, hand towel etc becomes necessary for people to practice hand washing frequently.

Traditionally Indian culture has given lot of weightage to human hands and feet. Indian’s Namaste is an example – the ten fingers and the palm for expression of gratitude and love – without touch. And, that too with a smile, plus without a mask. What a paradoxical situation!

The habit of touching is inbuilt in us. By seeing a friend or colleague, we come closer (breaking the so called distance barrier), hold at least one hand with both hands (without hand wash/sanitizer), with large beautiful smile of expression on the face with affection (without mask) have been practiced in our social lifestyle. Now we are being forced to break these systems. This breakage is bound to bring socio-psychological changes in people.

We need to touch items to pick up things at shops/malls, we need to touch switches in lift and doors, we need to hold and touch bus/vehicles while travelling, we need to touch items which arrive through postal or courier services, we need to touch materials and items at office space. We may also touch others pens, office papers/files for verifications and signatures, newspapers etc. All these items could be touched by many people with bare and unclean hands knowingly and unknowingly.

Hence, there exists a potential chance of contamination of corona virus on these surfaces/items. Hence, the advocacy is to wash hands with soap or sanitize the hand with hand sanitizer which contains 70% alcohol. As things inbuilt in our hardware of behaviour, after touching these items, unknowingly our fingers tend to touch our pens, purses, pockets, or face or even our own hair for adjusting. Need of the hour is to upgrade this hardware of hand practicing to maintain a “safe and clean hand”.

Some people may have difficulty in washing hands or using hand sanitizer frequently due to skin irritation or cosmetic reasons. Then the suggestion would be better to wear gloves and then frequent use of hand sanitizer while at public places or in shops etc. But use of gloves at public places shall also need to be practiced carefully.

Nobody is culprit or enemy when one contracts infection. People could be innocent. They don’t know they might have exposed to contagious environment or to an asymptomatic subject. As Dr Ambarish Satwikof Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi says:

“Treat every individual you meet as an asymptomatic Covid carrier. Treat every surface you touch as potentially contaminated. That is the meaning of community transmission”.

Hence, one has to mentally and psychologically accept these new life style practices to prevent and spread of infection.

3LS – Principles of Lifestyle Practice

We need to adhere to the three Covid-19 principles of lifestyle (3LS) practice:

  1. Physical Distancing
  2. Mask and
  3. Hand wash

While going to public places better to carry additional mask, pocket hand sanitizer and maintain an accepted physical distances from people in coming days to avoid the spread of virus. The psychological and social acceptance of this 3LS plus other mode of lifestyle practice and up-to-date information from the medical department and government agencies on COVID -19 will go a long way in helping the public to control and stop the spread of the infection.

The situation is compelling us to accept that items like mask, hand sanitizer, soap or water are an integral part in our day to day life. People’s behavioral and socio-psychological attitude can win over this global pandemic with the support of medical and health care systems.

The views expressed here are my own personal views based on the advocacy and guidelines suggested by various departments of government of India, world health organization (WHO) unless specified.

The post Covid-19 And Social Psychology Of The “Distanced – Masked” Lifestyle appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Saturday, July 11, 2020

How To Get Instant Money During Coronavirus Pandemic

How To Get Instant Money During Coronavirus Pandemic:

The Coronavirus pandemic is impacting the finances of countless households in America. The people who are hit the hardest are the ones who work in the everyday sector and face layoffs and job uncertainty. Even shops, restaurants, and businesses are closing down due to this pandemic. This has left many people wondering how they are going to survive this pandemic. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the people were not prepared for this swift financial blow.

Whether you’ve been laid off permanently or furloughed and you find yourself in a financial fix, remember, you are not alone. A recent report by the Federal Reserves stated that 4 in 10 American’s do not have enough savings to cover a $400 emergency expense. For the first time in the history of the U.S.A, more than 35 million people have filed for unemployment benefits since the pandemic took place.

If you’re in such financial hardship, one thing is certain. You need cash and you need it instantly. When you’re in a financial crisis, you won’t have the time to go from one bank to another to get the cash you need. You also don’t want to face any unnecessary hassles.
So where do you turn to for instant cash? One of the options available for you could be to apply for Online Payday Loans Michigan.

What is an instant payday loan?

Payday loans are becoming increasingly popular these days. Payday loans are short-term loans that can help you get cash quickly after submitting an online application form. Payday loans are usually small-dollar loans and are unsecured. When you are in a financial emergency and you need instant cash, these loans come in very handy. Instant payday loans can be lifesavers for many people during this pandemic.

How does an instant payday loan work?

An instant payday loan is an amount that a person borrows from the payday loan lender to repay it within an agreed period. Usually payday loans have a shorter repayment period, ranging from 2 to 4 weeks. But, there are exceptions where the repayment period can be extended. The instant payday loan is repaid in a single installment along with any interest and fees.

Once the loan is applied for, the lending decision is made instantly.If your loan is approved, the lender will transfer the loan amount directly to the bank account of the borrower within a few minutes to hours or within the same day.

Reasons to opt for instant payday loans over other loan options
There are a lot of other options like personal loans, credit card cash advance, borrowing from friends and family, and more. But, you can choose payday loan over all the other options, if

  • You feel embarrassed about borrowing from friends or family members
  • You have a bad credit score and cannot approach the banks for a personal loan
  • You cannot wait to get the cash and need it instantly
  • You don’t want to liquidate your assets or pledge any of your property to get instant cash

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Requirements for an instant payday loan

Although the requirements to apply for an instant payday loan is minimal, you need to have all the necessary papers on hand before submitting your application. The faster you provide the required details to the payday loan lender, the faster you will get your loan amount. The general requirements for the loan include the following

  • Have a steady source of income
  • Have a valid bank account
  • Be a major
  • Have a valid contact detail

The required documents include

  • Proof of income from the employer
  • Proof of government ID
  • Proof of address

Features of instant payday loan

  • An Instant payday loan is available with no hard credit check
  • Your loan application will be processed quickly
  • Your credit history doesn’t matter to apply for a payday loan. You can get an instant payday loan even if you have a bad credit
  • The application process is simple, safe and secure
  • You can get an instant lending decision on your loan application
  • It is an unsecured short-term loan
  • No paperwork and no faxing
  • You can get funds on the same day
  • Better interest rates and no hidden fees
  • Trusted and legitimate direct lenders

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Benefits of Instant Online Payday Loans Michigan

With the rapid development of technology, people prefer online payday loans that are instant over other offline loans. Furthermore, the benefits offered by instant online payday loans are many. A few are listed below

Privacy is maintained

When you apply for a payday loan online, all your private details like bank account details, loan details, and personal information are kept strictly confidential. Your information will be saved on a secure server. Thus, getting an instant online payday loan is safe both physically and technically.

Saves time

You don’t have to wait in long queues at the bank counter to fill in your loan application form for even a small amount of money. You can simply get access to all the details on your computer screen, and you can submit your loan application with just a few clicks.

More transparent

Online payday loans Michigan are more transparent than other conventional offline loans. You can view the terms and conditions, requirements, and other loan related information on the website of the lender. This can help you compare and make a wise choice.

Individual user account

Every payday loan lender will offer a separate user account for the borrower. You can log in to your account innumerable times to know your loan status, payment info, etc.


You can find all the details of the loan explained in a simple language. You don’t need to review the entire site to get an idea about their loan requirements or any other details. This makes it more convenient to apply for the loan.

Get ready to apply for an online payday loan to get instant money for your financial emergency. It is the most cost-effective loan you can opt-in for. Just ensure that you work with a legitimate lender and read all the terms and conditions carefully before applying.

Author: Harold Mitchell, is part of the editorial team at the Payday Locker. The latter offers Online Payday Loans. Payday locker is a third-party agent that helps you connect with a lender and get money instantly.

The post How To Get Instant Money During Coronavirus Pandemic appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Your Guide To Finding A House In SD For Your New Family

Your Guide To Finding A House In SD For Your New Family:

San Diego is one of the best places to live in America. Several lifestyle perks come along with living in this city. You can enjoy your pick of more than 200 craft breweries, or the scenic Cuyamaca Mountains, or the seventy miles of unbroken coastline.

However, since San Diego is such a sought-after place to live, the real estate prices in San Diego reflect that. The average price of an apartment in San Diego is almost twice as high as the national average.

Furthermore, even though San Diego is a fast-growing city, the number of properties that are available in the town is limited. Hence, it may be not easy to find a property that you love at a price you can afford in a neighborhood that you like.

There are a lot of things you can do to do your search for the perfect property. Here are some of the essential things that you should do before picking a house in San Diego.

Fix a Budget

Before you start looking for houses, you need to fix your budget based on the living cost in San Diego and your finances. San Diego is the thirteenth most expensive city to live in America.

When you buy a house, unless you are buying it outright, you need to consider the payments that you will have to make. Calculate the kind of down payment and monthly payments that you can afford based on your income, your savings, and your living costs.

Budget for House in SD (San Diego)

There are online tools available, such as the Simple Home Affordability Calculator, that can help you make these calculations. Apart from these general considerations, there are some specific considerations for buying a house in San Diego.

San Diego levies a special tax on its homeowners called the Mello-Roose tax. This tax goes towards paying for infrastructure developments and local school improvements.

The exact amount of the tax that you will need to pay depends on whether you live in a Communities Facilities District or not. This tax payment can usually amount to a hefty amount each year.

Furthermore, the property tax in San Diego has recently increased. An amendment called Measure YY was passed in 2018, which has increased the tax by of the assessed value of a property in the Unified District of San Diego.

Also Read: Tips On Drone Photography For Real Estate Businesses

Understand the Different Areas

The different areas in San Diego cater to different needs. You need to understand the cultural differences between each area so that you can make the right choice while buying your property.

In the coastal areas of the city, you will find seaside taco joints and beach volleyball. These regions include La Jolla, Pacific Beach, and Ocean Beach.

If you are not a beach person, then you may prefer living a little more inland. The Gaslamp district offers one of the most exceptional urban living experiences.

It has a vibrant nightlife and also hosts the ComicCon. Around this area is Little Italy. This is a pedestrian-friendly district that has the best of Italian cuisine along with Waterford Park.

If you move even further inland, you can find the trendy neighborhoods of North Park and Hillcrest. These areas border the famous San Diego Zoo as well as Balboa Park.

If you like to shop, then consider living in Mission Valley. This is the city’s shopping area, which has almost every major brand in the US, covering Dolce and Gabbana to IKEA. Talk to your SD real estate agent to know more about each area.

Look at Property Based on Your Budget

When it comes to property prices in San Diego, it’s all about location. The homes in the beach areas have a significantly different rate than the homes in more inland areas.

Even in other cities across America you have to be careful about looking for property based on budget. For instance if you are looking for San Francisco luxury homes then you will have to do proper research on which area fits your budget.

Most homes around Pacific beach in San Diego can cost you massive amounts. Other regions in the area include Ocean Beach and La Jolla. La Jolla can be a little more expensive than in the other two areas.

As a whole, prices in the San Diego county are lower than in the beach areas. Prices in the central district of the city are higher than beach homes. This is because these areas in a better school district and are simply ten minutes away from La Jolla beaches.

If you have a lower budget of around $500,000, consider buying a property in areas like El Cajon, Santee, and Lakeside.

East County is another area that is more affordable because it is located further inland and has a more rural feel. Living in East County, you will be further away from downtown San Diego as well as the beaches. However, if you live in East County, you can experience great hiking trails at a very close distance.

Check Before You Buy

There are specific common issues that you may find with local housing in San Diego.

One of the most widespread problems is termites. It has been found that San Diego has one of the worst incurrences of termites in the entire US. It can be costly to remove termites depending on the degree of the infestation.

Carmel terrace - house in san diego

You can expect to pay a lot to ensure that your property is free of termites. Look out for the telltale sign of termites, which include peeling paint, discarded wings, and wood sounding hard.

You should also ensure that the foundation of your house is proper. This is a common issue found in homes that are built in San Diego.

A weak foundation can be caused by clay soil. Clay soil expands due to moisture. Clay soil is more common in houses built before the introduction of proper soil standards in San Diego.

You should not skip any home inspection protocols before buying your property. It’s cheaper to have an inspection done rather than finding out about big problems later on.

Final Thoughts

Buying a house in San Diego can be a dream come true for many. The real estate prices in San Diego are high for a good reason. The city offers several lifestyles and cultural perks that you would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.

The post Your Guide To Finding A House In SD For Your New Family appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Friday, July 3, 2020

Website Launched In India For Health Essential Products

Website Launched In India For Health Essential Products:

NR Group has announced the launch a unique platform ‘’ which is aimed at providing hygiene products to common man at discounted price. Its India’s first website which is fully dedicated to health essentials like masks and hand cleanser. The website was launched recently in Mumbai by Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela.

The company is offering free Delivery of products in the form of Family Safety Kit, Office Safety Kit and Society Safety Kit. The masks and Sanitizers are made locally in India and quality standards have been fully maintained.

Wearing a mask and using a sanitizer has now become an essential part of the daily routine for every person to avoid the Corona epidemic. But the irony is that these essential products like are being sold at retail outlets or online sites at MRP, whereas its manufacturing cost is just half of it.

NR Group has pledged to provide these superior quality masks and sanitizers to the common man at a very low price through it’s website, which will be delivered directly to your doorstep.Poster of

The promoter of this company Nilesh N Raghani says, “Of the many companies under the NR Group, the latest being which will be used as a platform to supply essential products to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The company wants the common man to have access to these essentials at a 40-50 percent discount so that the same is affordable to all. We offer a Family Kit, which includes 4 Masks and 2 Hand Sanitizers/Cleansers plus essential safety items. The Masks are 3 three layered, it is Anti-Microbial, Water Repellent and washable up to a minimum of 30 times. Furthermore, it is skin friendly being made of 100% cotton fabric sourced from a reputed company.”

Nilesh N Raghani further adds, “There will neither be a wholesaler, nor a retailer, due to which the best quality products are offered at such huge discounts. We will deliver these Masks and Sanitizers at your doorstep at factory cost as a service to humanity in the form of Safety Kit. We are introducing a Family Safety Kit, Office Safety Kit and Society Kit which users can buy at a never before low price. We are starting this initiative as a moral and social obligation – to prevent the Corona epidemic from spreading in this country. NR Group is the 1st company in India, which has kept the common man in mind – provide a superior quality product at an extremely low price. Let me tell you that there is no company in India that has thought of such a concept.”

Nilesh N Raghani concludes, “The jingle of our company is ‘Achchi Cheeze, Achche Daam, Ab Desh Ke Naam’. People can buy these essentials at the click of a button and we will supply them these products right at their doorstep. We have named our website “”, as we want this Corona to run away and let us take a sigh of relief.”

The post Website Launched In India For Health Essential Products appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Amity University Leads in R & D and Patent Filing Even During Lockdown

Amity University Leads in R & D and Patent Filing Even During Lockdown:

At a time when the fear of performance and uncertainty is looming large due to Corona Crisis the research driven faculty members at Amity University Gurugram have demonstrated exemplary performance in respect of R & D and patent filing for their innovative inventions and technologies.

According to Vice-Chancellor Prof PB Sharma as many as 455 Quality Research Papers, 57 Book chapters and 42 Industry and Society relevant patents have been filed by faculty members of Amity Gurugram during the COVID-19 Lockdown period from March 1 to June 15th, 2020. What more the highest impact factor publications include research papers of Impact Factor 13.2 by Dr Arun Kumar of Institute of Pharmacy, Impact factor 12.8 by Dr Ujjaini and Impact Factor 9 by Dr Deepa Suhag of Institute of Biotechnology. The  Impact Factor of 13 is considered quite high in Scientific publications.

But it is not the research publications alone, the 42 patents filed by Amity University Gurugram also include a few highly impactful parents such as the patent on “Gular Extract for Liver Cancer treatment” by Dr Saurabh Bhatiya, Prof PB Sharma, Dr Viveak Ballyan and team. This patent was originally filed as provisional and after laboratory trials has been filed as completed patent. The laboratory results not only point to significant improvement into alcohol induced hepato toxicity in liver but also resulted into significant boost of immunity of wistar rates, says Dr Bhatia the team leader from Amity Institute of Pharmacy. Further trials are under way to ascertain full facts.

Likewise, the completed patent by Dr Vimal Kishore of Biomedical Engineering at AUH on “Preparing Red Blood Cells from Stem Cells” is a path breaking invention that will revolutionise blood transfusion as being donor free and also avoids any chance of infected blood transfusion.

Yet another patent in the area of nanotechnology by Dr Monica Vats, Dr Jyotsna Sharma, Dr SK Sharma and Dr Arvind Chhabra and team refers to Antimicrobial, Antifungal, Anti-dust clothing with self-cleaning property. This patent holds great importance as Goddess Sita during the Ramayana times was presented with a pair of dress by Vedic Sage Devi Ansuyya at Chitrakoot that had Antimicrobial, Antifungal, Anti-dust and self-cleaning properties. This was the dress Goddess Sita ji wore for 14 years in the forests during Lord Rama’s exile and even in Sri Lanka and protected herself from any microbial and insect attacks in the Aranayyas, the forests of India and Sri Lanka.

Scientific evidence-based inventions like these are the way forward to fight out the Covid crisis that needs antimicrobial clothing for PPEs and Face Masks as also to bring the added pride in Scientific heritage of our ancient civilization that finds its fullest of expressions in Ramayana and Mahabharta times.

Time To Integrate Integrity, Compassion & Aatmiyata With Digital Transformation

Apart from high impact patents filed by the faculty, funded R & D has seen an all time high at Amity University Gurugram. During Covid-19 lockdown period the faculty of AUH has received awards of 12 R & D projects from ICMR, DST & DBT for a total value of Rs 4.78 Crores. This brings the total R & D projects at AUH to 64 high impact R & D projects of total value of RS 35 Crores, says Prof PB Sharma, Vice Chancellor Amity University Gurugram, Haryana.

Funded R & D aligned to national priorities and outcome focused research in the surest way to improve quality of education and to empower India with advanced science and technology capabilities. At Amity university as the research and innovations culture is percolated right down to UG levels, thus providing students all the opportunities to engage in cutting edge research and develop innovations that significantly boost their employability.

Expressing his deep appreciation of the great work done by faculty in respect of R&D, Research Publications and Patents filed, Hon’ble Chancellor AUH Dr Aseem Chauhan said “The faculty at Amity University Gurugram work in a mission mode to contribute significantly to India’s science and technology capabilities and I am truly delighted that even during COVID lockdown they have given their exemplinary performance. At Amity we are fully committed to Nation building and also to protect the welfare and well being of our faculty staff and students”.

Amity University being a research and innovation driven university lays a great emphasis on integration of education with research and is driven by the vision of Founder President Dr Ashok K Chauhan that puts science and technology research and innovation in the forefront of educational philosophy of the Amity Education Group. No wonder with its thrust on cutting edge innovations & outcome focused R & D, Amity University as a group have filed over 1200 patents and published over 15000 research papers and earned the repute of being  India’s number one private university having strong national and international collaborations placing India into a highly advantageous position in respect of higher education and research, says eminent academician Prof PB Sharma who has been the Founder Vice Chancellor of Delhi Technological University and Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal.

The post Amity University Leads in R & D and Patent Filing Even During Lockdown appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



6 Foods to Reduce Stress And Nourish Your Body

6 Foods to Reduce Stress And Nourish Your Body : Are you stressed out and under pressure? Let’s learn about these 6 Foods that help you redu...