Monday, August 31, 2020

Vedic Hawan Precedes Orientation Program At Amity University Gurugram

Vedic Hawan Precedes Orientation Program At Amity University Gurugram:

Keeping its tradition of blending modernity with antiquity of India’s spiritual civilization, Amity University Gurugram began its weeklong Orientation program today with the Vedic Hawan invoking the powers of divinity and blessings of God Almighty.

The first day orientation was participated by around 1500 students and parents and was graced Honourable Chancellor of AUH Dr Aseem Chauhan. The experts from the industry addressed the freshers on Future of Work and Career opportunities and inspired them to be future ready to work in the technology intensive work environment of the digital age. The experts also shared the current technology challenges and skill sets akin to the new and emerging technologies such as IoT, Bigdata Analytics, AI and Robotics.

Addressing the inspired minds of the freshers, the Vice Chancellor Prof PB Sharma in his opening address on “Professionals of the Digital Age- Innovate, Excel and make Mother India Proud” invited the budding professionals to empower themselves with the capabilities of the new age as also to nurture themselves as responsible citizens of the global society. Professor Sharma also shared the glimpses of major Research and Innovations happenings in AUH and invited the freshers to take the best advantage of the research-intensive academic environment that the AUH offers.

Prof Sharma called upon the freshers “To  pay a much greater attention to the health of the environment and tackle the formidable issues such as climate change, water and energy security and create a sense of pride in being Indians, yet never forget that we in India stand for the welfare of entire humanity, harmony, peace and happiness all around”.

The six-day orientation program is devoted to familiarizing  the new students with the teaching-learning environment that the university offers, its academic rigor, research opportunities and community outreach programs specially designed to sensitize the students with the needs of the society and community around.

Addressing the freshers Honourable Chancellor of AUH Dr Aseem Chauhan said “The class of 2020-21 is very special as you are entering into your higher studies in the middle of the Covid Pandemic crisis. You have a great opportunity to build and create the world of your dreams.  At Amity your exciting journey that begins today shall inspire and empower you to perceive the world with a different perspective and shape you as outstanding professionals and make you better human beings by instilling in you the values and sanskaras that are part of the core philosophy of Amity that are being nurtured under the visionary leadership of our Founder President Dr Ashok K Chauhan. You are part of the bright future of our great nation. From today you are a part of Amity family, I want you to behave differently and act highly responsively. I congratulate you for the choice you made to join Amity University Gurugram”.

Orientation program - Amity University
Orientation Ceremony 2000 – Amity University, Gurugram

The Dy Vice Chancellor Maj Gen BS Suhag, Pro VC Dr Padmakali Banerjee also addressed the freshers. The heads of the institutions of AUH also in their pre-recorded messages welcomed the freshers on the auspicious occasion of the beginning of the academic session. A unique feature of the inaugural session was the screening of the video clippings of Amity Eminent Webinars addressed by Nobel Laureates of Peace His Holiness Dalai Lama, Nobel Laureate Shri Kailash Satyarthi and Nobel Laureate Prof Muhhamad Yunus and also Padma Vibhushan eminent Scientist Dr RA Mashelkar, former Director General CSIR and eminent Corporate Leader Padma Bhushan  Dr Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Chairperson Biocon Ltd. The program was coordinated by Director Admissions and Dy Director Amity Business School Dr Vikas Madhukar and was assisted by Dr Monika Yadav and Dr Pooja Rana.

Expressing her great delight at the online orientation program, Neha, 1st year student said, “Starting from the virtual tour to the talks delivered by the guests, I love every part of the orientation program. I am looking ahead to know more about my university in coming days of orientation ceremony.”

In the afternoon session the Amity Institute of Behavioral  Science conducted Psychometric Profiling of the freshers and the Dean Student Welfare Maj General GS Bal introduced the freshers to the student Clubs and Student Societies at AUH and invited the freshers to take full advantage of the cultural activities conducted through out the year.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

How To Prevent Osteoporosis And Enhance Healthy Bones

How To Prevent Osteoporosis And Enhance Healthy Bones:

Osteoporosis and Bone Health: Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and quality of bone is reduced, which lead to increased risk of fractures and cause bone weakness, especially inspine, wrist and hip joints. Osteoporosis is a global health problem which affects approximately one in four women and one in five men, and the percentage is increasing day by day.

Sign and Symptoms

The bone loss in osteoporosis have no signs and symptoms. People may not know that they have the disease until their bones become thin, strain and fall causes a bone fracture. Bone loss in the spine may collapse with severe pain, loss of height, lump or stooped posture.

Risk Factors

  • Age above 50
  • Genetics
  • Low body weight/being small and thin
  • Bone fracture or weight loss
  • Women, are more prone to fractures and have increased risk of osteoporosis.
  • Reached menopause before age 45
  • Smoking: Smokers are more prone to bone loss. Smoking decrease the levels of estrogen, reduces absorption of calcium and cause early menopause.
  • Caffeine: Consumption of caffeine is a known modifiable risk factor for osteoporosis. Research suggest that increased consumption of caffeine increases calcium excretion through urine. Caffeine reduces the absorption of calcium in the body. It abducts the calcium and stop it to deposit in bone result in decreasing bone mass.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol has some adverse effect on calcium level in body. High intakes of alcohol increase large quantities of calcium to lose in the urine. The calcium lost in urine is associated with a reduction in bone mass and person become more susceptible to fractures and the chances of development of osteoporosis increased.
  • Menopause: Menopause causes in an increase of bone loss, which ranges from 4 to 8 percent in during the first 5 to 6 years post-menopause. After that, bone loss still continues but rate becomes low (0.8 to 1.5 percent per year). Lack of estrogen and development of osteoporosis is directly related during premenopausal and menopause. Early menopause and low hormone levels can cause loss of bone mass.

Stages: Osteoporosis has four stages:

  • Stage 1 occurs in early 30s, when the breakdown of bone occurs at the same rate the body builds bone. There are no visible symptoms of osteoporosis in this stage.
  • Stage 2 occurs in late 30s, when the breakdown of bone starts to happen with faster pace than the bone building done by body. There are also no visible symptoms in this stage, but bone-density tests can detect it.
  • Stage 3 occurs usually after late 40s.thid stage makes bones weak and frail that they break because of stress that normal bones could easily bear. This is the first stage where most of the cases diagnosed.
  • In Stage 4 bone fractures continue to occur, pain become unbearable, and person become disable. Spine, knee and hips joints are more susceptible to deformities. Locomotion and daily activities become a tough work. Luckily, with the increased technology this stage has become treatable. Future fractures can be prevented.
Prevent Osteoporosis - Healthy Bones
Decreasing Bone Mass With Age (Graphical Repn. Source: Wikimedia Commons and Openstax College)


Bone formation is a process in which calcium and other minerals are deposited in bones by bone forming cells. Osteoporosis enhance the opposite process in which bone dissolving cells dissolve bone normal peoplethese two processes are in perfect balance which is important for the maintenance of healthy life with healthy bones. But in osteoporosis, the normal balance between these two processes is disturbed, bones become unbalanced, and bone become frail, thin, weak, more brittle, and percentage of fracture in people with osteoporosis in increased.

Consumption of Calcium

The DRI for calcium were determined by examining the stage of osteoporosis and its possible solutions. Normal recommendations of calcium is 2000IU. These levels are set to provide maximum calcium which are required by the normal healthy people. Taking calcium daily to meet these requirements are essential for the body, but its excess can cause serious intoxication. Calcium intakes above these levels can seriously have adverse effects on body.

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Foods that Should Not be Eaten in Osteoporosis:

A diet low in sodium helps the body to retain calcium, and reduce its excretion.  Foods that should be avoided in osteoporosis:

  • Salt added food
  • Salted prepared meals or snacks
  • Pickles especially fermented pickles as they are prepared in brine.
  • Canned products as they are salt added foods.
  • Processed products.
  • Canned fish because fish already have some salt in its body.

Recommendations to Minimize the risk of Osteoporosis

  • Take adequate amounts of calcium and Vitamin D as vitamin D is required for calcium absorption.
  • Practice weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercises like walking and jogging.
  • Eat excess fruits, vegetables, and food that are required for healthy bones like milk.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Take at least 2 cups of milk as per diet plan.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Landmark Judgment On Coparcenary Paves Way To Gender Equality

Landmark Judgment On Coparcenary Paves Way To Gender Equality:

Our legal system moves slowly but surely. And this was once again proved on Tuesday when the Supreme Court ruled that it did not matter whether the father or the coparcener was alive at the time of passing the inheritance act in 2005. That all daughters would get the inheritance from her father or forefathers as per the Hindu inheritance act 1956 which was amended in 2005 to give equal inheritance rights to the daughter.  Though on the face of it this may not look a historical judgment, it would prove to be a milestone on the road to gender equality which has been there in Hindu society.

Dr Kislay Panday, advocate Supreme Court of India has welcomed the judgment. “This judgment was called for since its interpretation and execution left many loopholes which could be challenged in the court of law. And this is what was done. Equality of genders is a fundamental principle of any progressive society. The apex court judgment rectifies this flaw and once and for all puts an end to discrimination of sexes while distributing the inheritance. The decision needs to be applauded. I wish it had come earlier!” Dr. KislayPanday of Managium Juris has been pleading for gender neutrality in the law for long.

A bench of Justices Arun Mishra, S Abdul Nazeer and M R Shah put an end, ones and for all to the confusion arising from the apex court’s conflicting interpretations of the amended Section 6 of Hindu Succession Act, which came into force from September 9, 2005. The bench said in unequivocal terms that whether the father was alive or not, daughters born before September 9, 2005, could claim equal rights in inheritance.

Till the amendment act 2005 was passed Coparcenary property was one which is inherited by a Hindu son from his father, grandfather or great-grandfather. Only a coparcener has the right to demand partition of property. Share in a property increases or decreases by death or birth in a family.

The Mitakshara system applicable in various forms to property owned by Hindu families has been the basis of the Hindu Succession Act. Justice Mishra quoted a common saying noted in a 1996 judgment of the SC, to sum up the bench’s view towards daughters, “A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter is a daughter throughout her life.”

“The reason it annoys many is that they are not comfortable with the idea of women equality. Many laws even after they become operational are often mired in confusion and many times various interpretations are made by the junior courts which nullify the significance of the law. This is what exactly had happened in the case of The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 which gave an inheritance to Indian women (barring Muslim women) and considered them at par with the son. “says, Dr. KislayPanday of Managium Juris the firm that provides pro bono legal aid to women in distress”.

The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 gave Hindu women the right to be coparceners or joint legal heirs in the same way a male heir does. “Since the coparcenary is by birth, it is not necessary that the father coparcener should be living as on 9.9.2005,” the court ruling said.

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It is not always easy to change the mindset and the traditions with a stroke of the pen. Some issues are more emotional and more provocative and thus need to be handled carefully. The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 was not well received in many sections of the society. The hard-line Hindu patriarchal organizations vehemently opposed it on the ground that it would meddle with the traditional Hindu traditions and prove chaotic to the Hindu society. Interestingly, the same group of people would advocate uniform personal law.

“Most Hindu hardliners take a very narrow view of women’s rights in property and elsewhere. They quote Manusmriti which says that woman always needs a male guardian, father when child, brother when adolescent, husband when young and son when old. But even Manusmriti is not against women owning the property.  It is concerned about the welfare of the women not snatching away her rights.” Says DrKislay.

The truth is as traditional Hindu women have always enjoyed property and rights in movable and immovable property albeit her share was less than that of male members. “The ‘Stridhan’ is all about ensuring she owns the property, jewelry, clothes, land, artifacts, cows, etc. which were gifted to her at the time of marriage. And this trend has been there all through history. With the emergence of different schools of Hindu law, the concept of  ‘stridhan’ expanded to its literal and legal meaning; granting women more rights to ownership.” says Dr Kislay Panday.

Indeed there is always a gap between the social mores and the legal system but like any progressive society, the first change comes through law and then it gradually percolates into the society to become a new reality. In the 21st century when the women are far more aware and empowered the archaic way of life cannot exist and it must conform to the ever-growing gender equality enshrined in our constitution.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

CIBIL In India And Why It Matters To You?

CIBIL In India And Why It Matters To You?:

CIBIL, or the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited, is a credit bureau: the first one in India licensed by the Reserve Bank of India.They collect credit-related information to issue credit scores and reports for organizations and individuals in the form of a Credit Information Report (CIR).

History of CIBIL in India

The Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited was founded in August of 2000 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Here are a few of the key milestones of the CIBIL so far:

  • 2000- following the recommendations of the RBI Siddiqui Committee, TransUnion CIBIL Limited was established,
  • 2004- Credit Bureau’s services were launched in India (Consumer Bureau)
  • 2006- Operations expanded to include commercial bureau
  • 2007- CIBIL score India was introduced- The country’s first risk scoring model for financial institutions
  • 2010- CIBIL Detect (India’s first high-risk activities information repository) and CIBIL Mortgage (The first centralized mortgages database) were launched
  • 2011- CIBIL scores were made available for individuals
  • 2016- TransUnion becomes TransUnion CIBIL and takes over 82% stake in CIBIL
  • 2017- CIBIL launches MSME Rank to improve credit penetration in MSMEs in India. TransUnion increases stake in CIBIL to 92.1%

Importance of CIBIL in the Indian Economy

Since the inception of CIBIL, the loan market has changed drastically, with a sharp increase in purchasing power and the number of borrowers. The CIBIL has also improved financial literacy and provided incentive for people to maintain their credit scores and history. Nowadays, it’s easy to check CIBIL score online (read more at moneytap) and find out what will affect it.

How CIBIL Works

TransUnion CIBIL take inputs from multiple banking and non-banking financial corporations and generate a CIBIL report with a credit score between 300 and 900. This score indicates a person or organization’s creditworthiness with a higher score indicating a lower risk for lenders.

What are the factors that impact a CIBIL Score? 

  • Percentage of timely payments

Your repayment history can account for up to a third of your score. CIBIL assess the percentage of payments made on time as an indicator of reliability

  • Number of negative marks

Foreclosures, accounts which are settled or written off as bad loans, and even extended delays in repayment reduce your CIBIL score

  • Length of credit history

A longer credit history usually means a better score, as long as there are few negative marks.

  • Number of hard enquiries

A hard enquiry is when a potential lender accesses your CIR. Having a high number of enquiries means you’ve applied a lot, which can reduce your score

What are the advantages of a good CIBIL score?

  • Interest rates on loans may be lower for you
  • Your credit cards may have better rewards and benefits
  • Pre-approved loan offers are usually based on high credit scores
  • You may be able to avail loans for longer tenures
  • Credit card applications get approved faster
  • More banks will be willing to offer loans, giving you the power to negotiate
  • Loan processing fees and other credit-related charges may be lower
  • You might get a higher credit limit for your credit card

How to improve your CIBIL score?

  1. Check your CIBIL report regularly
    Learn how to know CIBIL score yourself and make sure each account on your CIBIL account is reported accurately. Raise a dispute for any errors immediately.
  2. Set payment alerts and reminders
    It’s easy to miss out on payment dates, but you might pay a fine and reduce your credit score, so set reminders before your due date
  3. Improve your credit utilization ratio
    Using more than 30% of your credit limit each month might be a red flag, so pre-paying some part before the due date may be better
  4. Don’t apply for loans or cards too often or frequently
    Lenders will pull your CIR each time and that counts as a hard inquiry
  5. Increase your credit age
    A good average age for credit history is around 5 years. Options include becoming an authorised user for someone else’s card and not closing existing accounts

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Future Of Herbal Medicine – A Way Forward Perspective

Future Of Herbal Medicine – A Way Forward Perspective:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 65-80% of the world’s population living in developing countries depends essentially on plants for primary health care. Since ancient times medicinal plants have been used as a source to cure numerous human diseases. In the present days, one fourth of the world population depends on traditional medicines. As per the recent data the global traditional market is increasing at the rate of 7-15 percent per year. Herbal medicinal preparations are normally very popular in developing countries.

Worldwide in traditional medicine, mainly herbal market has grown at an expressive rate. Several important factors have been contributed to the growth of this worldwide herbal market, such as the belief that herbal drugs are free from side effects, since millions of people all over the world have been using herbal medicines for thousands of years; great interest in alternative medicines; preference of populations for preventive medicine, effective benefit of herbal medicine in the treatment of certain diseases where conventional therapies and medicines have proven to be inadequate; tendency towards self-medication; improvement in quality, scientific proof of efficacy  and safety of herbal medicines .

For the promotion of herbal medicines in cosmetic as well as various others disorders there is a need to focus on three fields: Academics, Research and Social.

In the field of academics, promoting CME, seminar, conferences to enhance quality of education system is required. Also for success of all these programs it requires choosing topics meticulously, should cover multiple topics, distribution of funds, promotion and participant interest.

In research area, consistent effort should be made for good infrastructures, labs equipments, and research scholars are mandatory and should be supported by Government or private sector, which can enhance quality of drugs and its standard. Various fields have been opened for the research includes life style disorder, non-preventive medicine, Vajikaran, Rasayan etc. However, at present no injectable ayurvedic drug is available in the market to manage the acute or emergency diseases. For this purpose, ayurvedic drugs have to be studied for drug specific pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics, half-life, side effects, teratological effects. Research scholars, working in institute and Universities, should made collective effort for manufacturing or developing standardized drugs which can be tested very well for the adulteration and to identify the deficient constituent in a compound.

While following the guidelines as mentioned in Charak Samhita Sutrasthana , for the Dinacharya, Ritucharya and Ahara-vihara, we can promote good health; prevent life style disorders [LSD], non-communicable disease [NCD], sexually transmitted disease [STD] and many others, which needs more attention to develop more scientific parameters and result. This effort will enable the Ayurveda with evidences to project more scientifically and effectively on global platforms.

In panchakarma procedures by Snehan, drugs are being given transdermally as transdermal patches which have been used for different diseases in modern science.

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It has also been proved that there is a decrease in histamine level by the Vaman karma.  In cerebral palsy we can use Shirodhara and Vasti as a part of treatment. This always gives a good result. Shirodhara has been considered to stimulate release of endorphins and pain inhibitory mediators.

Herbals drugs from ayurveda are gaining popularity after a dark period. Main role is played by the media as well as by the recent researches, which are carried out by very less number of research scholars in comparison to other medical streams.  So we can see that if we have to take Ayurveda globally as like modern medicine, research scholars, academicians and social workers should come together as a team and work in co- ordination for the benefit of Ayurveda.

Lastly, social aspect needs conduction of camps through NGO’s etc., exhibitions, rational involvement of media preferable electronic for the prevention of diseases and after treatment care over and above the activities carried out presently like Swastha-mela should be done on regular basis for more awareness in people.

We should develop own system of medicine by considering the core of ayurveda supported by many other multifaceted-progressive-economy building and disease combating guidance and technique to be the leader in medicine as holistic medicine.

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J&K MP’s Must Quit, Give Up Govt Perks To Show Seriousness Of Demand For Restoration of Statehood

J&K MP’s Must Quit, Give Up Govt Perks To Show Seriousness Of Demand For Restoration of Statehood:

A year after abrogation, so called leaders have now woken up. But the question is are they trustworthy? Do they have the sincerity to deliver? We know the answers but we fail to speak up. It is time to ponder and give the answers to the so-called tall leaders of the state.

After the abrogation of article 370 & 35A on August 5, 2019  till date  not a single regional and national leader nor any political party has come forward to speak on the plight /miseries  of the people of J&K

We are surprised how few political leaders have come now forward after one year of vacation. As if waking from a long slumber,  they have now got up and are demanding restoration of the statehood & Article 370.

The leaders who were released earlier, almost five months ago never spoke anything on the restoration of statehood till August 24, 2020. Farooq Abdullah and all other leaders should quit first as the Lok Sabha MP and then talk on Article 370 & the restoration of statehood  as a common man. Let all political leaders, including Farooq Abdullah, give up the government benefits like houses, security, perks & others. Then we would consider his/her seriousness on making the demand for restoration of statehood.

J&K is passing through a critical period and it is all the more necessary for all of us who cherish the ideals of democracy, secularism and socialism to support a leader or a party  who ensures the rights, liberties of all the citizens, including those of the minorities are protected. Mr Farooq Abdullah  never talked about the return of the Kashmiri Pandits nor any political leader of the hue has ever in word or deed talked about the return, safeguarding and justice to the beleaguered minority communities in Kashmir, be they Kashmiri Pandits or Sikhs.

The majority population leadership of Jammu and Kashmir has failed to protect the rights of the people, including rights and respect of the minorities of Kashmir. They also failed to protect the greater autonomy of the state which was given at the time of accession . The Mainstream politicians have miserably failed to protect the , Right to equality,  Right to Freedom ,   Right Against exploitation ,  Right to Freedom of Religion  , Cultural and Educational Rights ,  Right to Constitutional remedies ,All these above mentioned rights have been denied to minorities of Kashmir since  1947  & were forced displacement in 1990  due to terror targeting and failure of the then state and Central governments to protect the Minority Community in the valley

Reconciliation, Return & Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants since September 15, 2019 onwards till date has been  fighting alone for the rights of  the J&K people . RRRM was the only organisation in Jammu & Kashmir which urged the Government of India to release all the detained political and religious leaders.

Reconciliation, Return & Rehabilitations of Migrants will support any political party, any individual  on restoration of the statehood,  who would ensure return of  the Kashmiri Pandit Migrants back to the valley, who would ensure Kashmiri Pandits are rehabilitated  with honour.  All those who were forced to leave the valley since 1989 should be welcomed back. Since KP being the original aborigines of Kashmir, who hold 5,000 years of written  history, cannot be isolated by a few selective individuals.  The RRRM will support any political party and  any individual who would ensure Minorities Rights are restored ( i.e. The rights of Kashimri Pandits,  other Hindus,  Sikhs and Christains).

We would support any political party who would ensure supreme court order WRIT PETITION© No.489 OF 2016. on minorities is implemented within  the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Minorities in Kashmir always faced discrimination, violence and atrocities. Constitutional and Legislative protections have not protected the periodic persecution of the religious minorities, since 1947 till date . There is a wide gap between existing laws and the reality of the minority conditions which deserve utmost attention.  India as a member state of the United Nations (UN) is bound by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (UNDM) which states: “Persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in decisions on the national & state level and, where appropriate, regional level concerning the minority to which they belong or the regions in which they live, in a manner not incompatible with national legislation.”

Jammu And Kashmir’s Contentious Special Status, Article 370 Scrapped

Reconciliation , Return & Rehabilitations of Migrants  since Septemeber 15, 2019 onwards till date had been  fighting alone for the rights of the J&K people. RRRM was the  only organization in Jammu & Kashmir who urged GoI time and again to release all political & religious leaders . RRRM leaders were also detained while visiting Kashmir as they wanted to hold a peace March.

we urge the Honourable Prime Minister, honourable Home Minister, honourable parliamentarians, that the people of Jammu & Kashmir are  your own people, love them and as a good gesture confer special status to Jammu & Kashmir . The representatives / parliamentarians  are for the people, by the people  and they need to understand the aspiration and the wishes of the people of J&K. While restoring state hood The special provisions should be to safeguard the interest and aspirations of the backward regions, to protect cultural and economic interests of the  people, safeguarding the minorities and  to deal with the disturbed law and order in some parts of the state .

We know  Kashmir is in dire peril and the first duty of every Kashmiri is to defend his motherland against any intruder. I am sure that God is preparing us all for a bigger task and greater responsibilities to us all. There is no reason for feeling any disappointment but you shall always have to keep in view in word & deed how to protect & respect Minorities too.

“We pledge we will fight till we get our Statehood back with special status. We will fight till our lands are protected, our culture and language are protected. Parliament should ensure this.

Disclaimer: The information, ideas or opinions appearing in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of N4M Media.

The post J&K MP’s Must Quit, Give Up Govt Perks To Show Seriousness Of Demand For Restoration of Statehood appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



J&K MP’s Must Quit, Give Up Govt Perks To Show Seriousness Of Demand For Restoration of Statehood

J&K MP’s Must Quit, Give Up Govt Perks To Show Seriousness Of Demand For Restoration of Statehood:

A year after abrogation, so called leaders have now woken up. But the question is are they trustworthy? Do they have the sincerity to deliver? We know the answers but we fail to speak up. It is time to ponder and give the answers to the so-called tall leaders of the state.

After the abrogation of article 370 & 35A on August 5, 2019  till date  not a single regional and national leader nor any political party has come forward to speak on the plight /miseries  of the people of J&K

We are surprised how few political leaders have come now forward after one year of vacation. As if waking from a long slumber,  they have now got up and are demanding restoration of the statehood & Article 370.

The leaders who were released earlier, almost five months ago never spoke anything on the restoration of statehood till August 24, 2020. Farooq Abdullah and all other leaders should quit first as the Lok Sabha MP and then talk on Article 370 & the restoration of statehood  as a common man. Let all political leaders, including Farooq Abdullah, give up the government benefits like houses, security, perks & others. Then we would consider his/her seriousness on making the demand for restoration of statehood.

J&K is passing through a critical period and it is all the more necessary for all of us who cherish the ideals of democracy, secularism and socialism to support a leader or a party  who ensures the rights, liberties of all the citizens, including those of the minorities are protected. Mr Farooq Abdullah  never talked about the return of the Kashmiri Pandits nor any political leader of the hue has ever in word or deed talked about the return, safeguarding and justice to the beleaguered minority communities in Kashmir, be they Kashmiri Pandits or Sikhs.

The majority population leadership of Jammu and Kashmir has failed to protect the rights of the people, including rights and respect of the minorities of Kashmir. They also failed to protect the greater autonomy of the state which was given at the time of accession . The Mainstream politicians have miserably failed to protect the , Right to equality,  Right to Freedom ,   Right Against exploitation ,  Right to Freedom of Religion  , Cultural and Educational Rights ,  Right to Constitutional remedies ,All these above mentioned rights have been denied to minorities of Kashmir since  1947  & were forced displacement in 1990  due to terror targeting and failure of the then state and Central governments to protect the Minority Community in the valley

Reconciliation, Return & Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants since September 15, 2019 onwards till date has been  fighting alone for the rights of  the J&K people . RRRM was the only organisation in Jammu & Kashmir which urged the Government of India to release all the detained political and religious leaders.

Reconciliation, Return & Rehabilitations of Migrants will support any political party, any individual  on restoration of the statehood,  who would ensure return of  the Kashmiri Pandit Migrants back to the valley, who would ensure Kashmiri Pandits are rehabilitated  with honour.  All those who were forced to leave the valley since 1989 should be welcomed back. Since KP being the original aborigines of Kashmir, who hold 5,000 years of written  history, cannot be isolated by a few selective individuals.  The RRRM will support any political party and  any individual who would ensure Minorities Rights are restored ( i.e. The rights of Kashimri Pandits,  other Hindus,  Sikhs and Christains).

We would support any political party who would ensure supreme court order WRIT PETITION© No.489 OF 2016. on minorities is implemented within  the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Minorities in Kashmir always faced discrimination, violence and atrocities. Constitutional and Legislative protections have not protected the periodic persecution of the religious minorities, since 1947 till date . There is a wide gap between existing laws and the reality of the minority conditions which deserve utmost attention.  India as a member state of the United Nations (UN) is bound by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (UNDM) which states: “Persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in decisions on the national & state level and, where appropriate, regional level concerning the minority to which they belong or the regions in which they live, in a manner not incompatible with national legislation.”

Jammu And Kashmir’s Contentious Special Status, Article 370 Scrapped

Reconciliation , Return & Rehabilitations of Migrants  since Septemeber 15, 2019 onwards till date had been  fighting alone for the rights of the J&K people. RRRM was the  only organization in Jammu & Kashmir who urged GoI time and again to release all political & religious leaders . RRRM leaders were also detained while visiting Kashmir as they wanted to hold a peace March.

we urge the Honourable Prime Minister, honourable Home Minister, honourable parliamentarians, that the people of Jammu & Kashmir are  your own people, love them and as a good gesture confer special status to Jammu & Kashmir . The representatives / parliamentarians  are for the people, by the people  and they need to understand the aspiration and the wishes of the people of J&K. While restoring state hood The special provisions should be to safeguard the interest and aspirations of the backward regions, to protect cultural and economic interests of the  people, safeguarding the minorities and  to deal with the disturbed law and order in some parts of the state .

We know  Kashmir is in dire peril and the first duty of every Kashmiri is to defend his motherland against any intruder. I am sure that God is preparing us all for a bigger task and greater responsibilities to us all. There is no reason for feeling any disappointment but you shall always have to keep in view in word & deed how to protect & respect Minorities too.

“We pledge we will fight till we get our Statehood back with special status. We will fight till our lands are protected, our culture and language are protected. Parliament should ensure this.

Disclaimer: The information, ideas or opinions appearing in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of N4M Media.

The post J&K MP’s Must Quit, Give Up Govt Perks To Show Seriousness Of Demand For Restoration of Statehood appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Tuesday, August 25, 2020

American Pastor Released – Trump Lauds India For Upholding Request

American Pastor Released – Trump Lauds India For Upholding Request:

Ever since the “Howdy Modi’ event in the US or PM Narendra Modi’s “Abki Baar Trump Sarkar” slogans hit the media headlines, the personal bond between US President Donald Trump and PM Modi has only been on the upcurve. The mutual admiration has often culminated into cooperation between the two countries as was visible in India’s shipping of 50 million hydroxychloroquine tablets to US in Apr-May 2020,  the biggest export of the drug to any country, following a request by the POTUS.

An extension to the mutual bonding and cooperation could be seen in India’s magnanimous gesture of releasing of an American pastor who was arrested last October on charges of carrying USD 40,000 of undeclared currency. The release was effected following Donald Trump’s request to the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the latter earning a public appreciation from Trump on the release.

Tennessee pastor Bryan Nerren after release by India following Trumps intervention this May, attended a round table with the President in the Oval Office of the White House along with several other American citizens who were released from overseas abductions and detentions.

India responded very well to my request. Appreciate that, Trump said as he appeared in a taped meeting with a group of US citizens who were abducted or detained overseas and the Trump Administration helped them to return home.

The taped round table was broadcast during the first night of the four-day Republican National Convention on Monday.

In his brief remarks, Nerren explained that he had been arrested by the Indian officials while travelling in the country.

Nerren, the American Pastor from the International House of Prayer Ministries was arrested in Bagdogra, West Bengal last October on charges of travelling with USD 40,000 of undeclared currency.

Among others who appeared along with Trump were Michael White, a US Navy veteran who was arrested in July 2018 while visiting his girlfriend in Iran and Sam Goodwin, a world traveller who entered northern Syria from Iraq on May 25, 2019 and was taken into custody for failure to have a visa.

Others who appeared on the video were Andrew Brunson, a pastor, accused of being part of a terrorist group, the Gulen movement, and was arrested on October 7, 2016, by Turkey and Joshua and Tamara Holt, arrested in Venezuela shortly after their wedding and accused of stockpiling weapons.

Each of them briefly recounted their stories and thanked President Trump for his efforts to secure their freedom.

Trump’s intervention to release Pastor Nerren came after Christian leaders from Tennessee and US lawmakers mounted a campaign for his release with both India and his administration.

Happy 74th India, Reminiscing Thru Rear-View, While Sights Firmly Set On Road Ahead

In February, Rhonda J Nerren wrote a letter to Trump seeking the release of her husband Pastor Nerren. The president is believed to have taken up the issue during his visit to India in February.

Nerren was arrested in October 2019 and charged with violating the Foreign Exchange Management Act for travelling with USD 40,000 of undeclared currency. On October 11, he was released on bail.

On December 31, 2019, Indian Customs issued a show cause order confiscating the USD 40,000 and imposing a penalty of Rs 3 lakh (roughly USD 4,000).

In January, Nerren surrendered the entire amount and paid the fine.

On May 15, 2020, after months of diplomatic efforts, Nerren was released and allowed to return home.

(With PTI Inputs)

The post American Pastor Released – Trump Lauds India For Upholding Request appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



3 Types of Inverter Batteries You Should Know About

3 Types of Inverter Batteries You Should Know About:

In today’s digital age, it is unimaginable to survive without gadgets and appliances that make our life relaxed and comfortable. However, when there is a power outage, things come to a standstill. It is where you need a smart power backup solution such as an inverter with an efficient battery.

Before you decide for a home power back-up system, you must understand which one will work best for your requirements. An inverter works great for homes and bigger establishments too. When buying an inverter, make sure you learn about its battery.

So, what does an inverter battery really do?

The functioning of an inverter is such that it adjusts the supply of electric charge from the inverter-battery as per your requirement, while the battery itself is responsible for storingthe backup charge. There are various types of batteries like, GEL battery, flat plate battery and tubular battery. Reliable and reputable brands like Luminous offer a comprehensive selection of all the three types of batteries.

Luminous Batteries
Luminous Batteries (Image courtesy: Luminous)

To determine your battery requirements, let us learn more details about each type:

 1.  Gel Battery

GEL batteries are similar totraditional lead-acid batteries, with silica added to the electrolyte to make agel-like substance, inside.Deep cycle lead-acid Gel batteries are built sturdy, and they are entirely maintenance-free, which makes them perfect for an inverter. These are sealed, valve-controlled& thus completely safe and environment friendly.

Gel batteries are engineered to provide the best-in-classenergy density available per unit volume or weight. Construction wise GEL battery may use flat plate technology or Tubular plate technology.  Tubular plate GEL batteries are the most suitable for inverter batteries for home application.

 2.  Flat Plate Inverter Battery

A flat plate battery is like any lead-acid battery that is made of positive and negative plates. Here the battery is named as FLAT because, the geometric shape of the plates are FLAT.

These batteries have two visible components, namely:

  • Structure – The part that is responsible for transmission of electricity produced on the plates and holds the other active components.
  • Reactive chemicals –The part that generates electrical energy within the battery.

Flat plate batteries are ideally suited for instant high-current applications due to the larger surface area of plates. Such batteries arerecharged faster than Tubular batteries in comparison.

 3.  Tubular Plate Inverter Battery

A Tubular battery is identical to any lead-acid battery constructed from positive and negative plates. However, here the geometric structure of the positive plates is tubular, while that of the negative plates is flat.

Positive plates are built in tubular form to provide the active chemical components inside the battery with additional support. Such plates have a tubular support system around the reactive chemicals, ensuring that the responsive portion stays in place throughout the battery life.

Design and construction wise, TUBULAR batteries are generally robust, and therefore have a service life of about 5 to 8 years, in normal operating conditions. These are mainly used for extended power cut zones, where power cut durations are comparatively longer than usual or where large loads (such as AC, geyser, pump,etc.) need to be assisted. Tubular batteries are also ideal for cyclic tasks, where consistent heavy loads need to run.

There are two types of tubular batteries:

  • Short Tubular

A short tubular battery is suitable for small spaces due to its compact size. It can be easily placed on a low height cabinet. Besides theease of installation, short tubular batteries are also durable, require low maintenance, and range between 60AH to 150AH.

  • Tall Tubular

A tall tubular battery can be used to run electrical devices that requirehigh power consumption. Tall tubular batteries, ranging from 110AH to 225AH, are designed for heavy load application and long power cut areas.Tall tubular batteries are best suited for deep discharge appliances.

Get the Battery Befitting Your Needs

The next time when you are at home, working or just enjoying a day off, and there is a power failure, you won’t have to spend your time battling the summer heat waiting for your air conditioner to start working again. Invest in a reliable inverter with the right kind of inverter battery to support it.Renowned brands like Luminous offer a range of inverter batteries depending upon your requirement. Select from a wide variety of GEL, flat plate, and tubular batteries for inverters. Make an informed choice and avoid power woes.

The post 3 Types of Inverter Batteries You Should Know About appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Sunday, August 23, 2020

 Ertugrul Ghazi – That Turkish Storm

 Ertugrul Ghazi – That Turkish Storm:

Don’t watch Ertugrul.

Yawn. Another list of do’s and don’ts, we did what we do best.

We paid no heed.

But this time there was a difference.

The decree to ‘unwatch’ Ertugrul came from the two camps that are  normally rabidly opposed to each other, the fundamentalists and the liberals.

The two and two really made four,  this time.

Parvez Hoodbhoy Professor of physics and writer, in his column,” Dangerous Delusions” expounds,

“That this serial is frankly propagandistic and ideologically motivated is beyond doubt. It has been manufactured for a purpose. But what purpose?

If it seeks to project Islam as a religion of peace and to counter Islamophobia, then the very opposite is achieved. The first scene of the first episode begins with sword-making and sword-sharpening in the background of nomadic tents.”

I want to humbly ask the professor, didn’t your country export Klashinkovs to the Kayi tribe in the 13th Century?  If not, why? Was an enquiry commission set up? Also, do you want them to fight the battles or defend themselves with sticks and stones? Can a tribal society survive without weapons for defence or for hunting?

Did Julius Caesar fight with his tooth brush?  Were the Romans fiddling with the flute and never wielded swords? How was Shylock planning to take his pound of flesh from Antonio?  Digging the flesh with the lawyer’s pen?

Prof. Hoodbhoy ridicules Ertugrul as a piece of fiction and he is right. Quoting,  Mehmet Bozdag, the director of the series who confesses,

 “There is very little information about the period we are presenting — not exceeding 4-5 pages. Even the names are different in every source. The first works written about the establishment of the Ottoman State were about 100-150 years later. There is no certainty in this historical data… we are shaping a story by dreaming.”

Even after this confession, the Professor refuses to relent.

I was urged to watch Erturgul around 2016, a series that revives the Islamic spirit. My ears perked up at this grand proclamation and I began Dirillis Ertugrul Season 1 episode 1; and episodes 2, 3, 4, ….

A big yawn.

The promised reviving of spirit failed to find me; genuine confession earned me, an earful of how lacking I was in my Islamic spirit that despite attempts by Mehmet Bozdeg, it refused to get rekindled.

I tried feeling mortified. I tried hard.

From that careless watching of three episodes, all I  could retain was the budding romance of Ertugrul and Halime, whom he saves from a caravan ambush by the Templars..

A la Bollywood, I laughed and my mind switched off.

Fast forward, 2020.

Haram, haram,  Watching Ertugrul is haram.

Some Islamic preachers said.


It has music, singing, and women.

Oh, I see. But where to escape, then?

It has Ibn e Arabi.

Son of Arab?  MBS?  My poor knowledge was showing its slip.

No, he was a 13the century Sufi saint, I could smell the sternness of the tone.

Oh, him? Was he an Arab Sarmad? I mean, what did he do or didn’t? I was smug.

He was a bad influence. Pat came the reply.

But he was Shaykhul Islam of Sufism!  I tried to bring a twinkle in my eyes.

We say, don’t watch and that is it. You should not watch. The fatwa arrived.

I will see about that.

You are disobeying.

Nay, I was using the proverbial slang, let me decide about it.

We have decided it for you. They took out the last leaf out of their Fatwa basket and thundered.

I sighed aloud and folded my hands emoji style.

I could hear the mumble as I turned around and soon some Libbus came and stood on my head.

You can’t watch Ertugrul.

Oh, not again!

I narrowed my eyes, threw a stare and pretended to be casual,

Oh, yes, I just heard that.

No, no, we are asking you again, to not watch.

You want me to not watch it?


So you are agreeing with the Fundoos.

Never, the scorn here was deeper.


We have different reasons for you to not watch it.

Ha, I know, I squealed, it has music, singing, women….err but you don’t object to …..

Especially the last, oh that Leery Libbu grin!

I know, I tried to raise an eyebrow but the Fundoo asked me to stop.

Yes, yes, I get it.

It is pure propaganda, the libbu continued.

I gulped down some water to smoothen the storm that was trying to rise up inside me and turned over to the Libbus:

If Ertugrul is propaganda then we are used to such propaganda.



We squeal, clap and are elated to see Iron man and what not man, Saving America’ from unknown alien threats, and we do not blink an eyelid.

Also Read: With Domestic Violence Up 20%, Covid19 Proving Bigger Curse For Women

 Are you crazy? Hollywood is the supreme example of fine, a refined  art.

Double refined? I asked innocently because I am really innocent.

But they didn’t believe and stared at me in their cooked up wrath.

Ertugrul is going to make you a terrorist, to be brief.

This was a Libbu Fatwa.

I turned around again.( Old habit of ours, for years, turning round and round, as people ask us to, without stopping to think for ourselves, another old habit.)

Fundoos: Ibn e Arabi was a Mulhid.

Hainn? My ignorance was showing.

An apostate,  heretic. The disgust in the voice was palpable.

Result of English education. They don’t know the basic terminology. The second Fundoo proclaimed.

I listened amused.

What happens if I listen to a Mulhid?  I listen to all his Ted talks…

He never gave a Ted talk.

But he was called Shaykhul Akbar, the king of the Sufis, I smiled innocently, because I am really innocent.

Do you also believe in Wuhdut ul  wujood?

Nay, the other poked him in the arm, Wuhdutash shuhood.

Whatever, the first Fundoo got irritated by the poking.

So you also believe in……….

He left it incomplete, fearing the confusion between those two exquisite terms.

Believe what?  I had to resist winking at him.

You believe in their propaganda. You start enjoying Islamic conquests. You secretly wish for the caliphate.

The libbu had come back.

How do you know so much about me? I pretended to laugh nervously.

Stung, the Libbu brought forth some froth to his mouth and shouted,

You want to bring back Caliphate through Ertugrulllllllll……

Shhhhh, MBS might listen. I pretended to whisper, taking my hands near my mouth and cupping them, in half a circle.

No, she will not watch it, it has singing music and women, with some special sheepish emphasis on the last word,

Fundoos can be cute, sometimes.

Yes, the Libbu asserted, she can’t watch it or else she will turn into an extremist.

I didn’t know, I was a factory product.

They had joined hands together against me.

So I spread my hands side wards and shut them out.

I sat down and watched Ertugrul, skipping the first season and directly jumping to the second. Felt involved.

The antiques of Noyan , like that great tempter of  Paradise Lost; Satan looked mesmeric.

Then Ertugrul began rising on the horizon.

The tribe of Kayi,  has to fend off  the harsh winters of Anatolia along with  enemies from within and without. The simplicity of the tribal life amidst the meadows of happy sunshine was pleasing. The protagonist is a real hero; he fights for justice, cares for his people, fulfills his promises forgives his enemies but doesn’t mind killing them if the treachery crosses a certain limit. He is loyal to his wife, dotes on her, and yet is firm in reprimanding her, if situation demands.

That rare combination of Control and Balance;  you see.

Ertugrul swears by the Islamic principles of dignity forbearance gratitude, a strong belief system and forgiveness in a way that is comprehended with ease without getting preachy and lives by the example of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, to be loving and forgiving even one’s enemies.

Kayi women weave carpets to make a living, ride horses, wield swords, and take part in decision making. These mother figures, wives are respected for their views, and are not just symbolic figures nursing babies or cooking feasts. This is refreshing, after often  seeing thickly make-upped women buried in vulgar jewelry with nothing else to do but scheming against each other. The popular notion of Muslim women being oppressed is shown the door in this Turkish series.

The twists of the plot keep one engaged, but a tight editing was needed.

Yes, there is violence. Graphic violence. Heads ripped off bodies, blood spilling in the air like it is tomato ketch up, enough to make you wince.

The hostility for Ertugrul from fundamentalist and liberal camps is amusing and betrays some complex inherent biases.

My life, my choice, my TV show.

I don’t need to give explanations for what I choose to watch. Nor I demand to know from you, why you love Hollywood that is often full of Islamophobic propaganda.

Ertugrul like Iron Man, Avengers and co, saves people from evil ,  swears by Islamic moral code of an upright man who forgives his enemies and treats Muslims and non Muslims as equal human beings.

Ertugrul, father of Osman, the founder of the Osmania Sultatnate, doesn’t claim to be authentic history,   hence can be enjoyed as a work of dramatic fiction. The geo-political ramifications connected to Ertugrul make it more interesting to watch.  Common conversations now are tinged with Artuk Bey , for a wise patient scholar,  Turgut for a dashing brave fighter, Bamsi for a likeable simpleton, Halime for a beautiful daughter or  beloved.

The scarred Muslim imagination starving of a hero figure has at last found something to cherish truly.

Interesting to note my colleague Prof. Dinanath Patil had urged me to watch this series, earlier this year, which he described as the glorious history of Kayi Tribe about Turkish warrior Ertugrul Ghazi. The reach of Ertugrul is not limited but ever expanding.

Ertugrul’s message: It is your character /conduct that speak and not your tall talk.

As it is said, “He’s a bastard, but he’s our bastard.

Ertugrul might be propaganda, but it is our propaganda.

Cheers Ertugrulllllll!

The post  Ertugrul Ghazi – That Turkish Storm appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Saturday, August 22, 2020

Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models

Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models:

Canadian film and modeling industry is blessed with the world’s most beautiful and hottest actresses and models. Since every actress and model is unique and original in her own way, selecting the top most canadians was a tough task at hand. Nonetheless, N4M Reviews and Surveys team brings you closer to reality with this shortlisted top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. This list comprises of the creamy, most beautiful, most attractive, charming and gorgeous actresses and models dwelling Canada today. Keep reading to find out where each of your favourite is ranked.

Tricia Helfer

Tricia Helfner - Canadian Actress and model

Tricia Helfer is at no.10 in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born on 11-April-1974 in Donalda, Alberta, Canada. Her birth-name is “Tricia Janine Helfer”She is most famous for playing the TV series humanoid Cylon Number Six in Ronald D. Moore’s reimagined Battlestar Galactica. Tricia Modeling career started when she was only 18.She is very famous in Canada for her TV series and films such as “Walk All Over Me (2007)”, “Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009)”, “Mass Effect 2 (2010)”, “Battlestar Galactica (2003)”. She was declared as the international superstar after winning the Ford Models’ Supermodel of the World Contest held in 1992. Tricia modeling career surged when she appeared in luxuriant Ad campaigns for Dolce and Gabbana, Versace, Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, and Givenchy. Tricia has a net worth of $10 million.

Hottest Canadian Model - N4M List

Estella Warren

Most Beautiful and Hottest Canadian Model

Estella Warren stands at no. 09 in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born on 23-Dec-1978 in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.Estella Warren was a simultaneity swimmer for ten years from the age of 7 until 17 in her native country, Canada.Estella took part in a couple of TV shows such as “Feel the Dead (2017)”, “Age of The Living Dead (2018)”. She remained the Canadian National Champion for three years. Estella represented her country at the World Aquatic Championship and got a runner-up trophy. Estella is also well-known for her Blockbuster’s movies, “Beauty and the Beast (2010)”, “Driven (2001)”, “Planet of the Apes (2001)”, “Kangaroo Jack (2003)”. Estella has a net worth of $1 million.

Boldest and Hottest Canadian Model

Erica Durance

Most Beautiful Canadian Actress

In our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models, Erica Durance is at no. 08. She was born on 21-Jun-1978 in Calgary, Canada. She married to Wes Parker in 1996, and then Durancegot divorced in 1999. After this, she married David Palffy in 2005.Erica is the hottest and beautifulactress since 2001. She is the most famous actress and producer in Canada, well-known for “Saving Hope (2012-17)” and “Smallville (2004-2011)”.Durance played the leading role in the TV series Smallville for seven series.She is also very famous for her superhit movies such as “The Butterfly Effect 2 (2006)”, “House of the Dead (2003)”. Erica has a net worth of $4.5 million.

Top Canadian Actress and Model Erica Durance

Elisha Cuthbert

Hottest Canadian Model and Actress - N4M List

In our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models, Elisha Cuthbert is at no. 07. She was born in 30-Nov-1982 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Her birth-name is “Elisha Ann Cuthbert.” Elisha was nominated as the sexiest actress in the world by the magazine Glam’Mag in 2015. She became internationally famous after playing Kim Bauer in the series of 24 (2001). She was nominated and elected in “Most Beautiful woman of American TV.”Cuthbert is considered as the sexiest symbol, and she was often named as one of the “Most Beautiful” and “Hottest” women in the world. She was also nominated for the “MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss.” Elisha is well known for her superhit movies such as “The Girl Next Door (2004)”. “House of Wax (2005)”, “The Quiet (2005)”. Elisha has a net worth estimated of $20 million.

Hottest Model from Canada

Rachelle Lefevre

Canadian Actress - N4M List of Top Most Beautiful

Rachelle Lefevre stands at no. 06 in our list ofTop 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born on 1-Feb-1979 in Montreal, Canada. Lefevre was found by a Canadian filmmaker who, thus, helped the hopeful entertainer land her first acting gig. She worked at the Montreal sushi restaurant as a teen. There Lefevre met a regular customer who heard about her beautiful acting, put Lefevre in touch with a casting director. Finally, she led a role on a Canadian Sitcom. Then Lefevre played leading roles in several films such as “Twilight (2008)”, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)”, “Barney’s Version (2010)”, “White House Down (2013)”. Lefevre has a net worth of $1.5 million.

Rachelle Lefevre - Most Beautiful Canadian Actress and Models

Stana Katic

Hottest Stana Katic Model from Canada

Stana Katic stands at 5thposition in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born on 26-Apr-1978 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.Katic is Canadian as well as an American Actress and producer. Katic was nominated in three nominations, and she wins seven.Katic can speak Serbian, Italian, English, and French. She worked on many feature films that include: “CBGB (2013)”. “Big Sur (2013)”, “Castle (2009-2016)”, “For Lovers Only (2011)”, “The Spirit (2008)”, “The double (2011)”, “Benton’s Feast of Love (2007)”. Katic also won the award for the “People’s Choice Award for Favorite Dramatic TV Actress.” Stana Katic has a net worth of $12 million.

Stana Katic - Top Most Beautiful

Emmanuelle Chirqui

Hottest Canadian Actress - Emmanuelle-Chirqui

Emmanuelle Chirqui stands at 4th position in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born in 10-Dec-1975 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Emmanuelle’s birth name was “Emmanuelle Sophie Anne Chirqui.”She has been in the film industry since 1995. At the moment when Chirqui was only ten years old, she appeared in a McDonald’s TV commercial. She was ranked no. 90 in “102 Sexiest Women in the World (2002)” printed in stuff magazine. FHM voted Chirqui as the 8th Sexiest girl of 2008. A number of her relatives used to spell her last name as “Chreky.”She is known for her Blockbuster’s films such as “Wrong turn (2003)”, “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan (2008)”, “Waiting… (2005)”, “100 Girls (2000)”. Chirqui has a net worth of $9 million.

Canada Actress and Model

Kim Cloutier

Hottest and Sexiest Canadian Kim Cloutier

Kim Cloutier stands at 3rdPosition in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born on 25-Mar-1987 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Kim is very famous for her athletic swimsuit figure. That’s why she holdsthe3rdposition on our list. She is a fashion model, well-known for a lot of lingerie, cosmetics, and swimsuit campaigns. Kim has also appeared in Sports Swimsuit Edition (2009). She is famous for her films that include: “Letterkenny (2016)”, “Donny! (2015)” “The Cobbler (2014)”. Kim has a net worth in an estimated $1 million.

Top most Beautiful Actress from Canada

Cobie Smulders

Hot and Beautiful Canadian Actress

Cobie Smulders is at the 2ndhottest girl in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She was born on 3-April-1982 in Vancouver, Canada. Cobie is a certified scuba diver and former model. She was mostly voted “Most Respected” by her seniors as well as her classmates in high school. Maxim Magazine ranked Cobie at no. 9 in the “Hot 100 Women of 2011” list. After her high-school ended, she continued her modeling internationally. Finally, Cobie’s efforts made her arise to audition for TV & films. Cobie’s natural and soulful acting impressed the casting directors. Then Cobie became very famous for her TV series such as “Jeremiah (2002)”, “Special Unit 2 (2001)” after that Cobie became very famous for her films that include: “The Avengers (2012)”, “Safe Haven (2013)”, “Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)”, “Jack Reacher: Never Go (2016)”. Cobie has a net worth of $25 million.

Hot and Beautiful Cobie Smulders

Emily VanCamp

Top most beautiful and hottest Canadian Actress Emily VanCamp

Emily VanCamp ranks at the first position in our list of Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models. She is the hottest and sexy Canadian girl in the world. Emily was born on 12-May-1986 in Port Perry, Ontario, Canada. Her birth name is “Emily Irene VanCamp.”Emily’s father is an animal nutritionist. That’s why she got her first job was working for her father. Emily’s post was delivering food to clients around the hometown. At the age of just 13, Emily became fond of acting when she visited her sister’s set of film “Ladies Room (1999)”. After that, she started taking acting classesat the weekends, and then she found an agent. She worked for him in many commercials. After all, she appeared in the premiere of Canadian children’s horror series, “Are you Afraid of Darks? (1990)”. Emily became very famous because of her TV series appearance. She also played lead roles in several films and TV series such as “Revenge (2011-2015)”, “Brothers & Sisters (2007-2010)”, “Captain America: Civil War (2016)”, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” Emily VanCamp has a net worth of $8 million, and she charges $55,000 per episode.

Top most beautiful, hottest Canadian Actress Emily VanCamp


NOTE:Comment below which Canadian Actress and model you loved the most in our “Top 10 most beautiful & hottest Canadian actresses and models” list. We review our lists semi-annually and will include your viewpoints as well while deciding the upcoming hierarchy.

The post Top 10 Most Beautiful & Hottest Canadian Actresses & Models appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Is Small Cap Fund Good For Long Term Investment?

Is Small Cap Fund Good For Long Term Investment?:

Wondering if you should deploy investments in small cap funds? Mutual fund firms mostly aim at maximizing investor returns and wealth through deploying capital in various securities. Based on the tolerance for risks at an individual investor level, these choose investments in either equity or debt funds.

Making investments in equity-based securities basically equates to investments made in stocks of several organizations. Investors should focus on the balance between risks and rewards while investing in small cap funds. Some of the aspects that you should carefully note include the associated risks, returns generated by the fund, future growth potential of stocks and benefits of diversification.

Here are some of the key things to remember before making investments in the best small cap funds.

  • Returns – Small cap funds may usually surpass the performance of large and mid cap funds over the long haul. It has been seen that they may perform quite well if the market remains bullish.
  • Risks – An element of risk is always present when it comes to investing in small cap mutual funds since they are affected by market volatility. They have a higher tradeoff between returns and risks, making them absolutely ideal for those who have a higher appetite for risks. Investing in small cap securities should be done with a long-term horizon and any fall/rise in prices owing to market fluctuations will ultimately be evened out.
  • Growth – Investing in funds like for example Nippon small cap fund or similar funds may be a good strategy for portfolio growth. This investment may have the ability for shoring up growth levels in comparison to large cap stocks which may have already touched their peak levels.
  • Diversification- The advantage of investing in mutual funds is always the capability of portfolio diversification. Through investments made in small cap funds, a finer balance may be achieved between returns and risks along with enabling diversification of the portfolio for lowering risks.

Strategies To Be Followed For Small Cap Investments:

If you are thinking of investing in the banking sector small cap funds like HDFC small cap funds or similar offerings, you should always keep a few strategic aspects in mind. These include the following:

  • Fund Composition – There are various small cap entities present in the industry and investors have to obtain extensive knowledge of the market and long-term return prospects prior to deploying any investment. The fund composition will make a major difference in the nature of the portfolio.
  • Investment Goals – Outline your financial blueprint for the long haul prior to deploying your investment. On the basis of the same, you can choose investments in small cap funds for accomplishing goals in the long haul. For getting aggressive returns over a shorter time period, this investment avenue is avoidable.
  • Long-term Investments – The key towards ensuring higher returns via equity is staying invested for a longer duration. Investors should always remember that it is not possible to optimize wealth creation and they will have to stay invested in these funds for a period of 7-10 years. This will make sure that market fluctuations do not affect overall returns while volatility levels are smoothened out considerably.
  • Patience – With midcap and Smallcap stocks, you should always remain patient with regard to the investment duration. The portfolio will not grow exponentially in just a year’s time and you should not face undue stress regarding the same. It will require a minimum time period of 3-4 years for the fund to achieve sufficient growth. Patience is a key virtue in this case.
  • Quality – Take a quality-first approach when selecting stocks for investments. Many times, investors attempt at leveraging market cycles perfectly while investing in stocks with lower valuations. However, this may compromise the value of the whole investment. Select high-quality stocks that have done well previously and have ample future growth potential.
  • Risks – Investors should analyze risk tolerance/appetite prior to taking investment decisions. Investors with higher risk appetite should select these funds. Others should refrain from choosing them.
  • Performance – Make your investment only after scrutinizing the past performance of the small cap fund in question. Always check the performance across both bearish and bullish cycles in the market.

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Taxation Aspects That You Need To Be Aware Of:

Returns arising from small cap funds are subjected to capital gains taxes (if any capital gains arise) along with DDT (dividend distribution tax) which applies in case any dividends are received. DDT is to be deducted by the mutual fund house at the rate of 10%. Capital gains refer to profits which are generated from selling investments. As a result, when you redeem small cap fund units and earn profits, you will be liable to pay capital gains taxes. The rate of taxation will be dependent on the tenure for which you remained invested in the mutual fund plan/scheme. This is known as the holding period.

If you remained invested in small cap funds for a holding period lower than a year, then capital gains that you earn will be called STCG (short term capital gain). This tax rate is 15%. If you stay invested in your small cap fund for a holding period exceeding 1 year, then the gains that you earn will be LTCG (long term capital gain). The tax rate is 10% in this category in case your gains surpass an amount of Rs. 1 lakh. These are factors that you have to keep in mind before investing.

The post Is Small Cap Fund Good For Long Term Investment? appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Wednesday, August 19, 2020

GunjanSaxena – Empowerment Or Demotivation!

GunjanSaxena – Empowerment Or Demotivation!:

Bollywood has always made war movies and biopics like Haqeeqat, Vijeta, Border, BhaagMilkhaBhaag, M S Dhoni etc. and many more with the most recent   Uri – The Surgical Strike.

Like a lot of people, I have been quite influenced by these movies. My views on Captain Cool changed a lot after I saw his biopic. Likewise, Uri was life altering for me. From writing mere romantic fiction and motivational pieces and not even knowing the full form of SSB,  I moved on to writing about Armed Forces and organizing sessions related to Armed Forces in school.

Needless to say, I have been looking forward to the movie GunjanSaxena – The Kargil Girl.

Inspiration In Real Life, Victim In Reel

Despite my limited knowledge about the Armed Forces, I found the story of Flt Lt. GunjanSaxena inspirational. In the few interactions that I have had with school children, I have tried to mention about her so as to motivate the girls in audience, who may wish to join our Armed Forces.

While watching the movie, I was quite hooked to the story till the time she is shown to join the Academy. Once the narration of the journey in the Academy began, I started to feel disgusted. No, not at the plight of Flt Lt Gunjan, but at the way Air Force officers are portrayed.

After 100+ hours of flying, will the result of an arm wrestling bout decides the future of an Air Force Pilot? A senior officer comments to the newly commissioned officer about enemy not sparing someone with big eyes welled with tears! Another officer commenting to his CO that women can’t drive cars, how do we expect them to fly choppers! Plus the scenes involving loud music and dance in the Academy! The possibility of a female Air Officer being captured as PoW being discussed on National Television! Wasn’t this the same time, when a journalist was reporting live from those war zones? How does any of this even make sense? Does all this add to creative freedom? Is the audience expected to be so gullible to believe all this?

Flt Lt Gunjan Saxena - The Kargil Girl
Flt Lt Gunjan Saxena – The Kargil Girl (A Netflix Movie)

Fiction or creative freedom is best restricted to an individual or two, not an elite organization.

I haven’t had the privilege to be a part of Armed Forces fraternity but I surely have been connected to some Veterans and serving officers of our Armed Forces. It has been mentioned to me a couple of times that it is a custom and etiquette in the Armed Forces that they are NOT to discuss politics, finance and women. (Contrary to the utter gibberish of ‘Pamela Aunty’s posters in the Mess shown in the movie.) A close friend, who is a Colonel refused to give feedback on one of my articles stating that it had a political leaning and he was supposed to be apolitical. Such is the ethos of our Armed Forces.

In my limited interactions with them, I know that they hold the women in very high esteem. Inspite of being just a social media acquaintance, I have had an 80 yr old Veteran and serving officers address me as Ma’am. I obviously have no influence on their careers or lives whatsoever and yet. Hence, it was hard for me to believe that women officers then were spoken to in such a derogatory or sexist manner. All my above doubts were put to rest upon reading these articles:

This one is by a Veteran woman officer: Dear Makers Of ‘Gunjan Saxena’, You Cannot Peddle Lies In The Name Of Creative Freedom

And this one is by a Retd. General: Why Gunjan Saxena’s Great Theme Was Wasted

I have always believed that to put someone up on a pedestal, one doesn’t need to belittle the other. I fail to understand, what is the point of showing Indian Air Force, which is one of our esteemed organisations in bad light and maligning them?  Those civilians who have little knowledge about our Armed Forces, who have no way to find out about these misrepresentations may probably hold the image of an Air Force officer as a egoistic, sexist person, which is far from true, as per the above article. If only the makers of the movie had taken the trouble to make it more realistic, show more of her feats rather than create drama around her journey as an Air Force Pilot.

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Stories Can Inspire Even Without Drama

Bollywood has also had movies like Pink, Thappad which were women oriented movies and had raised some relevant questions and valid points. However, with this movie, the undue liberty citing creative freedom is questionable. In India, Netflix has around 183  million subscribers, thus exposing this movie to such a large audience. A theatre release would probably have meant even more exposure. Recently, a series based on our Army has seen stupendous success and audience’s respect for this fraternity has increased furthermore. The makers of this series also belong to the same film industry and would have had similar resources for research.

Flt Lt Gunjan Saxena - The Kargil Girl
Gunjan Saxena – Seen Saluting Her Seniors

‘GunjanSaxena – The Kargil Girl’ could have been used as a wonderful platform to talk about how inspiring the journey of Flt Lt Gunjan was, at the same time portraying the right information about our Air Force and thus motivating many young girls. Alas! The opportunity lost.

Alongwith this movie, there are two more movies that I look forward to; one based on the Late Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw and our beloved Capt. VikramBatraParam Veer Chakra. There will never be another Sam Manekshaw, who has been an inspiration for generations. Likewise, Capt. VikramBatra is a legend too, who inspires the youth of the country. If all the balderdash of sexism shown in this movie is so called creative freedom then I shudder at the thought of creative liberties that maybe used in the narration of the stories of the above two legends. Their image is too sacrosanct to be tweaked around with. Hope the Indian Film industry realises that it is totally unacceptable to bring disrepute to our organisations, just to create a sensational movie and story line.

Take a bow, Flt Lt. GunjanSaxena and kudos to the man behind this efficient pilot, her father.

I am just hoping that the next time I speak to school students about Flt Lt. GunjanSaxena, I don’t have to spend more time convincing them about the equal opportunity in Air Force than speaking about the lady herself. Such portrayals would only discourage girls from joining Armed Forces.

Showing our Air Warriors in bad light, just to make a sensational story out of a real life inspiration! Is that what our storytellers are reduced to now? Is this the best that you can do Bollywood …using ‘Creative freedom’ ?

The post GunjanSaxena – Empowerment Or Demotivation! appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



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