Tuesday, September 22, 2020

10 Weight Loss Mistakes That Don’t Let You Lose Weight

10 Weight Loss Mistakes That Don’t Let You Lose Weight:

It’s been quite some time and you are struggling with your weight. But when you step on the scale, the needle stays the same or just moves a pound as it shows last time. Although you are having a diet full of nutrients, doing exercise regularly but still wondering what is wrong with your weight. Well, losing weight is a tricky business, your weight loss efforts can be messed up because all your focus is on losing weight instead of losing it in a sustainable healthy way. All you need is to clear your mind and do not fall into the trap.

Weight loss is way more than just a calorie count. A health-based approach towards your goals with realistic expectations is the most important thing to pursue weight loss. A healthy diet with enough sleep, less stress, and other significant health conditions are necessary to take into account. Here are the Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes that stop you from attaining your intended / targeted weight loss.

Calories Consumption

Poor planning of three meals a day can deviates you from your well-disciplined weight loss goals. A calorie is a measure of energy absorbed by your body from the food you consumed. Burn more and consume less calories is important to lose weight. Depending on the age, weight, height, and other health-related factors, you can accurately determine the daily intake of calories. But it does not make any sense if you stop taking calories, because cutting down the calorie intake through starving is not an appropriate way to lose weight. Calculate your daily calorie need here.

Studies reveal that low-calorie diets do not help you lose weight and eventually results in muscle loss and drastically slows down the metabolism. Therefore, a proper amount of calories should be taken by different means to get your body goals. On average, an adult can consume a 2000 calorie diet to maintain his body healthy.

Research evidence shows that a high protein diet can suppress your appetite and helps to increase the metabolic activity of your body. A high protein diet is not only a source of good calories but also burns about 80-900 calories per day.

Stop taking sugary soft drinks and juices because the liquid sugar slows down metabolic activity and causes other diseases such as elevated blood sugar levels.

Escape the “Diet” Food Trap

A healthy approach to lose weight means that you need to avoid diet food traps. Avoiding means you need to treat your body with what it needs, prepare the body for a lifetime with falling in the traps in the name of diets. As we know that these diet food traps are quite attractive due to the advertisements by celebrities and Instagram stars. You may lose weight in a few weeks by diet traps but later it is hard to control the regained weight and hence spoil your body functioning.

The real goal towards a healthy weight loss is to get away from the thought of wanting quick results. You have to eat differently, get to know which food is suitable for your body. Try to avoid pre-cooked meals and packaged sauces. It is best to get your raw ingredients and cook a healthy and fresh meal without any preservatives.

Scale Doesn’t Matter

You stop focusing on the number on a scale when you realize that your health is much are than your weight. Don’t give up your weight loss journey when your desired number does not show up. One has to understand the science behind weight loss, when you lose fat, you gain muscle and that is the reason your weight stays the same. If your scale does not change even after losing a few inches, don’t panic, you are going in the right direction and very much near to your perfect body goals.

Don’t Fall for Shady Food Labels

Food labels are sometimes so confusing. In this modern era, the trend of being “healthy” makes the market apply tricks and convince us of the products in the name of health. It is not always true what it says. In reality, make sure to do some research when going to buy a product with a shady food label.

Top 10 Best Weight Loss Clinics in Delhi and NCR – N4M Survey, Aug 20

For the sake of competition, brands are designed labels that mislead you from your weight loss goals. The best way is to check the list of ingredients first instead of the front label. If you find refined grains, hydrogenated oils, and sugar in the list of ingredients, the product is not meant for healthy weight loss. Make sure to identify the number of calories you are taking than a mention of the product. Do not fall for slogans such as No sugar: It may mean the products do not have artificial sugar but it may contain natural sugar. Most of the time, gluten-free means the product may have processed unhealthy fat and does not contain wheat.

Portion Control Diet

One of the mistakes that do not let people lose weight is random eating. It is simply that to lose weight, one has to burn more calories than he consumes. It doesn’t mean eating portions but the best way is to divide your plate into small portions with several nutrients your body needs every day. The key is to consume fewer calories but with different sources such as protein, healthy fat, and carbohydrates.

Hydration is Key

Do not confuse “water weight” with drinking water while losing weight. The water retention in a human may be caused by several means such as hormonal changes, increased sodium in the body, lack of sleep, and stress. Interestingly, according to research, water retention can be reduced by being hydrated. Water is a great source to cleanse your body, boost metabolism, help the body to retain water, and enhance the weight loss process.

Exercise In Moderation

Research evidence reveals that doing excessive exercise is not healthy and leads to serious damage to your body and induces stress. On the other hand, the lack of exercise also has diverse effects on your body such as muscle loss and lower metabolism. However, exercising in moderation accelerates the process of fat loss and helps to maintain a lean mass.

Stop Skipping Meals

Skipping a meal for the sake of weight loss increases the water retention in your body, slows down metabolism and in the end, you are wondering why I am not losing weight. Starvation has many disastrous effects on your body. Weight loss is not proportional to calorie intake; many people confuse their bodies by taking low-calorie diets.

Breakfast is very important for your health and it gives you energy for the whole day. Kick-starting your day with a perfect combination of carbs, protein, and fiber such as fat-free yogurt, a bowl of oatmeal, egg and some fresh fruits can be the best option for a healthy breakfast.

Track Your Food

Have a check on your food and know the consumption of nutrients and calories is the healthiest way to lose weight. The right amount of fiber, proteins, fat, and carbs can enhance your weight loss journey by keeping you healthy.

There are many online tracking websites and different apps that help to keep an eye on your daily nutrient and calorie consumption.

Realistic Approach Towards Weight Loss

The first and foremost thing to understand is whether your body needs weight loss. Being “skinny” is the latest trend but don’t fall for that trap. Start your weight loss journey healthily and keep expectations low. Patience is a key to success because the unrealistic approach can lead to frustration and divert your mind from the actual goal. Don’t give up in the middle of your journey, give your best and wait for wonders.

The post 10 Weight Loss Mistakes That Don’t Let You Lose Weight appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/10-weight-loss-mistakes-that-dont-let-you-lose-weight/


Monday, September 21, 2020

Design Over Protection – Which Way To Go While Buying Masks?

Design Over Protection – Which Way To Go While Buying Masks?:

Think of masks as a utility in the pre-COVID times, and one could only imagine them being worn by healthcare practitioners. Suddenly, the world changed to the unusual ways of living life because of the novel Corona virus. From the time when hygiene was given least priority in our lives, we entered into this pandemic era where maintaining frequent personal hygiene became the new norm. Then, came the news of masks to be used for personal safety and Corona virus prevention.

Things did not end there. While face masks became mandatory to battle against this viral outbreak, no one ever imagined them to become a fashionable product. Just like surgical masks and respirators, designer masksnow are available everywhere.

The markets are brimming with designer masks having quirky embellishments and prints, classic embroideries, and what not. From local stores to branded showrooms and everything in between, designer masks are everywhere. As a result, there has been a shift in the mindset of people from protection to style.

The question is – Is it okay to feel inclined towards design than the protection quotient of a mask?

Let us talk about the impact of easy availability of designer masks that have found their way to the markets.

  • People feel attracted to the design of masks than its actual purpose. Also, they are confused about which design to buy than how to stay protected, all thanks to those who flourished the market with an abundance of designer masks. Sadly, it is also the reason why many people do not know about how to choose the right mask for protection.
  • Well-known designers and luxury apparel brands are coming up with their versions of designer masks. It has become a part of the couture world and are priced in thousands of rupees. Unfortunately, the idea of wearing designer face masks, with bold prints, skeins, and other embellishments, do not amuse everyone in these unprecedented times.
  • While social distancing norms are put in practice to maintain safety, some people are wandering in the markets looking for designer masks that match their outfit. You might have heard of an emerging trend in India in which brides and grooms could be seen with ‘wedding-perfect’ designer masks.

What Needs to Change in the Contemporary Scenario?

Choice of Mask
Design Over Protection -Which Mask To Buy (Representational Image)

You cannot advise those who have made their minds to keep life at stake while dealing with this pandemic. However, you must understand the purpose of wearing a good quality mask and let your loved ones know that too.

Think of mask as a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the public. Its quality determines the risk of contracting COVID-19 disease you face. It is not the color or appeal but the filtration efficiency of a mask that matters the most.

In other words, wearing a designer mask solves no puzzle if it cannot protect you from tiny droplets in the air that contain viruses.

Hence, the need of the hour is to tilt your perspective towards health protection than to look good wearing a mask.

What Should You Consider While Buying Masks?

 1.   Viral Filtration Efficiency

Think of it as the power of masks to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. The higher the efficiency, the better a mask. Unlike designer masks, you can find anti-viral masks having a filtration efficiency of above 95%.

GST – An Opportunity To Strengthen Cooperative Federalism

Take the case of Airific – anadvanced range of anti-viral masks from Nirvana Being. This brand offers exclusively-designed masks that are certified to have 96% viral filtration efficiency. These masks can provide protection from Coronaviruswhen used regularly.

 2.   Comfort

These days, you mustbe wearing masks while going out for work or meeting people or any other purpose. No one can wear a mask that causes discomfort while breathing or sweating on the face when worn for consecutive hours. That’s why you should also consider comfort while purchasing masks.

 3.   Reusability

Buying a good quality mask is an additional expense in life for many. While there are surgical masks that are meant for single-use, there are masks that work well for a certain number of wearable hours. So, you should choose masks that offer protection from viruses and are budget-friendly.

Additionally, with pollution season around the corner, any mask you buy from this point on should be reusable and washable in order to last you through the coming months. The Airific Mask is not just antiviral but also anti-pollution. Now that’s what you call killing two birds with one stone!

The post Design Over Protection – Which Way To Go While Buying Masks? appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/design-over-protection-which-way-to-go-while-buying-masks/


How Investing In NPS Can Help You Save Tax & Get A Regular Pension

How Investing In NPS Can Help You Save Tax & Get A Regular Pension:

NPS or National Pension Scheme is the Indian Government’s pension scheme. Launched in the year 2004. It was initially restricted to government employees, however, after 2009, the scheme was opened for all. In this scheme, you are required to keep investing in NPS till your working years. Upon retirement, you will be able to withdraw as much as 60% of the total amount accrued over the years. A minimum of 40% of NPS necessarily has to be used for the purchase of annuities so that a regular income can be fixed for the rest of your post-retirement period. An annuity provides regular income at a fixed rate for a period as determined by an individual. 40% of the NPS can be paid to an ASP or Annuity Service Provider to opt for a desired annuity option so as to ensure a regular income after retirement.

NPS is also a great tool for saving tax as it follows the exempt-exempt-exempt (E-E-E) tax status. Therefore, you would do well to understand you can save taxes through NPS and at the same time manage to get a regular pension at your retirement. Also, with the help of an NPS calculator, you can learn about the amount deposited by you, the interest earned on the said amount and the maturity value of your NPS account. Thus, with the NPS calculator, you can learn how pension you will get along with the lump sum amount at the period of maturity. Click here to learn more about the NPS calculator.

Tax Benefits In NPS

There are basically three sections under which you can get tax benefits at the time of investment. They are as follows:

  1.   Section 80CCD (1)

Section 80CCD (1) is applicable to the Tier-I account of NPS. An individual can claim the tax benefits up to Rs. 1.5 lakh in a financial year with the help of this section. The said amount of Rs. 1.5 lakh or anything less than that will be deducted from your annual taxable income and hence will reduce the tax liability.

Suppose you deposit Rs. 1.8 lakh in your NPS account, the amount up to the extent of Rs. 1.5 lakh will directly come under the tax benefits claim while the rest of Rs. 30,000 will be liable for taxation. As there is no limit to how much you can deposit in NPS, it is to be made clear that you can avail the benefit only up to Rs. 1.5 lakh in a financial year. The following year, you will again be entitled to the same benefit up to the said amount.

National Pension Scheme
NPS is a great option both to earn a regular pension and to save taxes.

  2.   Section 80CCD (2)

According to this section, tax benefits can be claimed by you if your employer deposits a portion from your salary into your NPS Tier-I account. It is to be noted that the portion deposited by your employer should not exceed 10% of your total salary. Tax benefits can only be had on the 10% of the salary deposited duly by your employer in the NPS account.

The amount deposited by your employer will also be exempted from your annual taxable income and hence will reduce the overall tax amount to be paid. There is no maximum amount limit to be deposited by the employer. Though, as much as the amount is, you should make sure it does not exceed the 10% mark of your total salary which includes basic salary along with dearness allowance.

  3.   Section 80CCD (1b)

Under section 80CCD (1b), you can claim further tax deduction up to Rs. 50,000 in each financial year. This benefit was not available to individuals prior to the year 2015. This amount of Rs. 50,000 will also be computed out of your total taxable income and therefore keep your taxable amount lower than it would be otherwise.

In addition to the three sections above, we have another provision of Partial Withdrawal for tax benefits.

Partial Withdrawal

You can make a partial withdrawal if your NPS Tier-I account has completed 3 years. The maximum partial withdrawal amount, in this case, cannot be more than 25% of the total NPS amount. Also, the tax exemption on withdrawal is also up to 25%. Therefore, both the withdrawal amount and the tax-free amount are the same.

At the age of 60, NPS will get matured and you will be entitled to withdraw 60% of the total amount and keep the remaining 40% for the purchase of the annuities. These annuities will fix a regular pension for you so that you do not have to work and can easily live off of your pension money, not to mention the lump sum money withdrawn. The withdrawn money up to 60% is exempted from tax. Use an NPS calculator to see how far you have progressed and what the returns you can expect at the maturity of your NPS account.

NPS, therefore, is perfect for your retirement plan where you will get a regular pension as well as save a good amount of money over the years through tax exemption.

The post How Investing In NPS Can Help You Save Tax & Get A Regular Pension appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/how-investing-in-nps-help-save-tax-get-regular-pension/


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Advancements & Modern Innovations in Engineering and Technology

Advancements & Modern Innovations in Engineering and Technology:

Amity School of Engineering & Technology (ASET), Amity University Haryana (AUH) organized its National Virtual Conference on “Advancements & Modern Innovations in Engineering and Technology (AMIET-2020)”. The conference was technically sponsored by the Gurugram Chapter of the Computer Society of India (CSI). The AMIET-2020 was conceptualized and materialized by the organizing chair Prof. (Dr.) S. N. Sridhara, Director (ASET) under the guidance and motivation of the patrons of the conference, namely, Hon’ble Founder President Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Hon’ble Chancellor Dr. Aseem K. Chauhan, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) P. B. Sharma, Hon’ble Deputy-Vice-Chancellor Maj. Gen. B. S. Suhag (Retd.) and Hon’ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Padmakali Banerjee. The inaugural session of the conference commenced with the virtual lighting of lamp as light symbolizes the absence of darkness, grief and unhappiness.

The vision and driving force behind the conduct of the conference was to provide a virtual platform for the researchers, scholars, academicians and students for dissemination and exchange of information, ideas and novel innovations especially during this ongoing global pandemic time.

Dr. Arun K Tripathi, Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt of India, emphasized on planning, development and implementation of solar power plant installations, Renewable energy generations, energy efficient green buildings, waste management and public awareness in the country. He elaborated on how solar industrial uprising gave birth to industrial, technological and economic plethora towards growth and prosperous competence building of the nation. He further affirmed that solar industry globalics have combined innovation with economic development, sectoral transformations and self-reliant productive strategy of human community. As an environmental metaphor, he sensitized to bridge the gap between science, technology, societal aspirations with responsible research and innovation globally.

Shri R. K. Vyas, President CSI & Dr. Brijesh Kumar, Head, CSI, Gurgaon Chapter, Prof A.K Nayak, Immediate Past President, CSI, addressed the august gathering with their words of wisdom and congratulated Amity fraternity to organize such rebellious online event helping in digital knowledge sharing and concept framing among researchers and scientists globally. They stressed upon the importance of blended teaching learning as a paradigm shift in education and overall development of the country.

Prof P B Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Haryana, marked his presence with ecstatic and vibrant note and congratulated Amity School of Engineering & Technology for organizing AMIET-2020 in Amity University Haryana. He expressed how necessary the knowledge sharing, learning, research, innovation and capacity building are, to provide an alternative framework for economic and evolutionary development of the country. Prof Sharma emphasized on the role of engineering & Technology for societal development, prosperity, empowering humanity, enhancing quality and standard of life for current and upcoming generations. He accentuates the importance of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Robotics, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Solar energy, environmental and sustainable evolution, indoor and outdoor air quality, through men, machine, architecture and innovative genius minds of today’s and tomorrow. Further, he highlighted marketing & media, patenting, research, innovation and industrial development as the phenomenal tools for strengthening the economy, nation building and to emerge India as vibrant, prosperous, healthy and safe habitat for all.

Integrating the concept of research, innovation, blended learning with the digitalization of education in today’s era, Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Padmakali Banerjee expressed her deep concern for vitalizing researchers and young minds in education, development and quality driven skills for technological advancements across the globe.She announced September as a month of innovation & enthusiasm on the path of patenting, research publications, and thinking beyond innovation to conceptualize our dreams in this world. She proudly mentioned about Swami Vivekanand who delivered a heart touching speech in Chicago to reflect the culture, religion & scientific credentials of our India, in the month of September only.

Dr. S. N. Sridhara concluded his hope that such platforms would give a pool of innovative and revolutionary ideas to curb the challenges occurring in technical growth and development of the country.

All the honorable dignitaries on the dais, released conference proceeding published with ISBN in collaboration with CSI Gurgaon Chapter. The conference received 150+ papers and posters from 20 different colleges and Universities. The conference proceedings will also be submitted to Information and Library Network Centre, to further augment the visibility and citations of these papers. Additionally, a book of abstracts is also prepared and released by the dignitaries along with conference proceedings on this auspicious day of National Conference.

The technical sessions were followed by the Valedictory Session of the conference where Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof PB Sharma of AUH and Immediate Past President, CSI, Prof, A.K Nayak motivated and congratulated the participants, attendees and the organizers of the conference. Dr Rajesh Arora, Associate Professor, ME Department, AUH delivered a detailed report of the AMIET-2020 conference. He presented highlights and informed the audience about the outcome of the various events of the day.The winners of best paper and poster presentation from each theme of the technical sessions were announced by Mr. Manish Bharti and Mr. Anuj Kumar Singh. The conference ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Akshat Aggarwal and with a positive note and satisfaction of all stakeholders.

The post Advancements & Modern Innovations in Engineering and Technology appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/advancements-modern-innovations-engineering-technology/


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Whatever Aim US Is SMI(C)tten By, There Are Lessons For India

Whatever Aim US Is SMI(C)tten By, There Are Lessons For India:

News started trickling in a couple of weeks back – in fact around “Teacher’s day” in India – that the Trump administration is “considering whether to add China’s top chipmaker SMIC to a trade blacklist”. This New York Times report by Reuters has a date stamp of 4th September and says:

“A Pentagon spokeswoman said the Defense Department was working with other agencies to determine whether to make the move against Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), which would force U.S. suppliers to seek a difficult-to-obtain license before shipping to the company”

Reuters report mentions that Pentagon made a proposal earlier that week . On 6th of September, Washington Post put out a report, which said “Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said by email Saturday, confirming an earlier report by Reuters“. The Reuters article also says

“While the Pentagon official did not outline the reasons for the action, SMICs relationship to the Chinese military is under scrutiny, another U.S. official and two former officials briefed on the matter said. In Saturday’s statement, SMIC said it had no ties to the Chinese military.”

For those who may not be fully familiar with the world of semiconductor fabs or foundries, my first article in new4masses will give a general overview and my second article will give an idea of what are pure-play foundries (PPF) and Integrated Device Manufacturers. In the foundry market, TSMC leads with slightly above 50% market share, Samsung is second, Global Foundries third, UMC fourth and SMIC is fifth with about 5% market share – note that in that list Samsung is an IDM and the rest are PPF. This report says “As of 3Q20, SMIC earned around 70% of its revenue from Chinese companies”, so one may think that the US move if finalised may not be such a bad hit on SMIC, however it may not be that easy to conclude. BBC reported on 7th September that “SMIC said it was in complete shock and perplexity” and “Beijing said it was firmly opposed”. Many articles followed, both in mainstream media and in tech-portals about the impact of finalising such a move by the US – two weeks thenceforth, US has not made a final decision yet.

Interestingly, now there are reports that “SMIC has asked for approval from the United States to continue supplying Huawei“. Huawei brings 20% of SMIC’s foundry revenue. Both SMIC and Huawei are Chinese companies and yet one has to ‘take permission’ from US to supply the other!  Though US does not occupy a considerable space in the foundry space itself (There is no “US-owned” PPF in top 10 and Intel does not offer much of its fabrication capacity as a foundry service) it still has significant hold on the equipment suppliers. China has ambitious plans to have its in-house Chip manufacturing go from a current “supplies to only 20% of its domestic needs” to a future “supplies to 70% of its domestic needs” by 2025. SMIC is a key player and they will need a lot of equipments, including high-end ones if it were to develop latest tech-node capabilities.

GST – An Opportunity To Strengthen Cooperative Federalism

India right now is perhaps in a situation to just watch the new age “semiconductor trade war” from the sidelines, but there should be lessons learned from both the way US is flexing its muscles with what it can control, and China’s continued ambitions to take its self-sufficiency in chip manufacturing forward despite so many challenges. India sadly continues to be at a near zero percent in terms of self-sufficiency in Chip manufacturing and my news4masses articles and Swarajyamag articles have been dealing with this topic in detail. In this article, I will use the rest of the space to quote two or my friends, each founders of ‘fabless’ startups, on their opinions on the need for #FabInIndia

  1. Mohan Jindal, founder of Chipspirit has the following to say:

Any fab in india will help a lot of ecosystem including the fabless, PCBs, testers, and many other SoC+Digital+Analog IP developments. If you look closely Taiwan, has many SoC/IPs companies having IPs like Flash/OTP/PLL/Oscillators/Pads/IOs so many of analog-IP development is happening in Taiwan and that leads to the SoC developments as well all are interrelated and it is not far from emulating the success that US had for many years. There is a lot of work in Taiwan related to the USB4.0. I can say that silicon-valley is shifting from the USA to Taiwan if you ask me because of Taiwan’s investments in the last 30+years into Fab and related developments. The USA got the silicon-valley tag because of fabs it had which enabled so much of a high end development culture that now it has companies that are having valuations bigger than many countries put together. To develop a culture we need to have great roots, India has great historical-roots but that needs to modernize now

  1. Jayakrishnan A L, founder of HW Design Labs opines:

Competency in making the smallest is attributed as supreme in today’s scenario, perhaps more than making something bigger in size or scale

Accessibility gives us the convenience, however ‘competencies’ will make us independent and keeps us ahead in the game. The role of a semiconductor foundry in a Nation’s growth trajectory is more than what a ‘kitchen’ means to home. Birth of a silicon ingot in this land could greatly transform the culture of ‘surface level’ jobs, and more towards a new world of silicon & semiconductors which demands more attention to fine levels and niche skills thereby fueling the innovation as well as IP generation. Semiconductor foundry is a unique world that thrives on a wide spectrum of modern technologies as well as fundamental scientific practices which in turn could revitalize our academia and research. It is indeed a high time that our industry must pivot the strategies towards a more promising and potential road map in technology indigenisation.

Semiconductor foundry in India will be not just a roof for manufacturing, but more than that, it will be a great space bringing new thoughts to our growth perspectives in commercial, industrial as well as in strategic needs. It is also a critical aspect for India to have the capabilities in the analog domain, where IP development, research and integration will require close collaboration between the industries and foundries.

The post Whatever Aim US Is SMI©tten By, There Are Lessons For India appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/whatever-aim-us-smitten-by-there-are-lessons-for-india/


Friday, September 18, 2020

IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Course Rolls On – Attendees Display Laudable Zeal

IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Course Rolls On – Attendees Display Laudable Zeal:

An online 5-level Sanskrit Course was launched in July 2020 by the IIT Roorkee Sanskrit club in collaboration with the volunteer driven organization Samskrita Bharati which attracted thousands of registrations from across 20 countries. The course named “Subhashitam Samskritam” aims at teaching basic Samskritam (Sanskrit) through 108 Subhashitams, which are known for their inherent moral and ethical advice and also relevant for all times and appeals to all age groups.

The Subhashitam Samskritam course commenced on 5th of July which was also Gurupoornima. The classes followed the LSRW (Listen, Speak, Read, Write) methodology and the medium of instruction was in Sanskrit. Given the fact that many registrants were learning Sanskrit for the first time, level-1 of the course focused mainly on the listening and speaking skills and engaged in imparting general conversational skills to the participants.

The twelve (12) lectures of level-1 were delivered via WebEx and live YouTube streaming by Samskrita Bharati volunteer Suchitra Viswajit.  Many volunteers, both from the IIT Roorkee Sanskrit club and Samskrita Bharati also assisted in preparing supplementary material for self-evaluation like google form-based quizzes and practice audio clips. The fact that these lectures continued to receive tens of thousands of views on YouTube shows that there were many non-registered but interested viewers watching them too.

Prof. Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi, Director, IIT Roorkee received a letter of appreciation from the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, on 17th July. The IIT Roorkee Sanskrit Club members on 19th July organized an online valedictory function on the occasion of completion of the level-1, which was attended by Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’, Minister of Education. An online exam for the level-1 was conducted on 21st and 22nd July. Out of the total participants who attempted, 5108 participants cleared it and were sent e-certificates with grades (class) obtained.

While the evaluation of the level-1 exam was ongoing, the “1 Bridge 2″ series of videos were published on the IIT Roorkee Sanskrit club’s YouTube channel, which covered topics like “Learn Devanagari” taught by Prof. Ramachandran from Chennai as well as additional topics for improving Sanskrit conversation. Twelve participants opted out at this stage from moving into next levels and at present 5096 participants are registered for the next four (4) levels.

In each of these four levels, Subhashitams are being taught and explained in the Sanskrit language itself. They are also used as examples to teach grammar concepts. Each level will have 12 to 15 lectures, with typically two Subhashitams in each lecture. The lectures are held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and are streamed live through YouTube and hence open to all. Wednesday and Saturday have optional doubt clearance sessions for registrants using WebEx at three different time slots. Sunday has nine WebEx sessions at various times for revision and practice where the registrants can choose to attend one. Detailed study material in the form of pdf files, audios, and google form quiz for self-evaluation are also sent to the registrants by email. Telegram discussion groups continue to have “question windows” at specified times and teachers give answers later.  There are also additional optional telegram groups where the focus is only on practicing to speak in Samskritam on topics specified ad hoc or at short notice

The 15 lectures of level-2 started on 3rd August, which was also World Sanskrit Day and Raksha Bandhan. This level focused on Vibhaktis and some lakaaras (tense and mood forms of verbs) through 33 Subhashitams and was taught by Vachaspati Nandakumar, All India Samparka pramukh of Samskrita Bharati. An online exam was conducted on 29th and 30th August which 3808 participants attempted. Pro-rated percentage of the marks they scored would be added to the final marks after all the 4 levels. Out of those who attempted, 3700 scored 40% or more, and they would receive e-certificates of a successful attempt of the level-2 exam.

In the one-week time, after the level-2 exam and start of level-3 lectures, some participants of the Subhashitam Samskritam course decided to put together an hour-long program titled ‘SamskritaSabhaa – episode1’. Except for guidance and some technical support from Samskrita Bharati and IIT Roorkee Sanskrit club members, the content of the first 42 mins of this online effort was coordinated, anchored, and segments performed by registrants of level-2.

The one-hour long program has news in Samskritam, two small skits, three quiz questions, one advertisement break as well as a Samskrita Bharati song – all in Sanskrit and performed by level-2 registrants. The video was released on the “Teachers’ Day” and so there were interviews taken from a Samskrita Bharati teacher in the USA and a young Bhagavad Gita teacher in Karnataka – in Sanskrit and the interviewers are level-2 registrants.

A well-known Hindi bhajan was translated into Sanskrit and presented as a video segment as well. After the 42 min segment with anchors, there is also an 18 min drama in Sanskrit performed by Samskrita Bharati group from Singapore, some of who are also students of the level-2 course. The video is available here and has received more than 5500 views and 145 comments within five days.

In all likelihood, this may be a first of a kind program and video where performances from various parts of the world have been combined as in a thread into a single program which is end to end in Sanskrit.

Organisers inform that the Level-3 of the Course which started from 7th of September will have 14 lectures and will end on the 29th September. This level has 27 subhashitams with a focus on concepts like Avyayas, Krudantas, and Prayogas. Exam for level-3 is tentatively planned for 3rd  and 4th October. Many participants hope that the second episode of SamskritaSabhaa can be released after the level-3 exam and tentatively around 10th October. Level-4 lectures are planned to start from 12th October followed by an exam in early November, and Level-5 lectures planned to start from 16th November tentatively.

Similar initiatives by different institutions in India and across the world shows the rising interest and enthusiasm among the people to learn Sanskrit.

Time To Acknowledge The Sacrifices Made By Our Bravehearts

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Jammu Gets Its First PET-CT Scan For Early Cancer Detection

Jammu Gets Its First PET-CT Scan For Early Cancer Detection:

First and only PET-CT Scan in Jammu City for early Cancer Detection

An introductory PET-CT Scan package with free OPD consultation till October 31, 2020

Jammu: American Oncology Institute (AOI) at Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences, Jammu is pleased to announce the first and only PET-CT Scanof the Jammu city, to help people fight cancer through early detection and diagnosis.

In order to improve the diagnostic and treatment care facility, American Oncology Institute at Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences, Jammu, the city’s first and only dedicated Comprehensive Cancer Unit with the biggest team of Cancer Super-Specialists, providing all the modalities of Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology and Cancer Surgeries under one roof, has installed the first and only state-of-the-art PET CT Scan in Jammu city to provide patients with a better treatment experienceat an affordable cost.

Dr.Sangeeta Tikkoo, Consultant Nuclear Medicine, American Oncology Institute says, “Every year more than 400,000 Indians lose their lives because of cancer and the disease is increasing at 11% per year. Precision, accuracy and early detection is the need for the hour in cancer care, and PET CT has emerged as an integral imaging tool in oncology. It provides advanced imaging solutions for early detection of cancer and also helps to detect the nature of the tumour.

To make it affordable for all class of people, as an introductory package, AOI Jammu has reduced the cost of PET CT diagnosis by 20% along with afree OPD consultation till October 31, 2020 for patients undergoing PET-CT.

Dr. Neeraj Bishnoi, Regional Director – North, American Oncology Institute, emphasized, “Making cancer treatment affordable is the need of the hour looking at the increasing number of cancer cases across the country. Our offerings ensure top class cancer care to the best possible health care facilities to the patients”.

“The management has extensively reviewed the functioning of this premier cancer care hospital, besides taking several significant decisions to further enhance its operational capabilities vis a vis ensuring the highest standards of patient care in tune with the emerging requirements”,he added.

About American Oncology Institute:

American Oncology Institute is the leading cancer care provider across South Asia operating a chain of cancer hospitals in multiple cities across South Asia. AOI today is a wholly owned subsidiary of Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR).

The team of clinical, paraclinical and healthcare operations experts pride themselves with the aim of closing the gap between standards of cancer care in South Asia and the developed cancer hospitals in the West. AOI provides comprehensive cancer management that is powered by clinical excellence, world class technology as well as best in class clinical pathways and protocols for treatment planning and execution, providing best in-class quality in cancer care across South Asia.

The post Jammu Gets Its First PET-CT Scan For Early Cancer Detection appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/jammu-first-pet-ct-scan-for-early-cancer-detection/


“Atmanirbhar Spirit Will Make India Emerge Stronger After Covid-19”: Puri

“Atmanirbhar Spirit Will Make India Emerge Stronger After Covid-19”: Puri:

Kolkata: “The Atmanirbhar Bharat spirit will result in India coming out much stronger after Covid-19 because we are unleashing our animus spirits in terms of self reliance and work. Some of this is in reaction to the global trends. If the global supply chains are unduly dominated by a particular country and you apprehend difficulties, well thats the genius of the Indian people to quickly rebound and the results are heartwarming,” said Mr Hardeep Singh Puri at a special online session of The Write Circle and in conversation with former diplomat, author and foreign policy analyst, T C A Raghavan, organized by Prabha Khaitan Foundation of Kolkata.

The Write Circle is a forum that brings top minds and experts to share perspectives and deep insights from diverse fields and spheres of activity.

Mr Puri, who currently holds three portfolios as the Minister of State (Independent Charge) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Minister of State, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in response to a question by Mr Raghavan further said, “Atmanirbhar Bharat is not intended to be an inward looking excuse to close our borders to the world. It is a spirit and a resolve to make us more productive and better members of International community and global system. We are on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution with the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and artificial intelligence and the spirit is to make sure we don’t become a lego or just nuts and bolts. Atmanirbhar will resonate strongly because we want to take advantage of the other supply chains in the world.”

As a career diplomat for 39 years, Mr Puri has held many important posts including former Representative of India in the United Nations, President of UN Security Council and Chairman of UNSC Counter Terrorism Committee and others. Mr Puri has also authored two books Perilous Interventions and Delusional Politics.

Commenting on various challenges and struggles of covid pandemic, Mr Puri said, “Since 6th May India has now (in the fifth phase) brought back over 1.4 million citizens from across the globe during the pandemic. I can say with a sense of confidence that this is the largest evacuation and repatriation mission undertaken at any point of time in human history and the rate at which things are moving we shall set a new record. We were able to do it within reasonable arrangements of social distancing and other safety quotients.”

Touching upon different topics he said that the lockdown has helped us to create necessary infrastructure – the number of beds required; PPEs, ventilators, medicines etc., that have been exported to many countries in the world, including the developed West.
Puri lauded the Prime Minister for the foresight and courageous steps to combat the pandemic. “The decision to prioritise life and livelihood is a difficult one. Domestic civil aviation was opened on 22nd May and in the pre-covid days India was handling 2.5 to 3 lakh passengers per day. By Diwali we hope to handle 1.5 to 2 lakh passengers per day and hopefully by the end of the year we would go back to the pre-covid days,” Puri said.
Talking about his other ministry, he said that they have built more than 6,00,000 public toilets and more than 66,00,000 toilets in individual households. This has helped to reduce the open defecation in India and also helped in gender empowerment by providing safety and security to the girl child. The Yojanas that helped micro industries has played a huge role in tackling covid. These micro industries produced crores of face masks, lakhs of PPE kits and thousands of litres of sanitisers.

Even though a scheme such Awas Yojana shouldn’t be a factor in deciding who to vote for, there is some sort of correlation according to Puri. Even in the case of youngsters who faced job problems came in and voted for Modi ji because there was a clear outline of the plan.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

GST – An Opportunity To Strengthen Cooperative Federalism

GST – An Opportunity To Strengthen Cooperative Federalism:

The GST agreement for cooperative federalism was that the center and states would share the GST revenues. Accordingly, the States gave up their taxing rights on the condition that the Center would compensate the states for loss of State revenue for five years.

GST revenues were to be calculated, as the GST Revenues of the state plus a 14% pa compounded growth with 2015 as the base year. Based on the good experience of the VAT in action, it was reasonable for policy makers and designers to assume a decline in revenue of a marginal nature. No one could predict a serious setback by things like Covid striking. The last time that such a situation arose was around 1857. So, the spirit of compensation was more to do with providing additional funds for states to pursue a 14% growth each year.

GST design has envisaged States to get SGST revenue, which constitutes 43% of their revenues, and compensation from the center. Covid has caused a steep decline of Government Direct Taxes and GST revenues. Imports have collapsed. In such a situation, the challenge has become arduous. From a management perspective, any Good government needs to appraise all the states of a realistic picture and reach out to them for their cooperation. Instead of that, the BJP government took a belligerent approach claiming that they cannot meet their commitments. They gave to options for the states to take loans. Their political messaging was aimed at States being unreasonable and unresponsive to the calamity faced. States opposed both the proposals and demanded that the center should take loans and meet their commitments. Instead of going the extra mile to seek consensus and attempting to win over opposing states, the Center engineered their BJP and allies ruled states to accept their proposal with an aim to isolate the states being run by their political opponents. This has hardened the fault lines and does not auger well for cooperative federalism.Center has the ability to raise much higher quantum of funds than the states. It has more access to revenue sources like Direct Taxes, Customs duty to take loans etc. It is also in a much better position to raise loans at better rates than the States.

So, why has it been pushing for States to raise loans and bear interest? The Center claims that it will impact the Country’s credit rating.  This is a disingenuous argument. The Credit rating of any country is taken on the holistic approach and includes the financials of the Center and the State. Therefore, one has to only conclude that the reason for insisting that States take loans is to deflect blame for their economic handling and pushing the blame on States for the country’s economic situation.

BJP Government’s handling of Covid has clearly demonstrated that it has no compunctions in putting the blame on States. Its ill-conceived stand on the ‘Act of God’ has serious ramifications. For one, it makes it complicit, from a moral perspective, of breaching its commitment, the most serious lapse of damaging the Center’s credibility. Second, it opens up a Pandora’s boxin going after defaulters for not paying tax as they can also claim the same from a legal perspective.

More concerning is the attitude displayed by the Central Government. Center is not doing a favour to the States by giving them money. The Constitution has mandated the Center to raise revenues from multiple sources and share it with the States as per the Finance Commission’s recommendations. Therefore, it is obliged and is customary to provide subsidies and grants to States for various programs. Center’s track record of delays in disbursements has already impinged its credibility.

Revenues of GST have been having shortfalls from its inception. Barring a few months, over the last three years, GST revenues have remained below the Rs.1, 00,000 crores level. July 2017 had Rs.93,590 Crores but declined to the lowest in November 2017 to Rs.83,716 Crores. For the first 12 months from July 1, 2017 – July 1, 2018 the total revenues collected was around Rs.10, 78,620 Crores. Government refused to acknowledge the financial impact of demonetization and failed to stimulate consumption while its direct taxes were going down. GST revenue collections remained almost flat for the financial year 2018-2019 and touched Rs.11, 50,000 crores barely a 9% increase and far short of the targets for the two years. This is mostly, due to lack of compliance. A hurried implementation without preparations of technology platform, lack of clarity, ever changing policies and declining rates has only provided opportunities for defaulters to get away with noncompliance.

Be as it may, the reality staring in the face is that for the year 2019-2020, the revenues from Cess has been Rs.95, 444 crores while it had to pay Rs.1.65 lakh crores to states–73% more than its cess collections. Even if the cess rates are increased by 5% more for the coming year, it will contribute only around Rs.23, 000 crores assuming the GST revenues would fall by 35%,the financial GST revenues of 2019-2020 would be Rs.2.67lakh Crores. Therefore, it is obvious there is no way the center can meet its commitments even in the next two years.

From a moral perspective, States cannot demand reimbursement for GST shortfalls due to Covid. They have contributed by indiscriminate rate cuts and not monitoring defaults. Therefore, both have to make compromises and find a solution. Some of them could be:

  1. Forego the additional promised compensation for 14% growth rate for 2020-21 & 2021-2022.
  2. Seek compensation for shortfall being calculated on GST revenue drop in proportion to the total drop in tax collections.
  3. Extend the compensation period by an additional 3-4 years to compensate both to recover losses due to the unusual.
  4. Center should take the loan and both the Center and the States should share the interest on the loan.

This will prevent Center from defaulting and will be truly cooperative federalism in the making.

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from https://news4masses.com/gst-opportunity-to-strengthen-cooperative-federalism/


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Top 7 Tips for Using Your Old Photos to Create a Video Collage

Top 7 Tips for Using Your Old Photos to Create a Video Collage:

Give the old photos lying uselessly around a bit of flair by transforming them into something share-worthy and exciting. Yes, you got it right; why not create an attractive video collage using those old pictures in your home?

However, above anything else, know what a collage is. It is a series of pictures placed together in an appealing format. Adding a good collage to a video can help in shortening the runtime of the video while offering it a visual interest at the same time.

In a photo collage, makers can form a collage using various layouts. You can either start from scratch or use a template of your choice. The matter of the fact is you get several layouts to be added to a photo collage and include the same in your video.

Here are the Top 7 Tips that can help you create the best video collages using old photos:

Creating Video Collages Gets Easy Using the Right Software

Are you in possession of a bunch of old photos? Looking to create a video collage out of them? Not a problem when you have the right software at your disposal.

You must put in your time to find software or the best video editor for YouTube, probably for the ones interested in posting their content on YouTube that helps you make fancy collages.

Launch the software and install it on your device to create collages that not only impress the onlookers but help you take pride in your talent. Different tools can help you create dazzling galleries of in-motion pictures.

Once you are done with the installation of these creative tools on your device, they will automatically open and give you the ease of creating some great work.

Choose the Right Background for the Collage

Choose backgrounds from a complete list of backgrounds available with your collage maker. You should only drag and drop the chosen background-clip onto the video timeline. If you are looking to add your very own customized background, you can do so easily.

Choose the files to add in the video and include them in the collage. You even have the option of using the content available at the online stocks or video collections provided by different sources.

Check out the sources offering relevant material. Best is to select professionally developed background videos because they make the best collages. Here, you should create the overlay as the very first thing.

Audio Management Is the Next Step

The next step of this process is adding proper music to the video. Here, you even have the option of applying your very own voice-over. For adding the right music, simply choose the audio files you want to add from distinct folders on your device.

Drag and drop the audio files to the location where you want them to play in the video. For recording voice-overs, you can use special features on the video editing tool that you are using. The majority of these tools available these days come with options where users can record their voices and use the same in their content.

Are You Writing Your First Novel? Here Are 5 Tips That Can Help

Aim at Making the Collage Look Appealing and Gorgeous

When turning old photos into video collages, there are some important factors you need to consider in making your work more appealing and attractive. First of all, you should be very particular about the images.

Make sure the pictures are not too old as they might ruin the quality and the eye-catching appeal of the collage. When working on creating the collage, you must try and incorporate some of your ideas for making the work more interesting to the viewers.

For example, you have the option of bringing in a bit of creativity in the shape of the collage. Video collages will grab attention only when they have an X factor about them. Remember this, and continue putting in the best efforts.

Always Choose Images that Relate to Each Other

Video collages work best assets of pictures with one common message. Even before starting to put together a video collage, think about the patterns for connecting all the different pictures.

There are different ways of combining the images for creating an attractive visual effect. You can use different ways to make the pictures look very best in the visual collage. First, choose images in the same color, feel, and texture.

Also, have your eyes on finding pictures that relate to each other by the theme and the topic of the collage. Using a bit of negative space in collage is very important. It is the space around the main subject of the image.

In video collages, this space offers all the images in some room to stand out. It even makes it easier for the viewers to see the minutest details of the pictures and how they relate to one another.

Add Text to the Collage

While including text in the collage, make sure it supports the story you are trying to narrate with the pictures. Center the text in a way that they create words that have the focus on the collage. Always use large fonts. Jump cuts and brush strokes are the perfect styles to go for.

Do not include backgrounds for the texts because it might make the collage look drab. Make sure the words you are choosing for the collage are easy to read.

Save the Work

Selecting the desired format of the video collage is very important. The tool that you are using for making the collage will offer you options to choose different formats. So, going for the one that pops up the moment you use the tool is not wise.

Once the format parameters have been specified, you can move on to saving the work so it can be uploaded on a site as instantly as possible. Experiment with diverse styles and formats for creating a fun experience for the viewers.


There you are, ready to transform your old pictures into a beautiful and appealing visual collage. Simply follow the tips mentioned above religiously and give the process a try!

The post Top 7 Tips for Using Your Old Photos to Create a Video Collage appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/top-7-tips-old-photos-create-video-collage/


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

How To Stay In Touch With Your Friends If Your School Is Closed

How To Stay In Touch With Your Friends If Your School Is Closed:

The beginning of a school year is always a little stressful and exciting at the same time. For the majority of students seeing their friends after the summer holidays is the best part of returning to school. But this year, when it remains unclear whether the classes will be online or offline, the reunion might not happen as soon as the students expected.

Indian students and their parents have lived in such uncertainty for a while. The schools and colleges have been closed for several months now. And while everyone hoped to go back to class right from the start of the school year, the Indian government has announced that it’s definitely not going to happen in September. Due to a new surge in COVID-19 cases in the country, the classes probably won’t start in October either.

Some students will take online classes, others won’t, but all of them will be deprived of communication with their peers. In such turbulent times, talking to friends who have the same doubts and worries is more important than ever. Unfortunately, many students will not be able to share secrets in between classes or sit at the back and laugh at their classmates’ jokes this year. That’s why we decided to share with you four tips on how to stay in touch with your friends if your school is closed.

Online Hangouts

Of course, nothing can beat having lunch together or sitting in the schoolyard with your friends after classes. But luckily, we have many technologies that let us see and hear each other even if we are in different cities or even countries. Do you miss hanging out with your friends on the weekends or after school? Do it online: when the classes are over, you can have a call with your friends to discuss the day and the new material. Or set your imagination free and think of something fun: dance to your favorite music, sing a Happy Birthday song, or cook the same meal together.

There are a few apps that enable video calls. Zoom, an app that lets you call 100 people at the same time, has been on the rise lately. It also gives you a chance to change your background and transport yourself to any place you can think of — to your favorite cafe, to a beach, to Paris, or to your classroom. You can also have video calls with up to 10 people on Google Hangouts. The app is available to everyone who has a Gmail account, so you don’t need to install anything else. Of course, nowadays many messengers offer video calls, so you will definitely find a way to call each other.

If your internet connection isn’t good enough for video calls, that’s okay too. Just like your teachers send you video classes, you can make videos for your friends to tell them about your day or show them your cute dog. Who knows, maybe you’ll like it and will become a YouTuber!

New Social Media

We can hardly imagine our lives without social media anymore. With no real-life communication, we spend more and more time with our smartphones that give us a chance to exchange pictures, videos, and voice messages. But when you are stuck at home all day long and nothing interesting happens, it seems like there’s nothing to talk about. So what can we do? Try signing up for social networks you have never tried before or log into the old accounts that you haven’t used in a while. For example, remember ASKfm (More than 450,000 registered users in India)? Just a few years ago many of us loved discussing the questions we got and guessing who could have sent them with our friends. Besides the usual anonymous questions and answers, over the past years, ASKfm has gotten even more features to keep you entertained. Now you can post shoutouts — questions that will be sent out to all the users in your region, or participate in the VIP program and compete with your friends to see who will earn the most coins in a week.

If you can spend hours watching videos on YouTube, perhaps it’s time to create your own channel! Maybe now you’ll finally have the time to edit the video about your last trip with your friends or will find the courage to post that video of you singing your favorite song together. At any rate, a new project will help you stay entertained and will give you a new topic to talk about.

Working Out

Workouts outside have not been banned yet. So if you’re not a person who likes to spend an entire day online, you don’t have to give up your hobbies. Although it’s not the usual walk to school, a morning run with a friend who lives nearby can be a great way to start the day. If you have been meaning to start working out but keep postponing it, now is a great time to do it. To add more excitement to it, agree with your friends that if one of you skips a workout, they lose the bet and have to do something for you.

If the weather isn’t perfect for outdoor workouts anymore, there are tons of online programs that can help you get fit in your own home. You can do the program together with your friends, support each other, or even hop on a video call to work out together.

Movie Nights

Even if the cinemas are closed or one of you got sick, you can still enjoy your favorite movies and shows together. There are a few different ways to do that. If you want to watch something on Netflix, download a browser extension called Netflix Party. The extension will let you send a link to your friends so that they can join your viewing party. When they open the link, they will see what you’re watching and will be able to chat with you at the same time.

In fact, there’s no need to download new apps. You can just decide what you want to watch and put it on at the same time. If you want, you can also hop on a video call or chat in your favorite messenger at the same time. You might need some time to make sure no one starts too early or too late, so that there are no spoilers, but in the end, it will be worth it. And if you don’t want to miss out on the biggest premieres, check out the websites of the cinemas and film festivals — most of them have switched to online content as well.

The post How To Stay In Touch With Your Friends If Your School Is Closed appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/how-to-stay-in-touch-with-friends-if-school-closed/


Kashmiri Pandit’s Come Out In Kangana Ranaut’s Support

Kashmiri Pandit’s Come Out In Kangana Ranaut’s Support:

Amidst all the twists and turns in the quest to get justice for Sushant Singh Rajput, it is slowly becoming apparent that the main issue has been sidelined and the tussle has slipped into a show down between the Centre and the State.

A day after Rhea’s arrest by the Narcotics Central Bureau (NCB), it has been revealed that a special court here will hear the bail applications of the actress and her brother Showik on September 10.

Rhea, who was Sushant Singh Rajput’s girlfriend, was arrested on Tuesday by the NCB after being charged under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act for her alleged role in the drugs angle that has emerged during investigation into the June 14 death of Sushant.

In the 20-page bail application, Actress Rhea Chakraborty has claimed that she was coerced into making self-incriminatory confessions during custody and that she has been falsely implicated in the present case.

In the meantime the war of words between Actress Kangna Ranaut on the one side and the Shiv Sena seems to have entered a new dimension. While Kangana Ranaut got Y+ security from the centre over indirect threats being given to her, the BMC swiftly move in and after serving a day’s notice in an old case, moved in to dismantle the illegal structure that Kangana had allegedly built in her premises.

This swiftly brought in the Bombay High Court on the same day ie. Wednesday who stayed the demolition process initiated by the BMC for illegal construction at actor Kangana Ranaut’s bungalow.

The speed at which the actions have preceeded in the last couple of days in Mumbai belie the oft repeated claims of lethargy and Inaction of Indian govt bodies, be it the Municipal Corporations or the Judiciary.

Justice S J Kathawalla while hearing a petition filed by Ranaut sought to know from BMC as to how it entered the premises and directed it to file an affidavit in response to the plea.
The court has posted the matter for hearing on Thursday.

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Wednesday undertook demolition of the illegal alterations at the Bandra bungalow of Ranaut.

Meanwhile the Kashmiri Pandits seem to have risen up in support of Kangana Ranaut along with other organizations like the ‘Karni Sena’

In a statement issued by Satish Mahaldar, Chairman, Reconciliation, Relief and Rehabilitation of Migrant Kashmiri Pandits Organization condemned the BMC action against Bollywood actress Ms Kangana Ranaut. “We extend our support to her in this hour of concern when her house in Mumbai has been bulldozed in her absence”, he said.

“It is disheartening that the administration in the Maharashtra government  acted in such haste. This action, no doubt stems from political vendetta and highhandedness given the fact that every year so many houses/buildings collapse and people die in Mumbai alone and the government is caught sleeping. Bulldozing her house when she was away and without adequate notice period is unbecoming of a government. The action is a demonstration of political might and harassment” Mahaldar said.

he further added, “Since the Maharashtra government has ill-treated her, we the Kashmiri Pandits request her to live with our community as our daughter.’

In the recorded statement released on twitter, Ms Kangana Ranaut had said that she can empathize with the Kashmiri Pandit refugees who also lost their homes and hearth in Kashmir 30 years ago. She has said she can understand the pain of being uprooted.

The Organization appreciated that Ms Ranaut was one of the Bollywood actors who had spoken about the plight of Kashmiri Pandits for the first time in 30 years.

Mr Mahaldar on behalf of the organization thanked Kangana for feeling and speaking about the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, who have been suffering for the past three decades.

The post Kashmiri Pandit’s Come Out In Kangana Ranaut’s Support appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/kashmiri-pandits-in-kangana-ranaut-support/


Nagpur Adds To It’s Medical Arsenal – Breast Cancer Clinic Launched

Nagpur Adds To It’s Medical Arsenal – Breast Cancer Clinic Launched:

Adding another medical facility within easy reach of its citizens, Nagpur inches ahead of many cities when it comes to providing medical aid to the public at large. The American Oncology Institute at Nangia Specialty Hospital launched a Breast Cancer Clinic on its premises.

 An initiative to ensure, patients get access to affordable treatment from diagnosis to comprehensive treatment options

 An introductory “Beat Breast Cancer Package” for Rs 2000/- with free doctor consultation till September 30, 2020

American Oncology Institute (AOI) at Nangia Specialty Hospital, Nagpur has launched a new Breast Cancer Clinic to provide quality care with an affordable treatment plan. This service helps and support patients with any breast-related queries and ensures awareness of comprehensive breast cancer screening.

“Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Our clinic ensures, people understand the importance of regular cancer screening and benefit the state-of-the-art cancer treatment at an affordable cost. This will help us to treat patients sooner and with greater precision”, says Dr. Amit Dhawan, Regional Director, American Oncology Institute, Nagpur.

As an introductory package, the Hospital is offering “Beat Breast Cancer Package”, which includes Clinical and Diagnostic examination (FNAC or biopsy, mammography or USG) for Rs 2000/- with free doctor consultation till September 30, 2020.

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A strong team of doctors comprising of Surgical, Medical and Radiation oncologists, along with group of trained nurses ensures the patient receives the best medical care possible.

About the American Oncology Institute:

American Oncology Institute is the leading cancer care provider across South Asia operating a chain of cancer hospitals in multiple cities across South Asia. AOI today is a wholly owned subsidiary of Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR).

The team of clinical, paraclinical and healthcare operations experts pride themselves with the aim of closing the gap between standards of cancer care in South Asia and the developed cancer hospitals in the West.

AOI provides comprehensive cancer management that is powered by clinical excellence, world class technology as well as best in class clinical pathways and protocols for treatment planning and execution, providing best in-class quality in cancer care across South Asia.

The post Nagpur Adds To It’s Medical Arsenal – Breast Cancer Clinic Launched appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/nagpur-adds-to-its-medical-arsenal-breast-cancer-clinic-launched/


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Dancer And Bureaucrat – Rare Combo In Padma Shri Shovana

A Dancer And Bureaucrat – Rare Combo In Padma Shri Shovana:

“Dance is my pran, atman and soul,” 

Kathak Guru Shovana Narayan.

Kolkata: It is true that passion knows no bounds. “Dance is my pran, atman and soul. I loved both part of my life – being a dancer and a bureaucrat. I entered the world of dancing when I was barely three-year-old and before my formal education. There is a framed lehenga of mine at home which shows how small I was when I was initiated into dancing,” said kathak guru Padma Shri, Shovana Narayan, while connecting with a cross-section of audience across India through a session of Ek Mulakat presented by Shree Cement and organized by Prabha Khaitan Foundation.

Shovana was responding to a question from kathak exponent and conversationalist Shinjini Kulkarni of Ehsaas Women – “How did you manage to become a dancer and a bureaucrat?”

Shovana, a woman of stupendous achievements, is a kathak guru, choreographer, former bureaucrat, author and a researcher. Belonging to the guru-shishya parampara (tradition), Shovana believes in expanding the boundaries of kathak through cross-cultural experimentation and innovation in dance styles while rooted to kathak’s ancient Indian tradition.

Prabha Khaitan Foundation showcases India’s rich cultural legacy through various initiatives in India and abroad. Ek Mulakat is an exclusive initiative that allows patrons to rendezvous with legends and stalwarts from various walks of life like Shovana Narayan. It was an honour to host her and we look forward to more such enriching sessions,” said Manisha Jain, Branding & Communication Chief, Prabha Khaitan Foundation.

Shovana Narayan

Shovana Narayan has popularised kathak in international fora by weaving dance and philosophy in her craft. She has successfully choreographed many international collaborative works with kathak and Western classical dance, Flamenco, tap dance, Buddhist chants and so on. In 2003, she choreographed the opening and closing ceremonies of Abilympics. Shovana has won over 37 national and international awards including Padma Shri, Sangeet Natak Akademi award, Japan’s OISCA Award, Bihar Gaurav Award and so on.

Shovana started learning kathak as a child in Calcutta under the tutelage of Sadhana Bose, then she moved on to Bombay and continued under guru Kundanlal ji Sisodia of the Jaipur Gharana and later she moved to Delhi under Pandit Birju Maharaj.

“I will never forget my indebtedness to Guru ji Birju Maharaj who announced my performance prior to his own performance at the Sapru House in Delhi. That was the kind of launching pad I got for my first stage performance,” she said.

Reflecting on her research on kathak, its antiquity, and “kathak villages”, Shovana recounted that about 17 years ago she was in Bodh Gaya for a performance and came to know about villages known as “kathak villages” for the first time from a journalist. “I found two or three such villages and later, along with an IAS colleague of mine, we started on our journey to discover these “kathak villages” and went from village to village, met people and gathered records and official documents and started delving deeper,” she said.

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Sharing her findings on how ancient kathak was, Shovana said, “An epigraph from Kameshwar archive in Mithila has been confirmed by epigraphists to date back to the Mauryan period which is BC. The inscription in prakrit and brahmi lipi clearly mentions kathak as devotional dancing and mentions the region around Varanasi.”

“The kathak dance we see today is very different from the kathak community. The sculptures depicting dance forms in today’s standing temples, at best, go back to about a 1000 to 1100 years. So where are the temples and sculptures of the Gupta and Mauryan period which were so rich in architecture and sculptures! We don’t look into the small museums and archives of India which is the haven of information. That is where we have to see and find continuity in the form and stance of the kathak dance,” Shovana  said.

“I believed in myself and have never deviated from kathak, I was true to my kathak tradition just like the Western classical dancers were to their’s. So what did we do? We just found commonality in terms of poems, moods and even movements but the emphasis, the field and flow, as in the approach, tenor and flavour is different. I am careful about using the term fusion which means I lose my identity to merge myself into something. No, I keep my identity, so do they, and it is a beautiful collage of patterns and rhythmic dimensions,” she said.

Ek Mulakat series of webinars have connected artistes, achievers, cultural aficionados, thinkers and authors with people across India and other continents.

The post A Dancer And Bureaucrat – Rare Combo In Padma Shri Shovana appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/a-dancer-and-bureaucrat-rare-combo-in-padma-shri-shovana/


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Best Phone Under Rs 30,000 – OnePlus Nord vs Realme X3 SuperZoom?

Best Phone Under Rs 30,000 – OnePlus Nord vs Realme X3 SuperZoom?:

The OnePlus Nord is one of the most affordable 5G smart phones in Indian market today and offers a well-rounded set of features at an affordable price. However, it is not the only phone that has been gaining popularity; the competition is quite fierce. Recently, Realme X3 SuperZoom has proved to be a strong force and giving OnePlus Nord a tough competition in the market.

Usually phones in the same price range tend to have similar specifications, similar functions and so it becomes really difficult to compare the two and pick a winner. But in this case; Nord Vs X3 SuperZoom, there is a much bigger disparity in specifications, which makes picking the one which is better a bit more difficult.

OnePlus Nord Vs Realme X3 Super Zoom Prices and Variants 

Before discussing any other specification, let us discuss the variants both the phones are available in, RAM and Storage combinations. The Realme X3 SuperZoom starts at Rs. 27,999 for 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, followed by a Rs. 32,999 variant which has 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage.

OnePlus Nord on the other hand starts with Rs. 24,999 for 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage, but this is not yet available and is expected to be in September only on Amazon. The other versions include 8GB of RAM and 12GB of storage at a price of Rs. 27,999 and another with 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage which will cost Rs. 29,999. Also you can avail some extra discount by paying through selected bank debit/credit card. Shop online with amazon and enjoy the offer.

Now let us talk about the colors of both the phones. Boththe phones are available in different yet amazing colors; OnePlus Nord comes in Blue Marble and Grey Onyx trims on the company’s online store. However, The Realme X3 Superzoom is available in an open sale in Arctic White and Glacier Blue Trims.

OnePlus Nord Vs Realme X3 SuperZoom Design and Display

Since both the phones have dual-hole punch cutouts in their displays, they look almost similar in the first glance. The placements of buttons and ports are also similar, thus making it difficult to differentiate between the two. But the difference becomes visible as you hold them together. X3 SuperZoom is thicker and heavier and has a larger footprint than OnePlus Nord. However, both the phones have a glass back which makes them look even more attractive.

AMOLED Vs LCD display is one of the greatest deciding factors for a lot of buyers. The OnePlus Nord has a 6.44 inch AMOLED screen while the Realme X3 SuperZoom has a 6.6 inch LED screen. Both the phones have full HD+ resolutions and gorilla glass 5 protection.

OnePlus Nord Vs Realme X3 SuperZoom Performance

The OnePlus Nord features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 756g SoC which is current top-end model in Qualcomm’s mid-tier 700 series. 5G makes Nord a bit more future-proof either for travelling abroad or whenever 5G is available in India. X3 SuperZoom on the other hand does not support 5G but features fastest LTE SoC from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 855+. The graphic quality offered by X3 SuperZoom is better than that of Nord so games as PUBG mobile give a different feeling while playing on SuperZoom.

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Charging and Batteries

Both the phones support 30W fast charging, using predominantly the same technology so it is a tough call. You don’t have to charge them again and again since they charge fast and drain slowly. The batteries of both the phones are also similar sized; Nord has 4115mAh and SuperZoom has 4200mAh battery capacity.So both the phones will last around a day and a half with medium to light usage.

OnePlus Nord Vs Realme X3 SuperZoom Cameras

Both the phones have six cameras;howeverRealme beats OnePlus when it comes to the type of sensors and lenses used. The OnePlus Nord has 48-megapixel sensor cameras and the real cameras are standard wide-angle, macro and depth camera.Realme on the other hand uses a 64-megapixel primary camera for the rear, along with telephoto camera, and then a wide angel and a micro camera.

The selfie cameras of both the phones are also similar to an extent- both phones offer primary 32-megapixel cameras and 8-megapixel wide angel ones, with the same 105 degree field of view.

So, it will be really difficult to decide which phone to buy of these two as both of them are exceptionally amazing. The Realme X3 SuperZoom has two standout features- its processor and its telephoto camera. If you are looking for a high-quality zoom camera in its price segment, the X3 SuperZoom is the best phone for you.Plus it can get the best night shots too, just in case if you are into night photography.

The OnePlus Nord on the other hand doesn’t zoom on that level and is not even ideal for gaming as compared to SuperZoom but it has a clean software, AMOLED display, 5G support that are enough features to buy it. It has the capacity to appeal to a wider audience.

The post Best Phone Under Rs 30,000 – OnePlus Nord vs Realme X3 SuperZoom? appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/best-phone-oneplus-nord-vs-realme-x3-superzoom/


Friday, September 4, 2020

Need Of The Changing Times – Better, Faster, Easier Divorce Laws

Need Of The Changing Times – Better, Faster, Easier Divorce Laws:

With a change in society, marital relations have undergone a sea change. But they are still being governed by archaic laws which have lost touch with reality. “The law of the country should always be progressive and should reflect the changing realities. Interestingly initially there were no provisions for divorce in the Hindu marriage act but they were eventually incorporated, so better faster divorce laws are the need of the hour” Says Dr. KislayPanday, the solicitor at the Supreme Court of India.

Indian society has moved on since the first decade of independence. Social mores and indeed the society of 2020 are different from what it was in the 1950s. Since independence, many women have made a mark and are now moving along with men. No longer women are willing to accept male dominance and bear in silence. They are now coming out in large numbers to protest the atrocities committed by their in-laws in the name of conforming to traditions and complying with the traditional Hindu values. And this has indeed led many women and even men to move to court for divorce and to undo the nuptial knot.

Failed marriages are on a rise and so are the divorce applications in the Indian courts. As both men and women are becoming more aware of their rights, they are strongly rejecting the regressive practices and silent oppression such as misogyny, patriarchy, and role-biding. And sometimes people move to court for divorce as they just can’t bear their partner for a plethora of reasons like habits, everyday quarrels, and so on.

Nevertheless, getting a divorce in India is not an easy task. One has to comply with plenty of legal obligations. The judicial system works on evidence and particular frameworks. In case of the dissolution of marriage, one must prove his/ her point in the court accompanied by a valid reason. Since marriage is observed as a sacrament in India, there are only a few legal grounds for divorce.

“The most interesting aspect of Indian divorce law is the reason. There are just seven reasons enumerated in the law for getting a divorce, whereas in reality there can be hundreds of reasons for not living with a spouse. If two adults do not want to live together or even one of them does not want to live with the other, they should be allowed to do so easily and without hassles” says Dr. KislayPanday, the solicitor at the supreme court of India.

There has been a rapid rise in divorces in India, but in order to obtain a divorce legally, it can take anywhere from six months to 20 years. According to an estimate roughly 11 Indian marriages inevery 1,000 end in divorce though the number in the USA is 400. “The reason for this small percentage is not that people do not seek divorce but because it is cumbersome to get a divorce in India and so many couples just live as estranged couples, separated but technically still married to each other leading to many social and moral complications”, says Dr. KislayPanday.

The UPA government introduced the Marriage Laws(Amendment) Bill, proposing amendments to the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to make an “irretrievable breakdown of marriage”ground for divorce. The Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha in 2013, but could not be taken up for discussion in the Lok Sabha. The NDA government’s concerns about “illegitimate and live-in relationships,” stalled the process. “It is wrong to believe that easier laws for divorce would lead to the breakdown ofthe marriage institution, in fact, it would end the marital misery and only those couples who want to live together would do so not to please the society or the peers”, says Dr. KislayPanday.

Till the Modi government introduces the revised bill not much can be expected on this front. The law minister had once indicated that a revised bill was on anvil and would be coming up for public debate. Let’s hope that happens sooner than later.

The post Need Of The Changing Times – Better, Faster, Easier Divorce Laws appeared first on N4M (News4masses).

from https://news4masses.com/need-of-the-changing-times-better-easier-faster-divorce-laws/


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