Friday, November 27, 2020

3 Ways To Invest In Yourself

3 Ways To Invest In Yourself:

As CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and investment expert Warren Buffett will tell you, “the most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

If that’s not enough to convince you, we don’t know what will. To take this expert advice seriously and indulge in a buffet of valuable information, check out these three methods for investing in yourself (and please forgive our terrible pun—we couldn’t help ourselves).

1. Self Care is Key

When you put time, money, and effort into your self-care, your return-on-investment speaks for itself. With higher self-confidence, improved mental clarity, and a fitter body, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at just how far little habits like these will take you in your professional and personal life:

  • Schedule a monthly facial appointment to supplement your daily skincare routine for a face that says, “I get my work done on time” or “your mother’s going to love me.” Clear pores open doors, as absolutely no one says (but totally should).
  • Schedule a monthly facial appointment to supplement your daily skincare routine for a face that says, “I get my work done on time” or “your mother’s going to love me.” Clear pores open doors, as absolutely no one says (but totally should).
  • Schedule a monthly facial appointment to supplement your daily skincare routine for a face that says, “I get my work done on time” or “your mother’s going to love me.” Clear pores open doors, as absolutely no one says (but totally should).

2. Expand Your Mind

“The more you learn, the more you earn.” Any guesses as to who said that? You got it; it’s our man, Warren Buffett (he’s a quote machine!). And this Megamind of money-making isn’t wrong — if you invest time every day or week into learning something new, you’ll find yourself one step ahead of the rest.

Here are just a few ways to start and invest in yourself:

  • Read (lots of) books – While Internet entrepreneurs probably oversell the instant money-generating power of paperbacks, they do have a point: reading voraciously is highly valuable for enriching your mind, inspiring new ideas, and making you more attractive in business (and life). Our top recs include The Art of War by Sun-Tzu and Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.
  • Jump into (or back into) a thriving industry – Whether you’re just starting out or looking to renew NMLS license, these programs make for a highly-valuable asset to any up-and-coming mortgage industry professional. You can also learn coding from an online course or try your hand at cloud computing.
  • Learn a new language – Another important way to invest in yourself. Whether you’re learning Mandarin to expand your business reach or picking up Portuguese to pick up a Brazilian wife, learning a new language not only opens new doors but also teaches you to think in new ways.

3. A Killer Wardrobe

Investing in a few high-quality fashion staples for your wardrobe is a surefire way to boost your confidence, increase your professional demeanor, and save money in the long-run (because those easy-to-rip fast-fashion tees start looking mighty expensive after the twentieth consecutive purchase).

Dressing nicely in clothes that fit as well as they’re made is an often-overlooked way to get a bit farther ahead in this race we call life. As you build your cleaner, more professional closet, don’t neglect these must-have items:

  • Well-draped slacks that match with your shirts or blouses
  • A staple blazer or suit jacket (and renew your love for bow ties while you’re at it!)
  • A dress shoe or heel for work or special events (comfort and style are a must)
  • A selection of wrinkle-free, chic tops and dresses (designer fashion is a plus)
  • High-quality jeans for casual occasions

Confidence is Free, But You Have to Earn It

Your first and most important investment is one that costs you little in money but a lot in mental effort: Confidence. To embark on a journey of self-improvement, you have to believe you deserve to succeed in school, work, relationships and life.

So, before shopping online for sleek pants or signing up for that cool new gym, make sure you’ve looked in the mirror and given yourself permission to invest in your well-being.

Peter Heesh
The post 3 Ways To Invest In Yourself appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



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