Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Rare Surgery performed by Doctors at Pedakakani, India

Rare Surgery performed by Doctors at Pedakakani, India:

‘Rare’ Surgery performed at the American Oncology Institute.

  • 10.2 kg tumor removed from the female ovary
  • Diagnosis of a tumor was due to Meigs syndrome
  • AOI Surgical Oncologist Dr. Phanindrakumar Nagishetti saves woman from death

A rare surgery was performed by a team led by Surgical Oncologist Dr. Phanindrakumar and Dr. Nageswara Rao Kukkadala, Anesthesiologist of the American Institute of Oncology. The doctors successfully removed the huge tumor that had formed in the woman’s left ovary. Dr. Phanindrakumar Nagishetti disclosed the details of the treatment at a press conference on Wednesday at the American Institute of Oncology in Pedakakani. According to him, a 47-year-old woman from Jandrapet, Prakasam district, had been admitted to AOI four months back as she was suffering from severe bloating, shortness of breath, and abnormally large abdomen.

American Oncology Institute, Pedakakani, Guntur Senior Surgical Oncologist Dr. Phanindrakumar Nagishetti performed the necessary tests and found a lump in the woman’s left ovary. Besides the abnormal growth of the tumor in the ovary, water had reached the abdomen and lungs.

10.2 kg tumor removed from the female ovary in a rare surgery (Pic: N4M)

The doctors found that the patient was having difficulty in breathing and also the patient underwent a hysterectomy operation to remove a 10.2 kg large lump that had formed in her ovary. Dr. Phanindrakumar Nagishetti said that a woman was diagnosed with a tumor in her ovary due to a rare disease called Meigs Syndrome, but despite the cancer-like symptoms, the latest technology in AOI was able to diagnose a patient suffering from Meigs Syndrome.

The patient, who recovered after the operation, spoke at the meeting and thanked the AOI medical professionals who helped in the recovery.

The medical team of the American Institute of Oncology, comprises of Dr. Phanindra Kumar Nagishetti, Dr. Nageshwara Rao Kukkadala,    Dr. Dhan Raju KM, Dr. Appala Satya Srinivas, Dr. Sudhakar Kotlapati, Dr. Yashwant Pamidi, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Kancherla, Dr. Amrita Guguloth, and AOI Center Head Hema Kumar, Dr. Sudarshan Babu Nanda and Andhra Pradesh Regional Director Mahendra Reddy. Contact 7330901188 for more details.

About American Institute of Oncology: 

The American Institute of Oncology (AOI) is the only hospital in India with the highest standards of cancer treatment protocols and state-of-the-art standards, providing the highest level of expertise in cancer treatment, providing comprehensive cancer treatment to international standards with the support of world-class technology. Cancer Hospital American Oncology Institute, Guntur, Vijayawada, a world-class cancer treatment provider with state-of-the-art technology in medical oncology, hematology, surgical oncology, and radiotherapy by experienced medical professionals.

Author: Sandy John
The post Rare Surgery performed by Doctors at Pedakakani, India appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Should University Education Benefit Individual Or Human Society : Experts

Should University Education Benefit Individual Or Human Society : Experts:

The important question “Should university education be focused at benefiting the individual or the human society?”

Amity University Gurugram organized an intellectually stimulating webinar on “The International Currency of Learning: Should a University Education Benefit the Individual or Human Society?” under the banner of “The International Expert Talk series”. The Session was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Alison Shaw, Professor of Practice for Student Success and Progression, Newcastle University, UK. Following the vision of our Hon’ble Chancellor Dr. Aseem Chauhan on augmenting internationalization, AUG has an active interface with accomplished academicians across the world regularly.

Prof. (Dr.) Alison Shaw talked about the mega trends and role of individual contribution towards them. She accentuated on the wider role of university education for the betterment of both the individual and the society. She elaborated that Universities are the community of faculty and scholars, exist for the public benefit and advancement of education, learning and research. In a world of great inequality, there is a risk that education can be a passport only to the privileged and wealthy. She emphasized that Universities should consider their strategies to result in teaching, research and impacting on the society to solve local and global issues.

Prof. Shaw had a great message for the student community. She advised that the students should consider designing their future in the interest of their own wellbeing, as well as a for a greater common good to serve the society. She stressed on the importance of the combination of learning, research, scholarship, international collaboration and interdisciplinary education that the university provides. In order to do this, student should not only achieve the deep knowledge of their disciplines but should be prepared for inter-disciplinary partnerships, inter-disciplinary friendships and find experiences which enable them to apply their knowledge in the context.

University Education
“The International Expert Talk series”, Webinar conducted by Amity University (Photo: N4M, 28.12.2020)

Prof. Shaw highlighted the importance of collaboration across cultures, across boundaries and across disciplines to solve global issues such as the ongoing pandemic. She also shared insights to develop leadership thinking.

Currently, as Professor of Success and Progression at the prestigious Newcastle University, UK, she is a member of the senior executive team and works with all three of the University’s Faculties to help develop the curricula, teaching and student experiences to provide the very best opportunities for students to thrive in the workplace of the future. She is the Vice-President of NFER, the leading independent UK provider of education research and insights; sits on several Boards, including the Digital Steering Group of the regional Enterprise Partnership and mentors several young academics and entrepreneurs.”

Also Read: Great Opportunity For Digital Learning During COVID-19

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) PB Sharma appreciated the great work and insights shared by Prof. Shaw and expressed his happiness over the presence of the esteemed academician at the webinar.

The discussion was hosted and moderated by Vice-President- RBEF and Director- International Affairs, Prof. (Dr.) Gunjan M Sanjeev. While delivering her remarks, she emphasized on the role of collaboration and that University education must integrate interdisciplinary, inter-cultural and international learning in order to prepare students to solve global issues.

Also Read: “Leaders Should Act Fast In Times Of Crisis” Says Dr. Brian Mcgarrie

Dean-Faculty of Arts, Prof. UN Singh mentioned that in order to address mega trends, interdisciplinary education and intercultural exposure are very crucial and university education must integrate and impart the two elements along with the deep disciplinary knowledge.”

Other Senior key officials including Prof. (Dr.) Arvind Chabra, Director ASCI and Director-AIBAS, Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Nair were also present at the session. The session was appreciated and witnessed by over two hundred participants from both India as well as overseas.  Ms. Shaivy Sharma coordinated the session and thanked all panelists and audience for their active contribution.

Author: Peter Heesh
The post Should University Education Benefit Individual Or Human Society : Experts appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Saturday, December 26, 2020

Important Content Writing Tips for Better SEO

Important Content Writing Tips for Better SEO:

If you want to improve your score, then you have to focus on your writing skills. Content writing is what will help you in achieving a credible position concerning the search engine. 

In this brief traction, we have mentioned some tips that would help you improvise your position for sure. If you are interested in the growth of your site, then you should read this post till the very last tip!

Write for your audience

Well, this is the most important tip that you should know about. If you are starting a website or a content writing business, then you should ensure that you are writing for your audience first and then for the search engine. 

If your audience is appreciating your content, then it would surely be recognized by the search engine, but this does not go the other way round. The audience can easily reject the content appreciated by the search engine. So, your main priority should be audience satisfaction!

Keep Content Original

One important though simple content writing tip is that the content should be unique if you want to see it at the top of SERPs. The search engines will not carry your content in the top 10 if it is plagiarized. This is the reason that you must have a plagiarism checker in your pocket. is one such fairly accurate and free plagiarism checker website that can help you in scanning your posts for all sorts of duplications. Use of an online plagiarism tool is mandatory because it helps you find and remove most of the replications that otherwise are harmful to your website and seo. The above mentioned copyright checker online is a free and reliable service that’s very helpful and ideal for writers.

Add headlines and subheadings in your content

You must know that user-engagement is very much important for a positive seo score. You can only engage the audience on your page if you have good quality content under a reliable structure. Adding headings and subheadings to your content would help you in making it more appealing and attractive. 

According to recent stats, headings can help you increase your audience by 35%. Another important tip is to enter a list of bullet points in your content!

Use keywords in your content

Using relevant and high-authority keywords are very important. You can add keywords in headlines, subheadings, and even in the title of your content other than in the body. Additionally must add a formal quantity of keywords in your content body. 

Also Read: Learn How To Master The Art Of Storytelling For Your E-commerce Business

Relevant and high-ranked keywords can be found by using online services like the Google keyword finder. An important content writing tip is to keep in mind that you should never overstuff your content body with keywords. Doing so can affect the quality of your work and can easily get marked as spam.

Incorporate images

One should know that adding images is an important part of content management. Images are thought to be important because they are more appealing if we compare them with text. Images can increase your audience ratio by more than 65%, and this is a big gain for a business. 

You can easily find relevant and usable images if you use the image finder or reverse image search tools. Adding images is a very important tip, but you must know that you should never steal images that are not free to use.

Connect with social media accounts

You can easily connect with social media accounts to increase the traffic on your content. Today 80% of people are using social media, and this is why we also recommend you to connect with social media platforms. 

content writing tips - social media
Connect with social media accounts (Representative Image, Photo Credits: Andrea Piacquadio)

You can add teasers for your content on social media; these teasers should be crispy, unique and should be visually attractive. You can easily increase website traffic by more than 70% if you use social media tools in the right way!

Promote backlinking!

Another important content writing tip is about the backlinks. Backlinks are important, and there must be no doubt about it. People might misguide you about backlinking, but you should not put an ear to this kind of rumor. The only way a backlink can be bad for your site is when you do not have relevance with it. 

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People tend to add as many links as possible to their content without checking their authority or relevancy with their niche. When you ignore the relevancy factor, then your work is automatically marked as spam and is rejected by the audience. You can use modern backlink tools to connect with the most credible and relevant links!

Monitor your domain authority

It would be best if you always kept your domain authority in check. This would help you find out all the aspects that are affecting your seo score. You can know about the health of your backlinks, the position of the keywords that you have added to your content and other ranking factors. Also knowing about your page loading speed and the factors affecting it is important. The DA checker by smallseotools is good enough to find out the damaging factors on your site and in your content. 

Author: Sandy John
The post Important Content Writing Tips for Better SEO appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Friday, December 25, 2020

Business Reputation Management: 5 Tips for Surviving 2021

Business Reputation Management: 5 Tips for Surviving 2021:

Let’s start this article with a scenario, shall we? Imagine you are going on a trip to Goa on a plane (yes, Goa’s on this time), you board the plane. However, once you get on the plane, you notice that your seats aren’t as clean, the food tasted weird, and the air hostesses did not respond to you properly. What would be your first instinct after getting off the plane?

Booking a return ticket with the same airlines? No.

Smiling and thanking the air hostess after the way they treated you? No.

Writing a review online? YES!

Just like you, millions of other people, especially the millennials and the generations after them. The internet has become the voice of all it’s users – which includes almost everyone on this planet. With influencers from all over the world create videos like *Company name* product reviews, shopping haul, mukbang videos, using *company name* products for 24 hours, reviewing *website name* website, etc., it becomes critically essential to have a positive business reputation.

Your customer’s reviews online determine your business reputation online. What exactly is business reputation management? You might wonder. It is a process of consistently monitoring and managing your company’s online presence so that the netizens perceive your business in a positive light, enabling you to gain new customers and shine against the competitors.

Tips To Survive 2021

Business owners invest years in developing a strong and reputable brand, yet a low online reputation can tear all that hard work right away. Keeping up with what the consumers say about you online can be a tough grind given the increasing number of forums, review sites/ channels, new websites, competitors’ websites, and social media influencers. It is crucial for your organization to have a clean online profile and stay informed by executing smart and effective reputation management.

One mere negative article, bona fide or not, holds the power to drag your reputation under the ground and put the success of your business in jeopardy. Harvard Business School’s study on Reviews, Reputation, and Revenue says that if the ratings decrease by even one star, it can reduce the revenues of the businesses by nearly 10%

1. Know Your Customers Well

Yes, you read it right. That’s the first tip. It’s that simple.

If you view the world from the audience’s eyes, you will be able to understand their needs and create the content accordingly, avoiding the things that the customers’ wouldn’t appreciate. See, simple!

The enormity of the problems you face will reduce exorbitantly. It is very essential to research and create buyer personas on a regular basis. That’s the basis of building a strong brand. Use tools that allow you to make customized questionnaires and surveys to be used on your website to interview visitors.

One of the best ways to construct a potent reputation and become a pioneer in your industry is to solve your audience’s problems, and that task becomes a piece of cake when you know your audience well!

2. Expand Your Web Presence

Open google. Search anything. Did you see the top slot? Ever wondered why is that on top? Who decides which sites go on which slots?

As a business, you should aim to proactively hold as many slots in the google top ten search results for your desired keywords. These keywords should offer corporate online reputation management services. This shows your company’s supremacy in that topic. Apart from that, you will have a better chance of keeping a distance from the negative content about your company or its products.

Online Business Reputation Management
Online Business Reputation Managment (Representational Image, Photo credits: Nataliya Vaitkevich

Negativity is neverending. You cannot control it. But one thing that you can do is keep producing positive content, which is under your control, that balances it off.

Your web presence should be widespread among the company related blogs and social media networks. Google’s search engine technology considers these social network sites as authoritative and trustworthy – the most important factor in how high the content on those sites is ranked.

3. Avoid Jousting With Haters

I recently read a quote where I think it fits this point the most: You can’t control the negativity of others, but you can control for how long you participate in it.

You may have received a thousand awards, 4.9-star reviews, an international market base, brand insistent customers, a grammy, and an oscar. Yet there will always be a bunch of haters who have nothing but negativity towards your company. These people are like strict parents who are upset about the 2 marks lost when their child scores 98.

Also Read: 7 Ways How to Grow Your Online Business with Design Software

They post nasty comments about your company and its products for the entire world to see. When you reply to them in their own language and start a feud, it is visible to the world as a whole and may become the cause of your business’ downfall.

No matter whatever you do, the people are going to judge you. Society has been and will continue to criticize each and every move you make. Moreover, aren’t people supposed to display their opinion?

A great thing to do in such cases is not to take offense to such hurtful comments, for the impact of a tiny, rude comment from your side can be far worse than your imagination.

4. Offline Customers, Who?

A time may come when the negativity towards your company may seem enormous, and you may not be able to balance it off with your positive content. You need to understand why this happens.

Your online reputation is the mirror image of your offline reputation. Praying too much attention to your online customers may lead you to neglecting your offline customer base. Treat your offline customers and clients well. Encourage happy customers to write appreciative reviews about you.

The brand experience that you market online should match with the one that you offer customers in real life. A flamboyant website, an appealing Facebook Page, or a content-heavy blog will only lead to misunderstandings and disappointments if the customers find out that you don’t live up to the hype when they visit your business or meet you in person. 

The major role in positive offline customer experience is played by your employees. They can change the prejudice in the minds of those customers who chose to come to your company despite reading the negative review. As a part of employee training, remind them that they represent your brand at all times, and their behavior determines your reputation.

Yet another thing you can do to enhance the offline customer’s positive experience with your company is to address the consumer complaints immediately. The majority of the online complaints are about the mistreatment towards the customer at the time of business dealings with you. The manager’s inability to take a customer’s call, a staff members’ arrogance to apologize for a mistake is the only spark needed for the customer to start the fire of bad reviews. To avoid this, make sure that the customer never leaves your organization dissatisfied.

Once you focus on keeping your offline customers satisfied, your online reputation will bloom and fix itself.

5. Maintain Transparency

Transparency is an ultimate necessity. It would be best if you mastered the art of being totally honest, not just to your customers or employees but also to your peers, yourself, and everyone else. If you are bootstrapping a company, for example, and have, let’s say: 6 employees, making it look like you are a huge enterprise with hundreds of employees may make you look stupid. It may seem like a non-sensible thing to mention, but the number of companies that actually do this sort of stuff will surprise you.

Transparency holds a key proportion of how you market your company. You would be chopping the branch you’re sitting on if you take transparency for granted. These things should be looked after when you set out on the journey to build a strong brand presence on the internet.

What I’m Trying To Say Is

When you put so much effort and funds into bringing your online reputation to the top, you should also understand that it takes time. You will not get results in an hour or a day or a week. This process takes months. You should also be realistic while setting goals for the company. You will never see a company possess everything on the first page of google results. The only possible way to make that happen is to give the company a really unique name that has zero search results on the internet (quite impossible, right?). Even Apple – the most dominant company you can name – doesn’t possess all the slots on the top 10 results when you google the word ‘apple.’ However, the irony is that the google to 10 results shows information about Apple Inc., and Cupertino company; however, there is no mention of the fruit.

It is essential to proactively own or influence the top google search research as it is painstakingly challenging to push down negative results on the first page of google.

Author: Divyang Metaliya
The post Business Reputation Management: 5 Tips for Surviving 2021 appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Top 11 Foods That Are More Harmful Than Sugar

Top 11 Foods That Are More Harmful Than Sugar:

Many people have heard about the dangers of sugar to the human body. But few people realize that many other substances are no less harmful to health. When choosing a product on store shelves, you must very carefully read the composition on the label so as not to buy goods with harmful components. So which 11 foods are more harmful than sugar? Let’s find out.

Which Foods Are More Harmful Than Sugar?

1. Soda


The phosphoric acid in the drink can lead to kidney disease. In parallel, when consumed, the blood sugar level rises, since it is present in large quantities in the composition. The risk of obesity increases with excessive consumption of soda since its calorie content is very high.

Fructose and sugars have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel and play a great role in destroying it. The drink contains a large amount of phosphoric acid and phosphates, which flush calcium from the body, provoking various disorders in the skeletal system. Frequent drinking of soda increases your risk of diabetes.

2. Sweeteners

Substances that are formed during decay in the body load the kidneys very strongly and can be the cause of their pathology. Pregnant women are forbidden to use them because these substances can cause disturbances in the development of the embryo.

These sweeteners provoke the development of an allergic reaction. People who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases should refrain from using sweeteners. They can provoke a worsening of the disease. These substances contain a large number of calories in their composition, therefore, causes obesity.

3. Alcohol

limit alcohol intake
Limit Alcohol Intake

We all are well aware of the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. It causes more damage than regular sugar. Obesity, heart diseases, liver problems, and many other serious physical and mental health problems arise due to the excessive consumption of alcohol.

In any case, never drink more alcohol even if you are at a party. Also, look after your loved ones. You can prevent loved ones from alcohol abuse. It is better to deal with this problem before the condition of a person gets worse and you have to visit a specialist for help.

4. Popcorn

Popcorn (Photo credits: Lisa Fotios)

Corn itself is not particularly harmful to health. But the bottom line is that the package is impregnated from the inside with a special substance and, when broken down, perfluorooctanoic acid is formed. It has strong carcinogenic properties.In other words, it can cause cancerous tumors. So, frequent use of this product is highly undesirable.

5. Dyes

Dyes used in food colours
Dyes Used In Food Colours – (Photo credits: By Skoot13 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0)

They are often used in the food industry, in the manufacture of various drinks, pastries, and cakes and are much more harmful than sugar. Excessive use of these stimulates the formation of tumors. And also the use of products using synthetic dyes leads to the development of allergies.

In children, this leads to a syndrome of low attention. They are unable to concentrate on one object, they become distracted and hyperactive. Allergic reactions can take not only in the form of itching or rashes but also asthma.

6. Trans Fats

Fried in Transfat (Representative Image, Photo credits: by Daniel Roche)

They are obtained by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils. Thus, they last longer and help to preserve the presentation of the products for a long time.

Excessive consumption of such foods increases the risk of developing heart disease and increases blood cholesterol. Furthermore these disrupt the metabolism in the body, lower immunity and contributes to obesity. And they also have a carcinogenic effect.

7. Processed Meat

Processed Meat

It can be sausages and other such food items. They are dangerous because they contain monosodium glutamate. This preservative is added not only to increase the shelf life of products but also to give the cooked meat a reddish tint and improve the taste.

It can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and cause allergies. And also sausages, especially low quality, stimulate obesity and raise blood cholesterol levels.

8. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks
Energy drinks (Representative Image, Photo credits: Kaboompics)

The harm of these drinks is associated with the presence of harmful components in their composition, such as dyes, sugars, preservatives, an enhancer of taste and aroma, substances that affect the nervous system, and much more. Frequent use of such drinks is addictive, also disrupts the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Also Read: Today’s Women Not Far Behind Men In Drinking Habits

They negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, cause gastritis and ulcers. Cause excessive irritability and depression. Frequent consumption of drinks causes diseases of the skeletal system, since the components of the drink flush out calcium from the body.

9. Corn Syrup

Corn Syrup

It is used in the manufacture of many products as a sweetener and thickener. The composition contains a large amount of fructose. Excessive use causes irreparable damage to the body. It causes disorders of the heart, liver, and intestines.

10. Hydrogenated Oil

They are high in calories and trans fats. When broken down in the body, they release a large number of toxic compounds. It provokes the growth of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduces the level of good.

Excessive use of such products causes a decrease in immunity, heart and vascular disease also causes obesity, and provokes the development of diabetes.

11. Soya Sauce

It slows down metabolic processes in the body. Soya sauce may also cause severe allergic reactions to some people. It stimulates the formation of kidney stones. Also, stimulates appetite and therefore promotes overeating.

Summing Up

Here is a summary of the top 11 foods that bring the most harm to the body than regular sugar:

  • Soda: Leads to obesity and diabetes, flushes calcium from bones.
  • Sweeteners: They are very high in calories and damage the kidneys.
  • Alcohol: The root cause of many deadly diseases.
  • Popcorn: The packaging for the preparation of the product is processed with harmful compounds.
  • Dyes: They cause allergies.
  • Trans Fats: Possess carcinogenic properties.
  • Processed oil: Causes obesity.
  • Energy Drinks: They contain many preservatives, colors, and sweeteners. Together, they are comprehensively harmful to health.
  • Corn syrup: A large amount of fructose affects human health.
  • Hydrogenated oil: Lowers immunity.
  • Soya sauce: Slows down the metabolism.

You should try to refrain from the use of these harmful food items. It will be best if you permanently avoid their use. Look for their healthy substitutes and enjoy good health.

Author: Natasha Soni / N4M Media
The post Top 11 Foods That Are More Harmful Than Sugar appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Thursday, December 24, 2020

Relevance Of Karmik and Indic Studies To Contemporary Education

Relevance Of Karmik and Indic Studies To Contemporary Education:

On the auspicious occasion of Geeta Jayanti, Amity School of Liberal Arts, Amity University Haryana has been busy organizing its 2nd International Conference on “Relevance of Karmik and Indic Studies to Contemporary Education “on 24-25 December 2020 at its Gurugram Campus.

The prime objective of the conference has been to understand the relevance of Karmik and Indic Studies and to incorporate Indic values and knowledge system in contemporary education for harmonious living.

The Chief Guest of the Conference, Prof Sushma Yadav, Vice Chancellor, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwvidayala emphasized on Ka:rmik and Indic Studies and its relevance in all the times. She emphasized on Sat Karma, Dushkarma and Punya Karma which play vital role in growth, leadership and sustainability of one and all. Encouraging the speakers and participants of the Conference, she emphasized over the need of conducting similar events in future with mutual collaboration.

On this occasion, the Vice Chancellor of Amity University Haryana, Prof P. B. Sharma said, “The concept of righteousness in society will be visible if we follow the concepts of the Gita and its action-oriented philosophy.”  He emphasized on Self Discipline, Purity of Mind, Harmony with Nature, Strict Adherence to Truth, Integration of Gyana and Vigyana as in the Bhagwat Gita. He, further, stated that human life will be full of Divine Bliss and Happiness if we go along with the reservoir of our rich philosophical spiritual heritage and Indic knowledge system.

Indic Studies - Vedas
Indic Studies (Representational Image onlY)

Prof. Padmakali Banerjee, the Pro Vice Chancellor of Amity University Haryana stated that, “Modern world is looking forward to Sanskrit as a language and literature for playing a vital role in well being and happiness of society.” She emphasized on assimilating thoughts with actions in human life. She also encouraged karmik and Indic researchers to take their research works further and disseminate the findings of their Indic research works for the well-being of our society.

Also Read: Sanskrit Teaching’s New Tryst With Destiny(Opens in a new browser tab)

In his welcome address, the Chief Convener of the conference and Director (Liberal Arts), Prof. S. K. Jha, voiced over the needs of adopting and adapting to age-old Indic values and knowledge system. He advocated that Sanskrit will ensure our Sanskar (good conduct), and Sanskar will ensure our Sanskriti (Good Culture). Paying a tribute to Prof. C. Bhuvaneswar, Prof. Jha released his edited book “The Rise of Karmikology” with 18 selected papers of Karmik researchers.

The enlightening ceremony was attended by eminent academicians like, Prof. Kamdev Jha, Principal, DAV College, Pehowa, Kurushetra, Haryana, Prof. Ashutosh Dayal Mathur, Head, Department of Sanskrit, St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi. Delhi, Prof.Ashutosh Angiras, S.D. College, Ambala, Haryana; Prof. Girish Chandra Pant, Former Head, Department of Sanskrit, JMI, New Delhi; Mr.Shaalan Najem Abdullah (Iraq), Ms. Shaima Yousif Alzaidy (Iraq),Prof Udaya Narayana Singh, Dr Supriya Sanju, Dr Sunil Mishra, and Dr Shradhanvita and many others.

Author: Peter Heesh
The post Relevance Of Karmik and Indic Studies To Contemporary Education appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



See What Women Entrepreneurs And Influencers Expect In 2021

See What Women Entrepreneurs And Influencers Expect In 2021:

Here we bring together some 2021 expectation quotes from well known Indian women Entrepreneurs and Influencers. These women are well known faces of 2020, who have strived hard with utmost sincerity over the year and have made a mark in life in Indian society. The quotes talk about how these extra-ordinary women look at the coming year 2021, what are the expectations from it to the sector / Industry, and about the lessons learnt from 2020

Shubi Husain – Founder ‘Health Sanctuary’ brand

Shubi Husain In List Of Women Entrepreneurs and Women Influencers

2020 has been a tough year. The pandemic and global lockdowns have changed the way we live, learn and work. Despite all the constraints, this year has also provided an opportunity to take stock and prepare for the road ahead. Uncertainty, lack of control, isolation, loss and an abundance of negative messages surrounding us have affected our mental and physical heath in a big way. This has forced us to figure out how to deal with the stresses that can either sneak up on us gradually or hit us smack in the forehead. In 2021, I encourage you all to focus on wellness and your work will improve as a result. Get out for a walk. Meditate. Reach out to others. Check in on folks. Make sure you have enough margin in your life to think, visualize, breathe.
Let’s welcome 2021 with Gratitude to our Lord for all the blessings we have been bestowed upon in life. May 2021 bring you all loads of happiness, prosperity and great health!

Ms. Geeta Ramakrishnan, Ontological Coach and Author

Women Entrepreneurs

On the other side of the coin, we have seen fear, anxiety, death, and disarray in close quarters. We have been isolated from social life for close to a year, resulting in mental fatigue, lack of confidence, self-esteem, and trust, where the fear still lingers on. Coping with the fear, the uncertainty, the loss, and pain affects our mental wellbeing. The pandemic has helped by making people more aware of mental health. Sharing your thoughts and fear with friends and loved ones always help. Being aware of and seeking the services of professional coaches, counselors and mentors go a long way to not only smoothen the transition post COVID, and to also help reflect and evaluate the life lessons learned, to productively and meaningfully implement sustainable changes needed in facing the post-pandemic life with confidence”

Malini Agarwal – Founder MissMalini and Creative Director Malini’s Girl Tribe

Women entrepreneurs and women influencers

I think the one thing 2020 has made me realise is that expectation v/s reality is a slippery slope. We all had grand plans for 2020 and look where we ended up. The one personal silver lining to the pandemic has been some major personal growth. I have learned more about myself in this one year than I have in the previous 42. While we all hope and expect 2021 to offer some respite and joy, one thing is clear, COVID 19 has made it abundantly evident that nobody on earth is invincible and I think we have all grown closer in our shared vulnerability. I hope we as a race are able to remember these lessons long after the pandemic has passed. For me personally, I plan to spend 2021 focusing on my new and most passionate endeavour. Girl Tribe by MissMalini, a community and consolidated effort to make the Internet a kinder place, especially for women. It is time we applied some of the lessons we have learned in “real life” to the virtual world we have extensively begin to inhabit.

This year has been a roller coaster ride for all of us. When we think of it, this year has given us the power of learning and an understanding of the digital world in millennial times. Yet here we are, slowly overcoming our fears and crossing the obstacles one at a time, all set to bid Adieu to 2020. While adapting ourselves to the new normal, it’s advisable to keep an open mind and welcome 2021 with a positive approach. All in all, rise above your expectations and embrace each day with a new perspective.

Mrs. Damayanti Bhattacharya – Principal of Jasudben  ML School

Women Entrepreneur

“The 2020 Pandemic has thought us a lot of life lessons like the value of life, the value of friends, and the value of time. Money is not the only source of abundance and happiness. With the possibility of COVID vaccines in place, 2021, the year post-COVID looks brighter, a year we have all been waiting for. Being social creatures, we can quickly adapt to getting back to work from the office, looking forward to the physical connection, having a face to face meetings and interaction, and to dress up to work, to the structure the office work hours offer. However, we have created some new habits over the last year and to readjust back to routine is going to need some time. Work from home has taught us the value of artificial intelligence and how to optimize resources while operating them from minimum space.

Chef Aditi Handa – Co-Founder and Head Baker, The Baker’s Dozen 

Women Influencers

Pandemic has been a very stressful phase and everyone is trying to do the best they can. Being an entrepreneur and an essential service provider, the approach I have taken is everyone is responsible for their own self and we should give our 100% to stand strong in such a difficult time. For us, the main aim was to do our best and to keep the production running in a smooth format, as it was our responsibility to serve the daily bread to everyone. We have been very careful with the safety of all our employees and our customers. 

Alsi Read: Whatever Aim US Is SMI©tten By, There Are Lessons For India

The biggest learning for me in 2020 is that having a team is extremely important. When so many new and dynamic things had to be mobilized during the early days of the pandemic, each member of our team went out of their way to ensure the supply of essentials does not stop for our customers.

For the upcoming year, I really wish for things to mold in a better way and for everyone to remain safe and healthy. As a brand, The Baker’s Dozen will be looking forward to expanding our footprints into new cities by entering into the D2C format and will be looking forward to adding new products in our menu

Priti Rathi Gupta – Founder of LXME 

Women Entrepreneurs

2020 for everyone has been the year that never was. But I think we should look at this year as a year of reflection and learning. Uncertainty has been a critical component of working in financial services. However, the most repeated word of this year has been unprecedented. For me, a key observation has been that globally we are still not fully equipped to deal with uncertainty and as we continue to find our way in these uncertain times, the impact for women have been different. A report from McKinsey Global Institute, estimates that women make up almost two-fifths of the global labour force but have suffered more than half of total job losses from the crisis. That’s left them 1.8 times more vulnerable to the pandemic’s impact than men. Particularly in India, I find that the challenges associated with remote working are disproportionately felt by women, as they strive to meet the demands from the home and work simultaneously. This has only made me feel more passionately about a vision where women take control of their finances, which can give them some stability to tide over uncertain times and a social dynamic where the burden of household is shared equally.

Pandemic and 2020 has been a catalyst for growth in investment need and flow. Acceptance of digital platforms has increased manifold. LXME meets all these criteria and more so for women whose financial needs were not met previously. The fintech industry is seeing huge innovation and growth. 

Author: Alisha Jhunjunwala
The post See What Women Entrepreneurs And Influencers Expect In 2021 appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Food E-Commerce: How The World Of Catering Has Been Renewed

Food E-Commerce: How The World Of Catering Has Been Renewed:

The restaurant industry in these years of digitalization has decided to reinvent itself by giving birth to food e-commerce. What are the characteristics of this type of online shop? How is it best implemented and managed? Let’s see it together.

Some research has shown that the amount of profits deriving from the food sector reaches about 12 trillion dollars. This supports the thesis that the food and catering sector does not experience depression, in any sector, from home pizza to biodynamic wine. The food industry is therefore beginning to expand towards new technologies and tools, and this clearly includes the development of e-commerce and online shops , especially following the Corona Virus emergency, which has seen people forced to buy any type of product. via internet platforms.

Elements To Take Into Account For A Successful Food E-Commerce

Whether you are already on the market or you are about to open your business from scratch, the first fundamental step to create a successful food e-commerce is to understand what your target audience is, and to be way of being more original than your competitors.

Start from the careful and profound study of the trends of the moment, the one that is most appreciated in terms of food, for example, nowadays, a redundant theme that we can find on the web is food waste, so you can develop an online shop that is in line with this aspect.

The world of food and catering is very wide, so you have to understand in which segment of this dimension you want to place yourself, there are in fact various types such as: ethnic cuisine, foods linked to particular religious cultures, traditional cuisine, food for celiacs, vegan cuisine, nouvelle cuisine etc.

Deciding which section will represent you is necessary to create the image of your brand and its logo.

The suppliers for your food e-commerce

Especially in the food sector it is essential that you have valid suppliers. Suppliers are the substratum on which your online shop will be founded, and they must be very efficient, as a problem in supplier delivery, for example, will affect the entire online apparatus. So we can say that the positive performance of the supplier will determine a large part of the success of your food e-commerce .

Colors, Logo and Packaging

As a rule, the logo must follow three basic rules, it must be easy to memorize, relevant and captivating and, an aspect not to be underestimated, it must be clear to pronounce. Being able to find a logo that is right for you, is not a very simple operation for those who are not in the trade, not that it is impossible, but it is certainly better to ask for advice from experts who study and work in the branding sector every day.

Catering Industry Renews Itself
How the Catering Industry Struggles to Renew Itself (Representative Image, Photo credits: Norma Mortenson)

Colors are a very important component in the creation of your food e-commerce . Each color has its own meaning, especially in digital marketing, so you never have to choose a color because you like it, but you have to study the one that best reflects the characteristics of your business.

Study a fair price for the products of your food e-commerce .

The next step is to analyze and choose a price that is ideal for selling your groceries. After having gutted your target audience and extrapolating relevant data on their method of purchase, you will be able, without too much difficulty, to determine a suitable cost in reference to your products. There will obviously be both fixed costs, for example, those relating to shipping, warehouse and others. But also variable costs, those in relation to the ingredients, the size of the packaging, the weight of the shipment, and perhaps the shipping region.

Also Read: World’s Top Ten Most Healthy National Cuisines Revealed | N4M Surveys

Set yourself a goal to achieve. Motivate your food e-commerce by setting yourself goals in terms of profit to be achieved for each product put online.

Development and management of your food e-commerce

After studying the market in which you want to launch yourself and drawing up all the characteristics that your online shop will have, the time has come to carry out the project. You start from the assumption that your food e-commerce represents your restaurant or physical place, on the web, it is your showcase, it is your way of showing your customers what you offer them. To do this, there are two possibilities, either you rely on existing marketplaces or, thanks to expert staff, such as ours from Progetto Web Firenze, you can create a food-commerce , customized and suitable for all your needs.

Let’s see together the differences between Marketplace and personalized e-commerce .

Here are the pros and cons of an online shop via Marketplace:


  • Really minimal cost of creation and time of realization;
  • No management of the site, so no problems due to malfunction;
  • Customers already present that you will not have to attract with sponsorship campaigns.


  • You will find your products along with many others, which may compete with yours, so you will not have exclusivity;
  • Communication is much less functional and active;
  • You can’t decide how to set up your site’s exoskeleton, and how to display the products or services you intend to sell.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of selling through your own online shop:


  • Absolute coordination on all changes and modifications that can be implemented on your food e-commerce ;
  • Management and control of sponsorship campaigns;
  • Full autonomy on how to show the products.


  • It all depends on you, from maintenance, to managing problems that may arise on your site, to updating software;
  • You have to create and then design the system of your food e-commerce ;
  • You must be able to create your own niche, all by passing from a via ferrata and functional online advertising, but also offline.

All these aspects relating to the disadvantages section can be overcome with very little effort if you decide to have everything managed by a web agency. In fact, it is not enough just to study, design and build your food e-commerce, but later you will also have to be able to manage all the SEO and search engine positioning activities flawlessly. You will therefore have to do careful work on the keywords to be used to be able to ensure that your site is indexed optimally.

Author: Raunak Pandey
The post Food E-Commerce: How The World Of Catering Has Been Renewed appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Probe Demanded Into Intel Agency Role In Sikder Brothers Fleeing Bangladesh

Probe Demanded Into Intel Agency Role In Sikder Brothers Fleeing Bangladesh:

Who doesn’t know the Sikder family amongst the top echelons of Bangladesh. Yes, the same Sikder brothers and family that is known to have been controlling the banking sector of the country due to their extra ordinary influence in national politics. The Bangladesh embassy in Thailand issues a letter for them to be given Thailand visa and land their private jet in Bangkok while the foreign minister was not aware of this matter, at least what he claims.

Even the police as claimed were unaware about their plans. And to top it all, the airport authority and airport security too were either not aware or should we assume, were hand in gloves in this arrangement.

Sikder Brothers Flee Bangladesh

Several media groups were shocked by the reports of the Sikder brothers fleeing Bangladesh accusing some unknown government officials and diplomats involved in the conspiracy

Police were questioned about the Sikders fleeing the nation and they simple reply that they did not have orders to restrain them from going abroad. How can the Police be so ignorant on this very high profile matter, lest some people in top administration were involved too.

Sikder Brothers and Family of Bangladesh
The Sikder Family – Bangladesh

There are several cases filed against the Sikder brothers in different regions in Bangladesh. The Sikdar brothers were denied bail by the hon’ble supreme court of Bangladesh. The Sikder family has a huge political influence in the nation too. One of the Sikder family members is a nominated member of parliament of the ruling party of Bangladesh.

Role of Bangladesh Intel Personnel Under Doubt

It is being alleged that Director-General of DGFI Bangladesh Maj. Gen. Md. Saiful Alam helped two businessmen Ron Haque Sikder and Rick Haque Sikder, infamously known as the Sikder brothers, flee the nation. There are rumours that the Director-General’s father Rafiqul Alam was paid 6 crore taka, that is equivalent to US$ 700’000 to erase and edit all the negative records of these two brothers.

Sharif Shahabuddin, the editor of an online news blog the Bangladesh Post also comes under the cloud of suspicion for having helped the two flee Bangladesh. The sources also reveal that Sharif has been the middleman facilitating the transaction between Rafiqul Alam and the Sikder brothers.

Saiful Alam as intelligence head, cultivates a strong influence with trade unions and business houses alike. If people are to be believed, its Saiful Alam who single handedly influenced the media, turning the image of his father from a conman and Pakistan supporter to a Mukti Bahini troop. Since 2008 Saiful Alam’s father Rafiqul Alam has been more vocally pretending to be a freedom fighter. He has been thus enjoying all the benefits given to a respected freedom fighter in the country for the past decade.

Rafiqul Alam’s Love For Pakistan

As is common knowledge, Rafiqul Alam was a known supporter of the Pakistan regime during the Bangladesh independence war. He used to work in the Pakistan Ordinance factory before independence of Bangladesh. Rafiqul Alam turned out to be a freedom fighter only after his son, Saiful Alam became the Director-General of Bangladesh’s top intelligence agency DGFI. There is no evidence before 1992 of him having served in the Mukti Bahini or any resistance group against the then Pakistani regime that was oppressing the basic human rights of Bangla people living in East-Pakistan. Also, a meeting with PM Hasina was also arranged by his son.

also read: Alleged Banking Scams At 90,000 Crores, 23 Accused Fly Out Of India

Siraj Sikder was a very strong supporter of former Prime Minister Khalida Zia was a defender and protector of the Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party in Bangladesh. Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party never believed in the idea of Bangla nation during the Pakistani rule and was a strong enemy of the Awami League party of Bangladesh. Siraj declared war against Bangabandhu Sheikh Majibur Rahman’s government. He attacked several politicians, police, and intellectuals within Bangladesh, later he was killed in a police encounter.

Propaganda Against the Bangladesh Government

Kanak Sarwar who is an infamous youtube vlogger is constantly targeting Sheikh Hasina’s government in his YouTube videos while sitting in New York. Kanak fled Bangladesh and secured asylum in the United States. He is a strong believer of Wahabi Islamist ideology and is on a mission to tarnish the image of a developing Bangladesh under the rule of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Kanak claims to expose many Bangladeshi army personnel including Maj. Gen. Tarique Ahmed Siddique, COAS Genl. Aziz Ahmed, Lt. Gen. Shafiqur Rahman, and many more.

Sikder Brothers
Shafiqul Alam posing with PM Sheikh Hasina

Kanak fled Bangladesh escaping legal proceedings against his involvement in several conspiracies and for spreading Islamist propaganda in the country. Kanak Sarwar was also given bureaucratic support by some high officials in Bangladesh who follow the same agenda as he is.

Kanak is constantly working against PM Hasina’s patriotic agenda of developing Bangladesh. Sitting in the US the vlogger is working overtime tarnishing and instigating senior army officials and other diplomats to Cul-De-Sac the Hasina regime.

Another interesting fact is that Kanak has never attacked DG DGDFI Md. Saiful Alam, which leaves much to be said about his relationship with the DG’s father AKM Rafiqul Alam.

“Bangladesh Post” is a part of the conspiracy

Sharif Shahabuddin, the editor of a news blog the Bangladesh Post who played middleman between Rafigul Alam and the Sikder family, is also alleged to be playing a very aggressive role in projecting AKM Rafigul Alam as a freedom fighter by all means.

Bangladesh Post can be seen to be regularly posting the concocted and unverified heroic stories of AKM Rafiqul Alam. In exchange for the additional monetary benefits that Sharif receives with this relationship between him and the Alams (Rafiqul Alam and his son the DG-DGFI Saiful Alam) make him plant stories and glorify the grease-painted past of this former Pakistan supporter.

Also Read: Is India Obligated To Offer Home For Rohingyas? (Opens in a new browser tab)

Editor of Bangladesh Post, Sharif Shabuddin is even known within the Bangladesh media circle as an opportunist. He literally deserted the country couple of decades ago, but only to return after the Awami League came to power in 2009. There are also rumors about Shabuddin being involved in extorting a huge sum of money from individuals and working as a lobbyist in various government offices under the shadow of Rafiqul Alam.

Threat to Bangladesh-India friendship

The friendship between India and Bangladesh is not new. India played a very important role in the liberation of Bangladesh from Pakistan. In the recent past, it has also been seen that several media groups are not helping the Hasina government maintain this relationship with India. The role of intelligence agencies is very crucial in foreign relations. Since Maj. Gen. Saiful Alam took the charge as DG of DGFI Bangladesh the media reports and relations between the two friendly nations started deteriorating. At this point, India can’t afford to lose a true friend. PM Hasina must take note and work towards betterment of these relations.

A growing country like Bangladesh should seriously be concerned about the appointment of it’s top security personnel. If people who work against the interests of the citizens of Bangladesh are appointed to such authoritative positions then no wonder Dhaka would see it’s worst days again.

Author: Synthia Rozario
The post Probe Demanded Into Intel Agency Role In Sikder Brothers Fleeing Bangladesh appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Friday, December 18, 2020

Here’s Why Data Science Course In India Is The Next Best Thing

Here’s Why Data Science Course In India Is The Next Best Thing:

There was a time in India when being a Developer or a Tester was a great thing. It’s still great, but the difference now is that you have greater things to be, such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, and a lot more. Data Science though a “not-so-mainstream” domain, has gained a lot of demand and interest in India. Training institutes just couldn’t let this amazing opportunity go, so you’ll see a lot of Data Science courses being offered, both online and offline. When the whole Indian IT industry has put Data Science in the spotlight, let’s not turn our eyes away. Training yourself is the first stepping stone to build a successful career in Data Science. And getting yourself enrolled in related courses are a great start. So, as we get to the end of this article, we’ll see how a Data Science course in India helps aspiring Data Science professionals reach their goals.

Data Science Course in India – Boosting Indian IT

Interest in Data Science jobs is mutual – organizations are interested in hiring skilled professionals, and many people are trying to land a Data Science job. Organizations get hundreds to thousands of applications to fill these vacancies every day. And it’s getting difficult for companies to find the right person to fill these positions. One way of making this process easier is to lean towards people with certifications in Data Science. It is because if you have a certification, it’s ok to assume that you know the concepts and have got some hands-on experience. And online courses have proven to be a great way to get these certifications. Before getting to how a Data Science course in India could be beneficial for you and what you should look for in aData Science course in India, let’s understand why there is all this buzz about Data Science.

Demand for Data Science

Every enterprise is consistently generating bulks of data. While storing and managing it is one challenge, making something useful out of it is another. Because companies know how beneficial data can be for their business, they don’t want to stop collecting data or destroy the data they already have. The only option left is to put this data to use. And to do this, you need Data Science.

  • Forbes says Data Science job listings will go up to 2.72 million by the end of 2020!
  • The demand for Data Science professionals is spread across various industries such as Finance, Marketing, IT, etc.
  • Almost every company dealing with bulk data has a vacancy for a data science job role. And this requirement is just going higher.
  • There’s a gap between the technical requirement of companies wanting to hire and the applicants. So, if you have good Data Science skills, you’ll find a lot of opportunities.

Also, it’s never too late to get into Data Science. If you’re already working in another domain and want to make a switch to Data Science, that’s also possible. Someone who has been working in Data Science from the beginning would have developed skills to find patterns and extract meaningful data. But in some cases, you need to have a good understanding of data to find what can be helpful. That’s why the hiring for Data Science jobs is flexible if you understand data. You will see many such instances where a cybersecurity professional switched to data science because their understanding of cyber data makes it easier to find patterns and extract data.

So, whether you’re a fresher, someone who’s just started in Data Science, or someone working in a different domain, the demand for Data Science is such that there are enough opportunities for everyone.

Data Science Career Scope – Salary, Growth, And More

What do you look for in a promising job? Good salary, job security, personal growth, etc. Data Science jobs have got all this covered. It is one of the highest paying domains in the IT industry. The average salary for an entry-level Data Scientist is around 7 LPA. And after a few years of experience, you can easily get more than 20-25 LPA at an intermediate level.

While you’re working in Data Science, you will have to work on various stacks, algorithms and tools, and different strategies. All of this helps you in your personal growth. Right from the beginning to the end, there’s always something you can learn. You wouldn’t come to a point where your growth becomes stagnant. There’s a new challenge coming up every day, there’s a new strategy being used, every data is different, and hence, personal growth is consistent throughout your Data Science job.

Data Science Course in India - Data Scientist
Data Science Career (Representative Image, Photo credits: Photo by Mentatdat)

Not for Everyone

The hype and demand for Data Science professionals are not temporary. As days pass, more and more data is being generated. And the amount of data being generated is drastically increasing. With new innovations, technologies, and ideas coming up, data generation will always be there. Due to this, there will always be a need for skilled Data Science professionals.

Companies say that 70-80% of the applicants wanting to land a Data Science job lack the Data Science skills that companies are looking for. Educational qualification can get you only to a certain point. But you need a strong knack, out of the box thinking, logical and reasoning ability. Well, you can gain these with experience, but you also need at least a minimum amount of Data Science skills to get into Data Science. So, you need to be smart about how you choose to learn Data Science.

Even though there’s a lot of competition for Data Science jobs, very few have got what it takes. It is advantageous for you because the amount of potential competition of applicants compared to the real competition is very less. So, not everyone’s got what it takes to be a Data Science professional. The reason for this is that it’s not very easy to be a good Data Science professional. But there’s no fun in eating the fruit of success without hard work. So, if you want to be a part of that little percentage of people who have a shot at landing a Data Science job, you need to learn Data Science in a way that you gain the most important Data Science skills.

Making a Difference

When you end up with a problem to solve in Data Science, you are responsible for finding a solution that’ll make a difference in the real world. Healthcare, Finance, Military, Information Science, every industry has got enough data to analyse and make smart decisions or predict future things. And they are all reliant on Data Science to arm them with the intelligence they need.

With so much research going on today in various fields and technologies, data is the only thing that can provide facts needed to build a relying system. And this applies to every industry, domain, and company. Data Science is bringing a revolution to the world by proving how valuable data can be when used smartly. There’s a lot of scope for innovations and inventions. And every Data Science problem you’ll be solving will contribute to making the world a better place.

Choosing a Data Science Course in India

It all comes down to how you train yourself to get into the Data Science domain. You need to understand three important things and be successful at your Data Science job:

  • Logical reasoning and out of the box thinking
  • Understanding of Data Science concepts
  • Ability to practically implement solutions and hands-on expertise

These are the basic Data Science skills that will make your Data Science career smooth. And the simplest way to get this? By enrolling in a Data Science Course in India.

You’ll find a lot of offline and online Data Science courses in India. And most of these courses offer the same thing. There’s a small line between a good and a great course. And you should be able to identify it and choose a great course.

So what does a great Data Science course in India looks like? First and foremost, it should cover the most basic essential concepts of Data Science. It should train you theoretically and practically by helping you understand how Data Science works in real life and make you implement real-world-based projects. It should teach you to use the most popular and latest tools and technologies.

So, if you’re looking for a Data Science course in India to be a great Data Science professional, you should surely try Springboard’s Data Science program. Springboard offers training in various domains and technologies, out of which Data Science is one of the leading ones. It checks all the boxes to be considered a good course and offers 1:1 mentoring, live training, industry experts as mentors, career coaching sessions and a lot more, which qualifies it as a great course. So, without any more delay, check out Springboard’s Data Science Career Program.

Author: Peter Heesh
The post Here’s Why Data Science Course In India Is The Next Best Thing appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Holiday Season

5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Holiday Season:

As we come to the end of what has been a stressful, and overwhelming, year for everyone, it is becoming more important to pause and evaluate where we are emotionally, mentally, and physically. As the festive holiday season approaches, the thought of celebrating without our usual company and trimmings could lead to feelings of sadness, depression, and anxiety.

To avoid those negative emotions from setting in, here are some things you can do to treat yourself and remain positive.

1. Take Up a New Hobby

Considering how much more time people have been spending in front of their computer screens in recent months, picking up a new hobby might be the kindest thing to do for yourself this holiday season. When our personal spaces, become our workspaces and then go back to being home, it can be very confusing to separate the two.

The best way to get any relaxation is to focus your mind on something you find interesting and calming. If you like online gaming, have a spin at online roulette. By watching the roulette wheel spin, some say, that it can be soothing to the eye. Otherwise, it can also allow you to up your skills in maths and concentration. But if you’re more for arts and crafts, order some supplies online and create your own tranquil and calming mental space.

2. Cook Something You Love

You might not be able to go out to your favourite restaurant but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go without the delicious cuisine that you’ve grown accustomed to. Fortunately, there are hundreds of really good and renowned food blogs and websites that you’re likely to find your favourite recipe on.

Cook Something you love this holiday season (Representative Image, Photo credits: Nicole Michalou)

People who cook their own food often find the act of cooking to be calming and can bring a sense of accomplishment, further boosting your mood.

3. Some TLC

Considering all the work and financial stresses that you’ve probably had to ensure this year, try to remember the last time you treated yourself to a relaxing at-home treatment. If you can, a massage is a good option as it releases stress and boasts other benefits. If this is not a viable option for you, then a bubble bath and a blow-out might be just what you need to feel relaxed and pampered this holiday season.

4. Unplug

This next tip might be a cause for anxiety for most, especially if you are on call 24/7, but if you manage your time and workload correctly it is something that can be achieved. Most people don’t remember a time before our electronics devices were constantly on and active and while they may make life more convenient, it can also cause a lot of stress. To give yourself a little break, considering unplugging for a weekend or a few hours to restore your mental health and connect with the moments in your life.

5. Get Active

Odds are that you have already tried to get active in the past by using diets and other trends. Getting active as a means to release stress is different in that you are doing it for yourself. The more you exercise, the happier you will become, the easier you will rest and you will have more energy throughout the day. The upside is that most of us are in our homes so there’s no need to feel ashamed of falling off the wagon and starting again this holiday season.

Author: Alisha Jhunjunwala
The post 5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Holiday Season appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



Tuesday, December 15, 2020

5 Ways To Personalize Any Room in Your Home

5 Ways To Personalize Any Room in Your Home:

Making your house feel like home is so important, especially when you’re living amidst lockdown during a global pandemic. Now that you’re spending more time at home than ever before, you’re likely looking at your space with a whole new lens. Use your new perspective to your advantage and start making some meaningful improvements.

In this post, we’re sharing five ways to personalize any room in your home. Read on to learn more!

1. Proudly Display Your Style

An interior designer’s ultimate goal is to make their client’s home feel A) comfortable and functional and B) showcase their personal style. As the designer of your own destiny, you should focus on the same two ideas.

When it comes to displaying your unique taste, it’s a good idea to start with display options. Things like open shelves, glass cases, and trinkets can easily be incorporated throughout your home to show off your style, collections, and life adventures. Here are some fun ideas to pull inspiration from:

  • Install open shelving in your kitchen to display your collection of ceramic dishes and eclectic cookware.
  • Use shadow boxes to artfully store trinkets from your travels abroad and trips to the flea market.
  • Repurpose some of your favorite wine bottles into funky candle holders.
  • Decorate your coffee table with cool coffee table booksand coasters.

2. Add Personalized Artwork

Artwork is always very telling of a person’s style and, of course, adding artwork to personalize any room in your home is a great way to dress up a drab space. The best part? There are so many amazing mediums to choose from to achieve your desired aesthetic. Check out these uniquely personalized ideas:

  • Hang up a personalized canvas art on your fireplace mantle, above your bed, or in the den to show off a special memory.
  • Shop from your favorite small businesses to find artisan designs that are local to your hometown.
  • Create your own pot or sculpture with the help of an air dry clay kit; display your creation in any room of your home!
  • Reupholster an old piece of furniture or pillows to make them more your own.
  • Turn one of your quarantine creations—like that artsy puzzle you finally finished—into a unique hanging piece or table facade. Just place glass over your masterpiece for an easy and artful addition.

3. Send A Message With Your Common Room Decor

Chalkboards are a really fun way to show off your art skills, share special notes with your housemates, and above all, incorporate your personal flair. All you need to DIY a chalk wall is a blank wall, painter’s tape, chalk paint, and chalk. Chalk walls work great in kitchens and dens but they can also look great and offer up functionality when placed near the front door — add hooks for bag and key storage and you’ll have the perfect setup!

Personalize any room at Home
Personalize any space at home (Representative Image, credits: Tw)

4. Refresh Your Rental

Rentals tend to be pretty drab. From white walls and stuffy carpets to unsightly backsplashes, there are probably plenty of renovation projects you dream of doing in your rental. However, many landlords and property managers prohibit any kind of unapproved renovation activity… keyword “unapproved.”

With a little convincing and a well-thought out plan, you may be able to get your landlord to agree to a small project to personalize any room and spruce up the space. Redoing backsplashes, repainting, upgrading your outdoor space and replacing blinds are great starter projects to propose and you may even get some financial support from your landlord if you’re lucky. Plus, adjusting small details like these goes a long way in styling your space exactly how you want it.

5. Tell Your Life Story Through Photography

Displaying photographs is one of the easiest ways you can start to personalize any space. From travels to precious family memories, there are so many meaningful options to choose from. Start by selecting some of your favorites and try to curate them so that your collection looks great when put together. Then, have your photos professionally printed and select frames to your liking — the thrift store is a great place to find unique frames!

Which of these five home decorating tips will you try out first? Share your personalization plans with us in the comment section below!

Author: Sandy John
The post 5 Ways To Personalize Any Room in Your Home appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



“India Stands At Present At The Cusp Of Interesting Times”, Says Minister

“India Stands At Present At The Cusp Of Interesting Times”, Says Minister:

Indian chemical and petrochemical sector holds huge potential to emerge as global manufacturing hub, says Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda, Hon’ble Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers at ASSOCHAM event

Speaking at an ASSOCHAM Foundation Week conference, Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda, Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers, today said that India stands at present at the cusp of interesting times when we have the big opportunity to make India into a global manufacturing hub for chemicals which could be achieved with both the industry and the government working on this together.

Addressing the session on Future of manufacturing in India – becoming a competitive global hub”  at ASSOCHAM’s virtual conference the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers said, I believe that Indian chemical and petrochemical sector holds potential to emerge as global manufacturing hub. We are aware of the need to support cluster-based development of the sector through provision of world class infrastructure and logistics, and the Department is working on it. The sector has great opportunity to leverage on its talent pool and resources to attain a successful position in the world market. In addition, India has been increasing its export of chemical products in the recent years, so growth will also be a factor of buoyant exports.”

“India’s long-term growth scenario, supported by strong macro fundamentals bodes well for chemical manufacturing companies. I am told the chemical sector has a network of 200 national laboratories and 1,300 Research and Development (R&D) centers which provide a strong base to become innovation oriented. Shifting focus towards R&D would also facilitate growing opportunities which could propel Indian chemical industry to become global manufacturing hub and penetrate global value chain, he added.

Assocham Foundation Week
Screen grab – ASSOCHAM Foundation Week Celebrations (Pic credits: ASSOCHAM)

Speaking on the overall potential for manufacturing sector in the country Shri Gowda said: The future of manufacturing sector in India is promising. Our manufacturing base has become mature and can rise up to occasion whenever necessary…. The Government under the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister has taken several measures to boost competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. As a result of proactive and business friendly approach of the Government, India had done extremely well in consecutive ease of doing business reports of World Bank. India’s rank improved to 63 in 2019 from a low rank of 142 in 2014. India has emerged as one of the top investment destinations among emerging economies. In 2018-19, India attracted FDI inflows of 73 billion dollar, up 18 % from previous year.”

Also Read: Chemical Science & Chemical Technology To Help Develop New India (Opens in a new browser tab)

ASSOCHAM is organising a five day long virtual conference on its Foundation Week from 15th to 19th December 2020 with central theme “India’s resilience: Atmanirbhar roadmap towards US$5 trillion economy” where series of sessions will be dedicated by various ministers including Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkiri, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Shri Piyush Goyal, Smt Smriti Zubin Irani, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Shri Santosh Gangwar, Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, and Shri Prahlad Singh Patel.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Niranjan Hiranandani, President ASSOCHAM, said, “The Indian chemical industry presents excellent potential and is expected to register a growth of 8-9 per cent in the next decade and is expected to double its share in the global chemical industry to about 6 per cent by 2021. The Indian chemical industry has a significant potential for growth, provided some of the key drivers are focused upon like Securing Feedstock, Right Product Mix and M&A opportunities. The Government could continue to work toward the ease of doing business in India by streamlining regulations and processes and by issuing clear directives on future regulatory requirements. I am sure the insightful views from the experts would further contribute to the initiatives of the Government on making India a global manufacturing hub.”

Welcoming  Mr Gowda and the eminent panellists, Mr. Deepak Sood,  Secretary General ASSOCHAM, said, “As we work towards enhancing our manufacturing prowess, we want to reduce our dependence on imports by strengthening the domestic ecosystem and at the same time enhance our share of exports. As several global oil and gas majors turn their sights on downstream chemical opportunities, India presents itself as a favoured investment destination in the petrochemicals segment. I would like to welcome our eminent industry guests and Hon’ble Minister to this discussion and look forward to their insights on making India a manufacturing powerhouse”.

Also Read: Post Covid – “Manage Me” Emerges As New Normal Of Management Education (Opens in a new browser tab)

Mr. Jai Shroff, Global CEO, UPL Group said, “Chemical sector is the key sector in realizing Atmanirbharta and it has to play an important role in realising Honorable Prime Minister’s vision for India. India has ample manufacturing potential for chemicals sector which needs to be leveraged to substitute imports and promote exports. For India, to emerge as a dominant leader in the sector, research and development and creation of centres of excellence need to be promoted and encouraged!

Speaking at the session, Mr. Janardhanan Ramanujalu, Vice President & Regional Head- South Asia & Australia, SABIC, said, All of Industrial Revolution 4.0 ingredients like precision manufacturing, digital capability, talent availability and supportive policies makes India best suited to be the global manufacturing hub”.

Mr. Adnan Ahmad, Region Head – India, Clariant Chemicals (India) Limited, said, “India’s position as a global manufacturing hub contender was always a given. The only question was when would we take cross the tipping point. Now we are seeing opportunities for the Specialty Chemicals Industry like never before, with the local demand expected to grow exponentially and global industries looking to de-risk their Supply Chain dependency on China. It is now time for us to act and move into a role that was destined to be ours, as a Global Manufacturing Hub for chemicals.”

Giving the vote of thanks Mr. Vineet Agarwal, Sr. Vice President ASSOCHAM said, “  As the country stands by the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of making India a $5 trillion economy, a strengthened manufacturing ecosystem would be crucial to attracting global investments. We are delighted to note that the Ministry is in the process of creating an action plan for chemicals’ exports and is giving preference to local suppliers through public procurement aimed at boosting ‘Make in India’. This would not only transform the manufacturing sector but also boost job opportunities, helping India leverage its vast demographic dividend.”


ASSOCHAM initiated its endeavour of value creation for Indian industry in 1920. It was established by promoter Chambers, representing all regions of India. Having in its fold over 400 Chambers and Trade Associations, and serving over 4.5 lakh members across India. ASSOCHAM has emerged as the fountainhead of Knowledge for Indian industry, which is all set to redefine the dynamics of growth and development in the Knowledge Based Economy.

Author: Sandy John
The post “India Stands At Present At The Cusp Of Interesting Times”, Says Minister appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



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