Friday, December 18, 2020

5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Holiday Season

5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Holiday Season:

As we come to the end of what has been a stressful, and overwhelming, year for everyone, it is becoming more important to pause and evaluate where we are emotionally, mentally, and physically. As the festive holiday season approaches, the thought of celebrating without our usual company and trimmings could lead to feelings of sadness, depression, and anxiety.

To avoid those negative emotions from setting in, here are some things you can do to treat yourself and remain positive.

1. Take Up a New Hobby

Considering how much more time people have been spending in front of their computer screens in recent months, picking up a new hobby might be the kindest thing to do for yourself this holiday season. When our personal spaces, become our workspaces and then go back to being home, it can be very confusing to separate the two.

The best way to get any relaxation is to focus your mind on something you find interesting and calming. If you like online gaming, have a spin at online roulette. By watching the roulette wheel spin, some say, that it can be soothing to the eye. Otherwise, it can also allow you to up your skills in maths and concentration. But if you’re more for arts and crafts, order some supplies online and create your own tranquil and calming mental space.

2. Cook Something You Love

You might not be able to go out to your favourite restaurant but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go without the delicious cuisine that you’ve grown accustomed to. Fortunately, there are hundreds of really good and renowned food blogs and websites that you’re likely to find your favourite recipe on.

Cook Something you love this holiday season (Representative Image, Photo credits: Nicole Michalou)

People who cook their own food often find the act of cooking to be calming and can bring a sense of accomplishment, further boosting your mood.

3. Some TLC

Considering all the work and financial stresses that you’ve probably had to ensure this year, try to remember the last time you treated yourself to a relaxing at-home treatment. If you can, a massage is a good option as it releases stress and boasts other benefits. If this is not a viable option for you, then a bubble bath and a blow-out might be just what you need to feel relaxed and pampered this holiday season.

4. Unplug

This next tip might be a cause for anxiety for most, especially if you are on call 24/7, but if you manage your time and workload correctly it is something that can be achieved. Most people don’t remember a time before our electronics devices were constantly on and active and while they may make life more convenient, it can also cause a lot of stress. To give yourself a little break, considering unplugging for a weekend or a few hours to restore your mental health and connect with the moments in your life.

5. Get Active

Odds are that you have already tried to get active in the past by using diets and other trends. Getting active as a means to release stress is different in that you are doing it for yourself. The more you exercise, the happier you will become, the easier you will rest and you will have more energy throughout the day. The upside is that most of us are in our homes so there’s no need to feel ashamed of falling off the wagon and starting again this holiday season.

Author: Alisha Jhunjunwala
The post 5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Holiday Season appeared first on N4M (News4masses).



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